話說某天晚上, 我在床上看書, 一直看看到深夜, 突然間有人私信給我,我打開看是一個男人的英文名, 我看了一眼, 肯定是不認識的, 我正打算放下手機時, 眼睛再飄一飄, 看到對方的中文名, 噢! 原來是認識的, 但起碼20年沒見了, 他是我中學同學. “HELLO SHARON! 看你的FAEBOOK, 你看來很好呀!, 有空見個面, 聚下舊.” 他說
於是我回覆: “很久不見了, 你最近好嗎? 我們喝個咖啡.” 於是對方簡短告訴了我一下他近況, 但誰不知他突然問我: 你還記得你以前放學坐小巴時, 你教我唱歌嗎?
我呆一呆, 停了一下: “ 我?! 唔會掛! 咁7既事我都會做?” 當然我只是心想, 於是, 我這樣回他: 哈哈! 有這樣的事嗎? 我忘了. ( 我真的忘了)
他繼續說: “那你記得你教我唱什麼歌嗎? “ ( 當然不可能記得) “ 是SEALED WITH A KISS…..那時候我太PURE, 不明白你的意思…”
我直情嚇到差點跌落床, 我即時回覆: “我完全忘記有這樣的事情, 我不肯定你說的是否真實, 但即使是真實, DON’T GET ME WRONG, 我只是喜歡這首歌而己.” 他笑.
過了一會他又說: “ 這件事纏繞了我三十年, 我在外國時也一直想起這件事…”
我看一看鍾, 他第一個私信發給我時是晚上差不多十一時半, 我們來來回回MESSAGE大概在零晨時停止 .
可能他太DRY, 否則點可能半夜三更來尋找他三十年前的MYTH? 但為什麼對象是我呢?! 總之, 什麼表情可以回應這些荒謬呢?😑😑😑🙄🙄🙄🤔🤔🤔🤔😓😓😓😓😓🥴
......今晚鄭子誠上身,送大家一首....sealed w a 💋
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Dd tai,也在其Youtube影片中提到,1. 應該要自愛 2. 香港製造 3. Don't Be Cruel / 佛跳牆 4. Love Me Tender 5. I Started A Joke 6. Sealed With A Kiss 7. 行快D啦 8. 一生想玉人 9. 最緊要好玩 10. .鐵塔凌雲 11.那裡是吾家 12. ...
sealed with中文 在 葉漢浩 Alex Ip Facebook 的最佳貼文
URGENT! Sign the petition to German Parliament NOW!
If we collect more than 50000 signatures within 28 days (deadline being Christmas Day), Petition Committee of German Parliament will have to hold a public hearing on solid actions to support human rights in Hong Kong.
HOWEVER, we're not even reaching one-tenth of goal, and we only have 18 days left! The procedure is not as straightforward, but please follow this video and ask everyone to sign.
Subject of petition: Stop the humanitarian crisis in Hong Kong with immediate concrete measures by the Federal Government
👉 聯署網址 Petition website: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/…/…/_23/Petition_99604.html
English teaching video for signing the petition: https://youtu.be/c3rSaJzd_8o
聯署信的英譯請轆到最低參閱!The English translation of petition content is attached below, please scroll down to read.
Germany Stand with Hong Kong
[English Translation of Petition]
Safeguard Hong Kong, No More Suppression on Human Rights!
We are a group of Hongkongers living in Germany. Due to the out-of-hand violence of the Hong Kong Police Force (hereinafter referred to as the "HKPF"), the social movement in Hong Kong has turned into a humanitarian disaster. We call on the Federal Republic of Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Federal Government”) to provide emergency assistance and we urge the Federal Government to take immediate and practicable action.
