關於Delta - COVID之我見
最近COVID嘅delta strain係世界各地爆到七彩,美國、英國同澳洲都失守,瘋狂社區感染。好多「智者」成日會話疫苗可能有長遠影響而無人知,甚至鼓勵民眾齊齊感染共享肺炎,到底由得COVID爆有咩問題?
Point form
1. 其實好有趣,「智者」們會話無人知疫苗長遠有咩影響,但其實都無人知中完COVID,幸運地康復後長遠有咩重大影響,近排都有唔少研究講long COVID syndrome,係咪真係重感冒咁簡單呢,似乎又唔係。
2. 「智者」們會用最新WHO/CDC/NEJM等嘅研究去講話打完疫苗都係可以照傳染,咁點解要打,仲笑打疫苗嘅人on9承受疫苗風險。的確,疫苗來得太遲,當初對alpha asymptomatic transmission嘅保護力的確相當高,但依加流行緊嘅係delta就變相得返symptomatic disease嘅保護力。即係點?即係可以避免你出現徵狀,但無法避免你傳染俾其他人。
有咩implication?就係如果解封、開關嘅話,打咗疫苗嘅人中招後出現徵狀、要入ICU、要插喉或用呼吸機甚至死亡嘅機會低好多,但無打嘅人就會係Baseline risk。
3. 瘋狂爆delta有咩問題?就係一些原本諗住淨係俾特定population打嘅疫苗變咗要balance risk and benefit去俾更年輕嘅人打。例如澳洲打AZ由本來限60歲以上就最近降到18歲以上就建議打。
但個問題就出現,AZ或美國J&J Adenovirus vector疫苗有好罕有嘅機會出現VITTS,通常係第一劑嘅4-42日出現,常見於年輕女性。當谷針或市民擔心感染打完AZ後,如果出現頭痛或肚痛咁點算?
無一個醫生會敢寫包單當係vaccine constitutional symptoms,你去睇家庭醫生佢會叫你去急症,你去急症佢會幫你抽Platelet +/- D-dimer +/- fibrinogen。但當個病人好擔心個頭痛或肚痛係因為打疫苗嘅VITTS,有無醫生敢唔做investigation呢?即使目前個rate大約係86/25 million = 0.000344% (Nature and European studies)
如是者,每個打完AZ/J&J疫苗嘅病人去醫院,基本上都會抽血,抽完血如果個病人堅持甚至會照CT brain venogram/CTPA/CT venogram/Doppler US等等。
4. 醫療資源係有限,由得COVID爆嘅問題就係當資源用盡時,到底救邊個。現代醫療好嘅地方係好多古時會死嘅病,今時今日可以避免到。一個嚴重嘅COVID,及早使用remdesivir, dexamethasone +/- regeneron嘅monoclonal antibodies(有d國家會用Tocilizumab但evidence未太明朗)可以減低重症同死亡率。嚴重時用high flow/NIV/Ventilator又要去ICU 1:1或2:1護士比例去照顧個病人。
我當你1%要ICU support,如果你好似英美咁一日爆幾萬,你每日都會增加幾百個要用ICU資源嘅病人。呢d資源好多時候其他病人,例如COPD exacerbation/renal crisis/trauma/sepsis等等唔少嘅病人都可以靠ICU逃過鬼門關,但如果一路爆,要搶資源時,就要簡人去救。
5. 繼續社區爆發嘅問題係邊?就係好多elective或non urgent嘅治療或手術會被取消。邊d係elective/non urgent?例如激光打腎石、小腸氣、割膽去膽石、前列腺增生、mental health嘅ECT/CBT、allied health嘅rehab/physio/occu/speech等等,下刪幾百種可以改善生活質素嘅手術或治療要被延後。
呢d全部都要考慮嘅嘢,「智者」們係唔會話你聽,因為佢地無受到呢d嘅影響同時亦唔係醫療嘅service provider,they couldn’t care less about public’s health
6. 醫護人員個個都因為疫情而心力交瘁
照顧每個COVID病人都需要著更多嘅保護衣,花更多嘅時候去做程序,特別係aerosol generating procedures,插完一次喉都定必會成身濕哂。
其實都好明顯見到唔會contain到delta,世界各地嘅做法都開始跟英國,幫哂所有想打疫苗嘅人打之後,就齊齊解封,唔想打嘅人就面對感染同重症甚至死亡嘅風險,informed decision, can’t blame anyone
只不過好多發達國家嘅人都有一股self entitled嘅心,覺得唔打疫苗後中招而重症時,就應份咁享用珍貴嘅醫療資源。
Do you even care how much it costs for the care and treatment of a COVID patient in ICU?
