【乾,我講英文有夠乾】: 看完「魷魚遊戲」只講得出 It’s great. 嗎?
大家也看了魷魚遊戲了嗎?很多紐約的 #美國朋友 跟我說
・It’s way better than the Hunger Games.
・I binged the whole 9 episodes (一次追了九集).
・It’s graphically brutal. (超級血腥殘忍)
・Totes worth a watch. (Totes 是 totally 的口語寫法)
・It’s really good.
・I liked it!
・You should watch it.
・I highly recommend it.
當然,這 4 句話在語意上、用法上沒有問題。但如果你想要用得更 #道地、#到位,請繼續讀下去。
1️⃣ 傳統無啥用的 solution:
面臨這樣的問題,傳統上不少英文老師會建議你去查閱同義字字典,去 #升級自己會的形容詞。但,其實不斷用 It’s adj. 的方式
或去升級 “like” 這個動詞,調成 I enjoyed watching it. 只是繼續圍繞在相似的想法裡頭,英文還是 #沒有質的變化。�
2️⃣ 從「#思維模板」、母語人士的「#說話習慣」下手:
其實不管是魷魚遊戲、還是 The Hunger Games、還是其他相似種類 (genre) 的電影,英美國人會講述的方式「大同小異」,並 #不會因人而異。這樣的好處就是我們有個範圍可以學習這些「思維模板」。不只是一兩個字的片語、搭配詞,而是整體「表達的方向」。
✔︎ 在表達從第一集就ㄉㄧㄠˊ住時,你可以說:�
I was hooked from the first episode.
It had me hooked from the start.
✔︎ 在表達很棒時,他們不會只說 It’s great. 他們會說
It's hands down one of the best series I’ve seen on Netflix.
One of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time.
✔︎ 其他正向表述、讚揚的講法還包含:
It’s worth a watch for sure! (值得一看)
It has set a high bar for other movies of this genre. (把標準提得很高)
It has definitely lived up to the hype! (真的如大家所說般地好 )
#幾乎都會馬上想到這些用法。我們不應該再走「中文想這樣講 — > 翻成英文」這樣的路。
🔥 如果你 / 妳喜歡這樣從思維下手,學習語塊不學單字的學習方式,歡迎你加入我在好學校 (Hahow) 上開設的線上課程 #3D英文筆記術。 站上大折扣剩下最後 3 天,不要錯過囉!
(輸入折扣碼 GR2183,單堂 88 折、兩堂以上 83 折。)
Photo credit: Netflix
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅13N,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[中文字幕] 一直都是小資改的十三忍,最後該改的還是不能少。這次要關箱了,來驗收一下小資改裝的成果。後續改裝品見下方完整改裝品清單。Testing the latest mods on the budget build Ninja 300. Unfortunately, this is my las...
set the bar中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
#胡嘎吃午間套餐【Menú del día🍽️ | Bar Restaurante Asturianos】
以前介紹過,西班牙餐館「週間」「午餐」時段有供應一種很佛心的東西叫做”Menú del día”,英文是Set menu of the day,中文我喜歡翻作午間套餐,也有人愛叫它商業午餐。
🙅🏻♀️市面上還有一種套餐叫做”Platos combinados”,價格Range從6歐元起跳,但是會用炸馬鈴薯餵飽你,大部分做這種套餐的都是地雷餐館💩我個人是不建議吃啦,多花一點點錢就能吃份好套餐,Why not?
最近我們終於造訪我家附近一家馬德里官方旅遊網站說具有”cult-like status”如此厲害的阿斯圖里亞斯地區風味餐酒館(Asturias,西班牙北部的綠色世外桃源),主廚奶奶Doña Julia不僅家常菜做得好,還有厲害的新式料理,而且由兒子們管理的酒藏神奇地豐富🍷
🥩我的主菜:阿斯圖里亞斯滷牛肉(Ragú de Ternera Asturiana)
🍷飲料:As always,紅酒套甜碳酸水(Vino tinto con gaseosa)
推薦大家來西班牙一定要嘗試一下Menú del día,此時餐館總會聚集白領上班族、藍領大哥大伯、退休爺奶一族等各種社會群體,有的熱鬧滾滾、有的安靜配電視,總之是庶民大眾的最愛啦😍
“Having achieved something of a cult-like status in Madrid, this Asturian restaurant serves up traditional dishes alongside a more contemporary offering. Lovers of meat and vegetable stews will leave here happy, with beans, garlic soup, chicken stews and much more on the menu. Those who prefer more modern cuisine won’t be disappointed either, with marinated sardines and monkfish carpaccio with sea-urchin caviar. Two good-value set menus are available every day, as well as a choice of stews and hearty soups. They have an excellent wine list and their desserts are far from run-of-the-mill.”
