這次邀請到直播訪問的特別來賓是 Joyce。 Joyce 是加州臨床心理學家、同時也是紐約醫學院線上課程兼任教授,這次的直播聚焦在現代科技人的心理健康、看心理醫生的一些迷思、及如何幫助自我達到好的心理狀態。
Joyce 先在紐約哥倫比亞大學拿到心理諮商碩士, 再到伊利諾大學香檳分校取得教育心理學系心理諮商博士,在台灣與美國的許多醫院及心理諮商中心有豐富的臨床經驗,並曾於國立高雄師範大學諮商心理與復健諮商研究所、及亞洲大學心理系擔任專任助理教授。
矽谷作為全球科技中心,是世界人才嚮往的工作及居住地點,路上名牌名車充斥,大公司裡高薪聘請的名校碩博士一堆,看起來十分光鮮亮麗、令人心生嚮往,但現實是工作競爭激烈、生活壓力非常大。在這次直播中 Joyce 會分享她從心理醫生的角度來觀察,科技人不為人知的 "後巷真實人生" 中,心理可能有面臨什麼樣的通病或現象、可以怎麼自我照顧以達到良好的心理狀態。也會討論 如果真的有需要看心理醫生了, 公司會知道嗎? 員工會不會因此被貼上標籤、被公司差別待遇? 最後,會系統性的介紹一些心理諮詢的種類。 直播前及過程中也歡迎大家提問討論。
為了這次直播, Joyce 做了超級充分的準備, 她還特別準備了投影片來輔助說明!如果你聽完後和我一樣覺得受益良多, 歡迎追蹤 Dr. Joyce Sun - CA Psychologist. 心理學家在矽谷 的頁面, 如果你聽完覺得想利用公司的 EAP 或是醫療保險來找 Joyce 諮詢, 直播中有談到她的執照是可以看加州及佛羅里達州的居民,美國其他州要再確認,台灣可能不行,中國可以,因為最近肺炎,她的諮詢都改為線上對談, 她的個案有人還是想要見面談,所以她有一兩個空缺出來, 機會難得, 如果你有興趣, Joyce 的心理所網頁是: https://www.peacefulsunshine.com/
以下是直播訪問的一些內容大綱、搭配 Joyce 推薦的資源連結
Stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem/ self-image, career confusion, relationships, parenting issues, kids/teens (佼佼者父母的失落與不願面對);
正式的診斷 :
bipolar, OCD, psychosomatic symptoms, and other diagnoses
矽谷的公司文化 v.s. 亞洲教育的特質 (12:50)
Make impact & creative v.s. Being helpful and obedient
跟別人比 & 老是看自己的不足
移動的終點線 (高中要前三志願、大學要國立、研究所要...)
健康的心電圖與不健康的心 (加上內向敏感,在乎別人的看法,不想被看到)
沒有很謙虛 = 自大討人厭
集體主義 v.s. 個人主義 (要聽話/要得到認可,結構跟明確方向才有安全感)
破碎的蛋黃哥 (自我認同與核心價值) (26:30)
我可以! 我不需要”幫助”
對孩子 (青少年自殺等,錯失早療的介入)
什麼狀態建議諮詢 (36:45)
防疫期間的自我照顧 (40:26)
與現實接軌 (專家建議、合理的準備、不要過度幻想)
身體照護: 泡澡、按摩、伸展、深呼吸
看心理醫生的感覺? 公司會知道嗎? 會不會被 fire ? (51:20)
唯一的例外: 被送來做工作適任評估,但公司只能拿到 yes or no 的回答
矽谷科技人的特殊性困擾 (58:40)
加州心理師執照種類 (1:01:00)
博士: Licensed Psychologist
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC)
Licensed Marriage and Firmly Therapist (LMFT)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
精神科醫師 Psychiatrist: 開藥、部分的精神科醫生也提供心理諮商與治療
美國的心理服務資源 (1:04:00)
保險 (網絡內外)
disability/ unemployment
自費 (心理師搜尋網站 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us、低價網路諮商、open path)
社區資源 (冥想團體、正念中心、瑜珈 、breath work)
對策 (1:08:50)
定義你專屬的蛋黃哥 (核心價值)
用行為 (包括肢體語言/眼神) 改變感覺 fake it until you become it
Growth mindset v.s. fixed mindset
怎樣的心理治療才有效 (直播中沒時間講,但 Joyce 有準備的內容)
你與心理師目標的一致性 (問題解決 v.s. 增加自我了解)
TED Talk-Amy Cuddy: 肢體語言塑造你自己有中文字幕,尤其是 15:52 處的個人故事
婚姻及伴侶關係: Making Marriage Work | Dr. John Gottman,推薦 Gottman 的所有影片與書籍
推薦伴侶們讓關係更緊密的問題討論集- 201 Relationship Questions: The Couple's Guide to Building Trust and Emotional Intimacy:
Amazon 連結: https://amzn.to/2wHmzmY
博客來連結: http://bit.ly/2v4mlGn
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅九九 Sophie Chen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,LYRICS (PINYIN) BELOW! 歌詞在下面! 真的很久沒有po了,對不起。 希望大家最近都平平安安,也希望我做沙拉的視頻可以散一下心。 不知道你們是不是也這樣,我關在家裡天天吃零食,所以強迫自己一定要吃健康一點。。。anyway. are you guys like me? snac...