Photo source: internet
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Bianco, A., Mammina, C., Paoli, A., Bellafiore, M., Battaglia, G., Caramazza, G., ... & Jemni, M. (2011). Protein supplementation in strength and conditioning adepts: knowledge, dietary behavior and practice in Palermo, Italy. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 8(1), 1-6.
Bannai, M., Kawai, N., Ono, K., Nakahara, K., & Murakami, N. (2012). The effects of glycine on subjective daytime performance in partially sleep-restricted healthy volunteers. Frontiers in neurology, 3, 61.
Kreider, R. B., Kalman, D. S., Antonio, J., Ziegenfuss, T. N., Wildman, R., Collins, R., ... & Lopez, H. L. (2017). International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 14(1), 1-18.
Psychopharmacology, 185(1), 93-103.
Panda, S. (2016). Circadian physiology of metabolism. Science, 354(6315), 1008-1015.
Yamadera, W., Inagawa, K., Chiba, S., Bannai, M., Takahashi, M., & Nakayama, K. (2007). Glycine ingestion improves subjective sleep quality in human volunteers, correlating with polysomnographic changes. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 5(2), 126-131.
Zlebnik, N. E., Brimijoin, S., Gao, Y., Saykao, A. T., Parks, R. J., & Carroll, M. E. (2014). Long-term reduction of cocaine self-administration in rats treated with adenoviral vector-delivered cocaine hydrolase: evidence for enzymatic activity. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(6), 1538-1546.
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self evidence 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
“I’m sorry for sinning again Lord. Don’t worry I will surely atone for my sins by reading more chapters of the Bible today, doing a three-day fast, and giving fifty percent of my income this month to the poor.”
Does it sound noble? Actually, this is unbelief in action. The imaginary believer is trying to earn his own righteousness instead of relying on the perfect righteousness of Christ that he has already received as a gift when he was first saved.
Grace is often defined as God’s unmerited favor—when He is good to us, it is not because we have performed well, but because Jesus’ shed blood has cleansed us; God’s favor is constantly upon us.
When you try to earn God’s Grace through works, Christ becomes of no effect unto you. Instead of evidence of the blessing, you will see manifestations of the curse of the Law.
If you find that you are self-occupied and self-condemned, constantly inspecting your actions to see if you are still right with God, I pray that you receive the revelation of grace. Turn your eyes and look to the cross. Thanks to the perfect obedience of Christ, you have become permanently righteous.
God’s Grace is always flowing and being supplied to you. Simply receive it and don’t add any unnecessary hoops to jump through. You can freely enjoy the fruits of Christ’s labor!
Silence the serpent who keeps trying to bring you back to works-based justification: https://bit.ly/silencing-the-serpent
self evidence 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的最讚貼文
習得への情熱―チェスから武術へ―:上達するための、僕の意識的学習法 を Amazon でチェック! https://amzn.to/2ZvxE75
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Ozubko JD, Macleod CM. The production effect in memory: evidence that distinctiveness underlies the benefit. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn. 2010 Nov;36(6):1543-7. doi: 10.1037/a0020604. PMID: 20804284.
Patton, W. W. (1991). Opening students’ eyes: Visual learning theory in the Socratic classroom. Law and Psychology Review, 15, 1-18.
Mueller PA, Oppenheimer DM. The pen is mightier than the keyboard: advantages of longhand over laptop note taking. Psychol Sci. 2014 Jun;25(6):1159-68. doi: 10.1177/0956797614524581. Epub 2014 Apr 23. Erratum in: Psychol Sci. 2018 Sep;29(9):1565-1568. PMID: 24760141.
Kapur, Manu, and Katerine Bielaczyc. “Designing for Productive Failure.” The Journal of the Learning Sciences, vol. 21, no. 1, 2012, pp. 45–83., [www.jstor.org/stable/23266307][1].
Cyr, A.-A., & Anderson, N. D. (2012). Trial-and-error learning improves source memory among young and older adults. Psychology and Aging, 27(2), 429–439. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0025115
Grilli MD, Glisky EL. Imagining a Better Memory: Self-Imagination in Memory-Impaired Patients. Clinical Psychological Science. 2013;1(1):93-99. doi:10.1177/2167702612456464
Westwater, Anne & Wolfe, Pat. (2000). The Brain-Compatible Curriculum. Educational Leadership. #今なら
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Daniela Renger(2016) Believing in one’s equal rights: Self-respect as a predictor of assertiveness
Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J., & Rapson, R. L. (1994). Emotional contagion. Cambridge University Press.