Abusive use of weapons and dereliction of duty by HKPF:
1. Protesters and passengers were assaulted by suspected triad groups in metro stations, and police only arrived 40 minutes after reports were made (Yuen Long MTR station on 21 July; similar attacks happened in Tsuen Wan and North Point on 5 August and 11 August respectively)
2. Mishandling a teenage female protester by male police officers, exposing her body parts during the arrest (Tin Shui Wai on 4 Aug)
3. Manipulation and deliberate planting of evidence (eg. putting sharp bamboo stick into protester’s backpacks, unsealing evidence bags that should remain sealed until presented at court)
4. 3 Members of Legislative Council, and more student activists were arrested by the police and 2 organizers of demonstrations were attacked by thugs on 30 August which is the eve of a massive demonstration
5. Police stormed the metro station, beat protesters and passengers in the station and on the train, closed all the exits and then expel all reporters and first-aiders from the metro station (Prince Edward MTR station on 31 Aug)
In order to protect German expatriates and the interests of German enterprises in Hong Kong, as well as to protect the human rights of EU citizens in Hong Kong, we urge the Federal Government to consider taking the following actions:
1. Halt all export of crowd control equipment and “less-lethal” weaponry to Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
2. Express concerns regarding the escalating tension in Hong Kong and safety of German expatriates in Hong Kong
3. Deploy official Human Rights Observer to Hong Kong and to make an independent observation at the frontline
4. Acknowledge that protesters in Hong Kong may be persecuted on political grounds and adjust its asylum policy to Hong Kong asylum seekers
5. Halt any cooperation and exchange programme with the HKPF
6. Forbid entry into the EU / Revoke the right of abode or EU citizenship (if any) / Freeze the assets in EU of senior officers of Hong Kong Government and pro-China legislators and their immediate family members (if any)
made up of lovable Hongkongers,
who yearn for freedom, democracy and human rights,
was, is now and ever will be
a FREE PORT which belongs to the world of civilization.
sealed with中文 在 Dd tai Youtube 的最佳解答
1. 應該要自愛 2. 香港製造 3. Don't Be Cruel / 佛跳牆 4. Love Me Tender 5. I Started A Joke 6. Sealed With A Kiss 7. 行快D啦 8. 一生想玉人 9. 最緊要好玩 10. .鐵塔凌雲 11.那裡是吾家 12. 洋紫荊 13. 同舟共濟
1990年,在陳少寶轉往亞太區後,關維麟將其轉回寶麗金,推出大碟《香港情懷90》。 一曲《急流勇退》,可見許冠傑已萌生退休的想法。他開始逐漸淡出舞台。 同年許氏兄弟重組,拍攝喜劇《新半斤八兩》,取得暑期票房冠軍,為年度票房第三位。
2014年4月18日至4月20日,於紅磡體育館舉行3場《許冠傑What a Wonderful World演唱會》,其後開始世界巡迴演出。8月,任香港電台電視節目《我們都是這樣唱大的》第一集嘉賓,講述音樂事業點滴。
本集分段時間表: (多謝網友提供) 應該要自愛 0:01 , 香港製造 1:46 , Don't Be Cruel /佛跳牆 4:25 , Love Me Tender 7:14 , I Started A Joke 9:47 , Sealed With A Kiss 11:50 , 行快 D 啦 13:50 , 一生想玉人 15:07 , . 最緊要好玩 16:47 , .鐵塔凌雲 19:29 , 那裡是吾家 22:30 , 洋紫荊 24:46 , 同舟共濟 28:29 ,

sealed with中文 在 ajin Youtube 的最佳解答
哈囉~我是阿津,歡迎來觀看我的遊戲實況直播影片( ´ω`)
pc steam Dead Rising 2 死亡復甦 二 丧尸围城2 動作雙人合作連線惡搞殺殭屍
故事背景設定在前作數年後,當年在造成殭屍危機的病毒在遊戲落幕後並未受到控制,而是在無防備狀態下擴散到全美國,使得美國各地不斷遭受殭屍的侵襲。玩家將扮演主角恰克‧葛林(Chunk Greene),在被稱為「賭徒天堂」的幸運市(Fortune City)再度展開生死存亡之戰。探索並征服這個紙醉金迷的休閒勝地,並面對成千上萬殭屍大軍的威脅。
► 定時收看最新影片,請按這裡訂閱頻道 http://goo.gl/K2pnd
► 各種生活動態都會貼在FB粉絲頁 http://www.facebook.com/tttd3
► twitch直播台 http://zh-tw.twitch.tv/kamiyu666
► 副頻道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kamiyu665
► 影片清單在此 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzqZq_wDhpdEaG71f4wmW0xlETHqCC45
Five years after the events of Dead Rising, former motocross champion Chuck Greene is in the fictional casino town of Fortune City, Nevada, to take part in Terror Is Reality, a controversial sports entertainment game show where contestants kill zombies for money and fame. Chuck needs the prize money to buy Zombrex (a daily medication that suppresses the zombification process) for his daughter Katey, who was bitten by her zombified mother during a previous outbreak in Las Vegas when she was only 4 years old. While backstage after the show, the show's supply of zombies is released; Chuck rescues Katey and makes his way to an emergency shelter, which is sealed after their arrival. Raymond Sullivan (the only security guard to reach the shelter alive) is initially reluctant to let the infected Katey in, but Chuck promises to keep her supplied with Zombrex until the military arrives in three days.