self image中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 蔡英文總統BBC專訪關鍵英文詞彙
今天要來與大家分享蔡英文總統的BBC專訪! It's an insightful one!
專訪(中文): https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-51115705
專訪(英文): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246
Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has told the BBC that China needs to "face reality" and show the island "respect".
1. face reality 面對現實
2. show respect 表示尊重
She was re-elected for a second term on Saturday, winning by a landslide after a campaign in which she focused heavily on the rising threat from Beijing.
3. win by a landslide 以壓倒性優勢獲勝
4. focus heavily on... 特別專注於...
5. rising threat 上升的威脅
The Chinese Communist Party has long claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and the right to take it by force if necessary. Ms Tsai* insisted that the sovereignty of the self-governing island was not in doubt or up for negotiation.
6. the Chinese Communist Party 中國共產黨
7. claim sovereignty 主張主權
8. take it by force 以武力攻下台灣
9. the sovereignty of ...的主權
10. self governing 自治的
11. not in doubt 毫無疑問
12. not up for negotiation 不能談判
*President Tsai
"We don't have a need to declare ourselves an independent state," the 63-year-old president told the BBC in an exclusive interview, her first since the election. "We are an independent country already and we call ourselves the Republic of China, Taiwan."
13. declare 宣布
14. an independent state 一個獨立的國家;政府
15. exclusive interview 專訪
16. an independent country 一個獨立國家
Such statements infuriate Beijing, which wants a return to the "One China" principle favoured by the main rival she saw off in the race for president, Han Kuo-yu from the Kuomintang party. His party traces its roots to the defeated nationalists in the Chinese civil war, who fled to Taiwan and continued to see the island as part of a greater China from which they had been usurped.
17. infuriate 激怒
18. return to 還給, 歸回
19. main rival 主要競爭對手
20. trace its roots 追根溯源
21. defeated the nationalists 戰敗的國民黨
22. flee to 逃往
23. be usurped 被篡奪
In recent years, that concept of One China has proved a useful compromise, Taiwanese supporters of it argue. China insists on its acceptance as a prerequisite for building economic ties with Taiwan, precisely because doing so is an explicit denial of its existence as a de facto island state.
24. a useful compromise 有用的協定, 妥協
25. insist on 堅持
26. a prerequisite for... ...的先決條件
27. build economic ties 建立經濟聯繫
28. a explicit denial 明確否認
29. de facto 事實上
But it is clear that Ms Tsai* believes her victory is proof of how little appetite there now is for the One China concept and the ambiguity it allowed over Taiwan's real status. "The situation has changed," she says. "The ambiguity can no longer serve the purposes it was intended to serve." And what has really changed, she suggests, is China.
30. it is clear that… ...是清楚的
31. proof of… …的證明
32. how little appetite there is for... 對...沒有多少胃口; 對...不接受
33. One China concept 一個中國的概念
34. ambiguity 模棱兩可
35. real status 真實狀態
36. intend to serve… 所欲實現的(成效)
*President Tsai
"Because [for more than] three years we're seeing China has been intensifying its threat... they have their military vessels and aircraft cruising around the island," she says. "And also, the things happening in Hong Kong, people get a real sense that this threat is real and it's getting more and more serious."