Speed, B. C., Goldstein, B. L., & Goldfried, M. R. (2018). Assertiveness Training: A Forgotten Evidence‐Based Treatment.
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self evidence 在 温泉モデルしずかちゃん Youtube 的最佳貼文
A sudden encounter with a famous youtuber happened at "Goroukaku", Oigami hot springs. We had a bath together!
Collaboration video with Womtan
Nijimin and towel comedy
Oigami hot springs "Goroukaku"
Onsen tour tickets
”The onsen tour of Oigami legend"
Womtan channl/comedy work out
Womtan club
Nijimin channel
【Official】Onsen model Shizuka-chan's fan club
◆Digital album now on sale!
Shizuka-cha's dream came true, first edition is 【Manza Onsen, Yunoryokan】 (LAZY BOOKs)
◆Original goods on sale!
Hand made goods by Shizuka-chan♪
◆A brief self-introduction◆
I'm Shizuka, the hot spring model. I usually work as a caregiver at a nursing home.I use my days off to visit my favorite mixed baths. It's a self-produced tour that doesn't generate income. I pay for all my hot spring visits and have been to 250 mixed hot springs across the country!
I've toured mixed baths around the country, and I have been making videos and blogs(Ameblo) of my experience and impressions of the hot springs.
I am always on the search for what suits me best. There is no good bath or bad bath, what suits you may change depending on you in that situation, and that's what I call a good bath (hot spring).
◆Engaru Onsen
◆YouTube, sub channel
【OnsenModel SHIZUKA】
◆Onsen Blog
◆Live broadcasting SHOWROOM
Thank you for all your support.
It's your support that keeps me going! I'm going to do my best to keep up the good work!
Thank you (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
Taking a bath is a natural routine after "sleeping" and "eating" in Japanese people's minds. It's a routine task. In particular, soaking in a hot tub is a unique part of Japanese culture.
And that's why we have onsen in Japan.
Whether you like it or not, everyone goes on a trip to a hot spring resort at least once in their lives.
Onsen are a unique part of Japanese culture.
Some people are attracted by the smell of sulfur and others
taking a bath together with a large group of people and literally having "naked company" can make you feel like you've grown closer to your friends.
When you soak naked in a hot spring and let out a breath of air, you can talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about.
It takes the edge off! and is a stress relief!
Bathing in nature while bathing with negative ions in the air is more effective based on scientific evidence.
And a "hot water cure" used for medical treatment is another thing even though there is no medical evidence to support this, but the effects of hot springs on the human body are wonderful. There are diseases that cannot be cured by doctors, but if you are in a hot spring...
I am a hot spring YouTuber.
I love hot springs.
Because it is a place where I could take a relaxing bath with my favorite family.
It was a strange coincidence to take a bath in a mixed bathing hot spring.
Of course you feel the gaze of the opposite sex, and you may also feel the embarrassment.
I'm not saying that I don't want to be seen, but after all, hot springs are an important part of Japanese culture, and I think it's important to keep in mind the importance of good manners when taking a bath.
Taking a bath naked is something that Japanese people have been trained to do since they were children.
More and more mixed bathing hot springs are prohibiting bathing without clothing.
It is no longer possible to open a new mixed bathing facility in today's Japan. Therefore, I would like you all to protect and support the existing bathing facilities.I would be very happy if my videos gives reasons for this.
I hope that this will be one of the reasons why a girl who just loves hot springs will be able to experience the Japanese culture of hot springs.
Learn to communicate while growing as a human being and we hope you enjoy our YouTube channel.
Hot Spring Tourism Practitioner
spa sommelier
Hot Spring Sommelier Master
Hot Spring Analysis Book Master
Senior citizen bathing advisor
Care practitioner
Body Museum [NHK]
Ariyoshi Hanseikai [Nihon TV]
Ariyoshi "live" Hanseikai [Nihon TV]
New theory! Tokoro JAPAN (Kansai TV)
I met the others [TBS]
Shukan Asahi
Asahi Entertainment
Shukan JItsuwa
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The meaning of self-evidence is the quality or state of being self-evident. ... <看更多>
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請輸入您的使用者帳號密碼 · 不證自明 · Self-Evident · 名詞解釋: 不證自明(簡稱自明)指某個命題(proposition)不需經過論證(argument)或呈現證據,其真理性(truth)就能立即 ... ... <看更多>
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self -evident翻譯:不證自明的;不言而喻的;顯然的。了解更多。 ... <看更多>