美食評鑑OAD (Opinionated About Dining)把他們家評為Gourmet Casual Europe類排名第198名:
🍽Bar Restaurante Asturianos #TabernaAsturianos
🚥小區 #Chamberí
📍地址 Calle de Vallehermoso, 94 #Madrid
📷攝影 #ricohgr3
set the bar中文 在 肥媽 Maria cordero Facebook 的最佳貼文
📌Oreo Balls
中文購買連結 送冰皮月餅粉
Eng version
護膚品 及 廚具及枕具購買連結🔗🔗
nine9Nine9 Shop
👉VIP Code : MAMA20
📌 細薯仔2個
📌 長青椒1個
📌 燈籠椒1個
📌 蒜片少許
📌 菇粉半茶匙
📌 胡椒粉少許
📌 鹽少許
📌 麻油少許
1. 先把薯仔刨皮後切絲,再把長青椒,燈籠椒切絲。
2. 薯仔絲用清水連續洗兩次,之後用清水浸一會。
3. 煲滾熱水,把薯絲汆水,瀝乾備用。
4. 下油熱鑊,放入蒜片起鑊。
5. 放入長青椒絲,燈籠椒絲,炒大約1分鐘。
6. 再放入薯絲,炒大約1分鐘。
7. 落菇粉,胡椒粉,鹽,炒均。
8. 最後放入麻油炒均即成。
調味料: 欖油. 牛油 .胡椒粉 .鹽
做法: 下欖油抄香蒜片及一粒蔥頭,加牛油再下車厘茄抄加調味:鹽,胡椒粉最後下瓜絲抄好後加上(蒸好的帶子汁),拌勻上碟帶子放面
📌Oreo Balls
材料: Oreo 一筒,紅莓干或藍莓干半碗,白朱古力,一茶匙檸檬汁
做法: 將材料放入攪拌器內打碎
備註: 也可加果仁
Pan Fried Scallops with Zucchini Spaghetti
Scallops - (soak in water and remove any side muscles)
Green and yellow zucchini - one of each (cut into noodles with peeler or knife)
Cherry tomatoes - cut into halves
Onion - 1 (sliced)
Garlic - sliced
Shallot - 1 bulb (sliced)
White pepper
Mushroom seasoning powder
1. In a pot of hot water, add in fresh scallops and briefly soak them then transfer to a plate. Pat dry with paper towel. Set aside.
2. In a heated wok, spray oil, add butter, add scallops, and fry until both sides are golden brown. Add in white pepper and salt to taste. Set aside.
3. Preferably in the same wok with leftover scallop butter sauce, add in onion slices, garlic slices, shallot slices, oil, and fry until fragrant. Add in butter, cherry tomato pieces, spinach, salt, white pepper, mushroom seasoning powder, and mix well.
4. Add in zucchini noodles and briefly stir fry. Do not overcooked zucchini.
5. With a pair of chopsticks, fill a big ladle full of zucchini noodles, twirl it into a pile, and transfer to the center of a serving plate. Continue with the rest of the noodles. Lastly, garnish with the cooked scallops. Serve.
Stir-Fried Green and Red Peppers with Potato Shreds
Potato - 2 small size (shredded or cut into julienne strips, rinse twice and soak in cold water to release the starch for crunchier texture)
Garlic - sliced
Green and red sweet peppers or bell peppers - shredded
Sesame oil - to taste
Salt - to taste
White pepper - to taste
Mushroom seasoning powder - ½ tsp
1. In a pot of boiling water, parboil potato shreds and transfer to a colander. Set aside.
This step is optional.
2. In a heated wok, add in oil, garlic slices, green and red pepper shreds, potato shreds, and stir fry until fragrant.
3. Add in mushroom seasoning powder, white pepper, salt, and briefly stir fry.
4. Drizzle sesame oil right before transferring to serving plate. Serve.
Oreo Balls
Oreo cookies - 1 package
Dried cranberries - ½ a bowl (or you can use any dried fruits)
Lemon juice - ½ tsp to 1 tsp
White chocolate
1. In a food processor, add in Oreo cookies, dried cranberries, and lemon juice. Pulse together into fine crumbs.
2. Melt white chocolate bar over a warm bowl of water. Set aside.
3. To assemble, roll a small amount of Oreo cookie crumbs into a ball between your palms and squeeze tightly and applying the warmth from your palms to mold into a ball. Optional to add more lemon juice if it is not moist enough to hold its shape or warm up a bit in the microwave.