37. intensify its threat 加劇威脅
38. military vessels and aircrafts 軍艦和飛機
39. get more serious 變得更嚴重
Taiwan's interests, she believes, are not best served by semantics but by facing up to the reality, in particular the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth who flocked to her cause. "We have a separate identity and we're a country of our own. So, if there's anything that runs counter to this idea, they will stand up and say that's not acceptable to us. "We're a successful democracy, we have a pretty decent economy, we deserve respect from China."
40. Taiwan’s interests are not best served by semantics. 文字遊戲並非最佳實現台灣利益(的方式)
41. semantics 語義學; 文字遊戲
42. face up to reality 面對現實
43. the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth 台灣青年的志向
44. flock to her cause 湧向她的目標
45. a separate identity 一個單獨的、不同的身份
46. run counter to 違反;有悖常理,背道而馳
47. a decent economy 像樣的、相當不錯的經濟制度
48. deserve respect 值得尊重
Image source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8
self image中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 蔡英文總統BBC專訪關鍵英文詞彙
今天要來與大家分享蔡英文總統的BBC專訪! It's an insightful one!
專訪(中文): https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/chinese-news-51115705
專訪(英文): https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246
Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen has told the BBC that China needs to "face reality" and show the island "respect".
1. face reality 面對現實
2. show respect 表示尊重
She was re-elected for a second term on Saturday, winning by a landslide after a campaign in which she focused heavily on the rising threat from Beijing.
3. win by a landslide 以壓倒性優勢獲勝
4. focus heavily on... 特別專注於...
5. rising threat 上升的威脅
The Chinese Communist Party has long claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and the right to take it by force if necessary. Ms Tsai* insisted that the sovereignty of the self-governing island was not in doubt or up for negotiation.
6. the Chinese Communist Party 中國共產黨
7. claim sovereignty 主張主權
8. take it by force 以武力攻下台灣
9. the sovereignty of ...的主權
10. self governing 自治的
11. not in doubt 毫無疑問
12. not up for negotiation 不能談判
*President Tsai
"We don't have a need to declare ourselves an independent state," the 63-year-old president told the BBC in an exclusive interview, her first since the election. "We are an independent country already and we call ourselves the Republic of China, Taiwan."
13. declare 宣布
14. an independent state 一個獨立的國家;政府
15. exclusive interview 專訪
16. an independent country 一個獨立國家
Such statements infuriate Beijing, which wants a return to the "One China" principle favoured by the main rival she saw off in the race for president, Han Kuo-yu from the Kuomintang party. His party traces its roots to the defeated nationalists in the Chinese civil war, who fled to Taiwan and continued to see the island as part of a greater China from which they had been usurped.
17. infuriate 激怒
18. return to 還給, 歸回
19. main rival 主要競爭對手
20. trace its roots 追根溯源
21. defeated the nationalists 戰敗的國民黨
22. flee to 逃往
23. be usurped 被篡奪
In recent years, that concept of One China has proved a useful compromise, Taiwanese supporters of it argue. China insists on its acceptance as a prerequisite for building economic ties with Taiwan, precisely because doing so is an explicit denial of its existence as a de facto island state.
24. a useful compromise 有用的協定, 妥協
25. insist on 堅持
26. a prerequisite for... ...的先決條件
27. build economic ties 建立經濟聯繫
28. a explicit denial 明確否認
29. de facto 事實上
But it is clear that Ms Tsai* believes her victory is proof of how little appetite there now is for the One China concept and the ambiguity it allowed over Taiwan's real status. "The situation has changed," she says. "The ambiguity can no longer serve the purposes it was intended to serve." And what has really changed, she suggests, is China.
30. it is clear that… ...是清楚的
31. proof of… …的證明
32. how little appetite there is for... 對...沒有多少胃口; 對...不接受
33. One China concept 一個中國的概念
34. ambiguity 模棱兩可
35. real status 真實狀態
36. intend to serve… 所欲實現的(成效)
*President Tsai
"Because [for more than] three years we're seeing China has been intensifying its threat... they have their military vessels and aircraft cruising around the island," she says. "And also, the things happening in Hong Kong, people get a real sense that this threat is real and it's getting more and more serious."
