Prioritise self-love before anything else — that’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned in 2020. Talking about mental health issues is the start to raising awareness, and in honor of World Mental Health Day, lululemon HK is launching a series of videos and podcasts in collaboration with Talking Mental this month.
From Mental Health 101, discussions on loving yourself, overcoming challenges and mental fitness for athletic performance, lululemon is talking mental. This is just the beginning — listen to more of these conversations through lululemon HK‘s upcoming videos and Talking Mental’s podcasts.
學懂和自己相處及學會愛自己,是我在2020年學到最大的一課。談論情緒及精神健康是提高大眾關注的重要一步。今天是世界心理健康日,lululemon HK 將於今個月與 Talking Mental合作發布一系列短片及podcast。
由心理健康101、學習愛自己、面對挑戰的心態到運動心理訓練,我們和大家一一分享。這僅僅是開始 — 記得緊貼lululemon HK的平台留意更多關於精神健康的短片及podcast。
lululemon Hong Kong
Talking Mental