剛剛過了鯊魚週,想同大家分享我的經歷同感受。這條大鯊魚叫Ms Aloha, 🦈 她比我大兩倍,照片難看到她有多大因為我遊在她上面。本來有點緊張,因為她實在好大。如果要殺我易如反掌。我遊在她們身邊,感受到她們都在看我的一舉一動。不過我遊在她身邊的時候,她平靜優雅的正能量,完全感染到我,令我有平靜嘅感覺。真的好神奇。她們絕不是電影大白鯊和某些傳媒營造了他們殺人狂魔的形象,他們是全世界最被誤會的動物。真正要害怕的動物就在她身邊——我們人類。很多鯊魚都快要絕種了。人類需要海洋,但海洋要健康是需要鯊魚的。他們都需要我們保護。你們日常生活可以出一分力嗎? (第二張圖可以數到有幾多條鯊魚嗎?)😊💙Meet Ms Aloha! A chubby female Galapagos shark, twice my size! (Photo can’t tell as I was swimming above her). She was so big I got a little nervous, but as I swam next to her, I was overwhelmed by her energy of calmness and grace. It made me feel a sense of peacefulness immediately. It was truly magical! Sharks are the most misrepresented and misunderstood species in the world because of movies like JAWS and some media misrepresentation. They don’t have a voice to tell say they are NOT GUILTY, they don’t have a legal court to appeal unjust accusations. I’m so grateful and thankful to people who speak for sharks, like @oneoceandiving @juansharks @oceanramsey who work everyday to educate and inspire people. We can all do a little to help, can you also help a little in your everyday life? Every little effort counts. Save sharks and save the ocean! #sharkweek #鯊魚週 #食鯊魚其實對人體有害 #太多毒素 #鯨魚都係 #最多毒素係鯊魚同殺人鯨 #又貴又唔健康 #都唔知食黎做乜 #coexist #apexpredator #notmonster #noSharksFin #oceanNeedsLove #sharksNeedLove #youcanmakeadifference