37. intensify its threat 加劇威脅
38. military vessels and aircrafts 軍艦和飛機
39. get more serious 變得更嚴重
Taiwan's interests, she believes, are not best served by semantics but by facing up to the reality, in particular the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth who flocked to her cause. "We have a separate identity and we're a country of our own. So, if there's anything that runs counter to this idea, they will stand up and say that's not acceptable to us. "We're a successful democracy, we have a pretty decent economy, we deserve respect from China."
40. Taiwan’s interests are not best served by semantics. 文字遊戲並非最佳實現台灣利益(的方式)
41. semantics 語義學; 文字遊戲
42. face up to reality 面對現實
43. the aspirations of the Taiwanese youth 台灣青年的志向
44. flock to her cause 湧向她的目標
45. a separate identity 一個單獨的、不同的身份
46. run counter to 違反;有悖常理,背道而馳
47. a decent economy 像樣的、相當不錯的經濟制度
48. deserve respect 值得尊重
Image source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-51104246
時事英文大全: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Y8
self image中文 在 九九 Sophie Chen Youtube 的最佳解答
不知道你們是不是也這樣,我關在家裡天天吃零食,所以強迫自己一定要吃健康一點。。。anyway. are you guys like me? snacking til you become ROUND during self isolation???
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愛上了你命中注定 (就是命中注定)
天下無雙 眼裡只有你
是靠山 給我了勇氣
像火花 讓愛情燃起
我和你 越來越親密
我的心 全部給你
Zài wǒ yǎn lǐ nǐ shì wánměi wúquē
nǐ de mèilì ràng rén yǎ kǒu wúyán
wǒ xiǎng yào gěi nǐ wǒ de yīqiè
wǒ duì nǐ de ài méiyǒu jíxiàn
yīqǐ zuò fàn yīqǐ xǐ wǎn tiāntiān píng'ān
nǐ de jiàoyǎng nǐ de xiūyǎng ràng wǒ mènghuàn
wèilái xiǎng hé nǐ yīqǐ miàn duì
wǒ duì nǐ de ài méiyǒu jíxiàn
xiǎng yào gǎnxiè nǐ de fùmǔ shòu de kǔ
duōnián yǐhòu yīnwèi yǒu nǐ wǒ duō xìngfú
nǐ de quánbù xīyǐn shuāng mù
nǐ de zuòwéi dàochù pèifú
zhēn de bù kěnéng yǒu rènhé rén hé nǐ bǐ
zhàn zài nǐ shēnbiān qítā rén dàtóngxiǎoyì
wú huà kě shuō jiùshì nǐ
ài shàngle nǐ mìngzhòng zhùdìng (jiùshì mìngzhòng zhùdìng)
zài wǒ yǎn lǐ nǐ shì wánměi wúquē
nǐ de mèilì ràng rén yǎ kǒu wúyán
wǒ xiǎng yào gěi nǐ wǒ de yīqiè
wǒ duì nǐ de ài méiyǒu jíxiàn
yīqǐ zuò fàn yīqǐ xǐ wǎn tiāntiān píng'ān
nǐ de jiàoyǎng nǐ de xiūyǎng ràng wǒ mènghuàn
wèilái xiǎng hé nǐ yīqǐ miàn duì
wǒ duì nǐ de ài méiyǒu jíxiàn
méiyǒu kǎoyàn nǐ jiùshì wǒ de biāozhǔn
bùyòng xǔkě bù xūyào rènhé rènzhèng
tiānxià wúshuāng yǎn lǐ zhǐyǒu nǐ
nǐ shì pǐnpái nǐ shì dì yī nǐ
shì kàoshān gěi wǒle yǒngqì
xiàng huǒhuā ràng àiqíng rán qǐ
wǒ hé nǐ yuè lái yuè qīnmì
wǒ de xīn quánbù gěi nǐ
background image credits: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/589609-pixel-art-cheeseburger-seamless-background
self image中文 在 《每日翻譯挑戰》Day 416 “A strong, positive self-image... 的推薦與評價
《每日翻譯挑戰》Day 416 “A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.” Joyce Brothers 「一個強而有力、積極主動的自我形象是 ... ... <看更多>