4. To decorate, dip the ball half-way into the white chocolate or coat the entire ball with white chocolate, or drizzle white chocolate over the ball. Transfer to serving plate. Continue with the rest of the Oreo cookie crumbs. Best serve cold.
set the bar中文 在 13N Youtube 的最讚貼文
[中文字幕] 一直都是小資改的十三忍,最後該改的還是不能少。這次要關箱了,來驗收一下小資改裝的成果。後續改裝品見下方完整改裝品清單。Testing the latest mods on the budget build Ninja 300. Unfortunately, this is my last time riding it.
IG: moto13n
MotoVlog 223 摩托日記第兩百二十三篇
Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once
討論和使用的影片器材 Video equipment as used and discussed:
Insta 360 One R: https://bit.ly/30EwU01
Insta 360 One X: https://bit.ly/338kigg
GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/2PFHRZZ
Bike: Kawasaki Ninja 300
改裝清單 Mod list:
R-0990 Pod Filter
SV Racing Rear set
Woodcraft Clip on Bar
Fuel Moto Micro EFI Tuner
01 GSXR 750 Rear Shock
Ninja 300 Race Fairing
Race Tech Springs (0.85, 10W oil)
Race Tech GVE (Gold Valve Emulator)
eBay Fork Cap
06+ R6 Throttle
Pirelli SC Tires
HealTech Kawasaki Ninja 300 13-17 GIPro DT-Series Gear Indicator
Woodcraft Sliders
Vesrah RJL
eBay Windscreen
Adjustable levers
中文字幕贊助商:創作者俱樂部 https://creator-club.org/

set the bar中文 在 水母旋旋轉 ✧*。٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و✧*。 Youtube 的最讚貼文
【黑 Black】 http://youtube.com/Ph0enixB1ack
【第一集】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkVl1yZ2tqs
A Christmas adventure map unlike any other. DoubleUpGaming brings you a magical experience this holiday with Christmas - An Awakening. The game is set in the luscious north pole hemisphere deep within Santa's workshop and village, you your self are an elf that has been awakened from a deep cryogenic sleep, however what exactly have you awakened to?
This Minecraft Christmas map has been built making use of all that 1.8+ has given us including:
Fully Narrative driven Adventure map with Resource pack
In the map we have spent hours perfecting the voices and cut scenes within the game - Be prepared for comedy, drama and emotion in the epic tale of a young elf's awakening from his deep sleep.
Wave Boss fighting system
In a build up to dramatic events, we have implemented a fully operational Wave Boss system in which you will need to fight off against wave after wave of enemies with the little resources you have.
Slow motion action scenes
Well... you will just have to find out for your self, trust us on that.
*New Elf Collectibles!
Elf trading cards have now been implemented into the map, some are easy to find others are much harder, you will also receive candy for finding them based on their rarity .
MAP: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/maps/2294174-voiced-christmas-adventure-resource-map-christmas
Author: DoubleUpGaming
It would be unfair to say that the texture pack was made by solely us. Although heavily modified to the extent that the texture pack would not make sense outside of the adventure map, assets from
HerrSommer A Christmas Carol
Lead Developer: Daniel Colaianni
Assistant Developer: Chelsea Copping
Map Building
Map Building Team: Liam Smith
Map Building Team: Jamie Witham
Map Building Team: Colin Raser
Map Build Server Sponsored by: Sponsor this map? Contact: support@doubleupgaming.com
Voices -
Santa: Daniel Colaianni
A.I Core: Modified tts Crystal
Mallonson Elf: Thomas Lock
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【Equipment 實況後製相關設備】
錄音: Samson C01U
錄影: Action!, OBS
後製: Adobe Premiere CC and Audacity
繪圖: Clip Studio Paint Pro, Adobe Photoshop CC
【Background Music 背景音樂】
.From Epidemic Sound Player
.From Youtube 內建音樂庫
【Contact 聯絡】
【水母 Twitch Channel】
【水母 個人粉絲專頁 Fans Page】
【Facebook】 jellyfish01486@gmail.com
【RC群】 25687656
【RC 】 apple031