I founded SHUA Living to curate health products right before Lola was born and since then I totally forgot about this other baby!!! Finally gathered my acts and today I'm launching a charity sales @shualiving. ALL proceeds generated will go to Hope of the City's Covid-19 Relief Fund. By purchasing a $328 product, you detox and at the same time help someone who lack the resources to go through this difficult time. Come support now! Click on my IG Bio link to make a donation!
#detoxanddogoodwhilestayinghome #donation #detox #shualiving #shuagiving #charitysales #covid19 #coronavirus #dogood #hopeofthecity #nicolalifestyle #healthyguts #detoxprogram #fiberdrink #OGGfibral #gutshealth #goodhealth #HongKong
shualiving 在 張新悅 Nicola Cheung Facebook 的最佳解答
從來懶理皮膚的三個女聖誕節時滑雪搞到面珠dum紅晒嘴唇周圍都又乾又痛-紛紛搶着用這支Go Arganic堅果油,因為帶了一大堆不同的護膚產品中只有這支油搽上極度乾的面上不會痛。純堅果油份子細能立刻被皮膚吸收保護表層。未去到這個嚴重地步也不知道媽媽賣的堅果油嘅好處🤣。其實我每天都用它在爽膚水之後先軟化和滋潤皮膚才加其他品牌的護膚程序。一支一家人都用到。你們皮膚乾嗎?會去滑雪和極度乾燥的地方嗎?【請tag乾皮膚或有濕疹的朋友🎈原價$499 50ml有送上體驗價$350】tag了才會收到Promo code啊。有什麼問題請message我。
關於Go Arganic資料請到 shualiving.com
#GoArganic #Arganoil #ShuaLiving #dryskin #skincare #faceoil #eczema #eczemarelief #barrierprotection #natural #organic #liquidgold #morocco #GoArganic #尚汸生活 #bodyoil #nicolatravel #nicolabeauty #nicolacheung #張新悅 #stretchmark #護膚 #護髮 #純天然 #有機 #堅果油 #保濕 #敏感 #減紋 #濕疹皮膚 #濕疹 #妊娠紋 #孕婦 #乾皮膚 #乾性皮膚 #肌膚護理
shualiving 在 張新悅 Nicola Cheung Facebook 的精選貼文
唔知係貪心還是勇敢...又要做阿媽又要做Woman Boss 🤭🤪希望六月開市!希望大家到時多多支持。#womanboss #扮晒女強人 #一人扮演兩人角色 #parttimewomanboss #multitask #shualiving #ilovewhatido
Thank you JOYCE Boutique the stylish attire and venue!