禮拜五晚上,準備From Taiwan 🇹🇼 ~
#Repost @thats.my.shhh
為了感謝所有讓我們FROM TAIWAN活動順利結束的人,我們很開心公布一個新活動:『一封24小時的感謝函,RE: From Taiwan』
參與表演活動的有 :
- @djmisterskin
- 李權哲 Jerry Li
- @1oneLC
- @037xia
- @ip_lockers_yaobai / @iplockers
- 非/密閉空間 Non-Confined Space ( @hsiehminyen + @sonicdeadhorse )
- DJ Hauer
- TYPE A ( @_tarolin + @coneheadsthought + @rgry_s7 + @rohanmilly + @kool_klone a.k.a. Side Chen)
- @a2dac._
- @afurogeorge
- @imdifficult1995
- @maniac_heimei
並且為了帶給你們最穩定且最高的觀賞品質,我們很開心地宣佈和 愛睏娛樂 @aikhunentertainment 直播平台的合作。
As a thank you to everyone who helped make FROM TAIWAN a success, we’re happy to announce: 「RE: FROM TAIWAN : A 24-hour Thank You letter」
For all the amazing feedback and donations we received, we’ve decided to bring you another 24 hours of music, dance, convos and other random shhh. Featuring brand new sets from the artists listed above. .
Also, in an effort to bring you the steadiest and highest quality stream we can, we’re happy to announce our new partnership with the Aikhum/Asiania streaming platform. .
Don’t worry, you don’t need to sign up.
You don't need to buy anything.
Just click the link Saturday and join us for 24 hours of shhhhhhhhhh.
Looking forward to seeing you all again.
#REFromTaiwan #FromTaiwan #ThatsMyShhh #Aikhun #Asiania #djmisterskin #李權哲 #LC小光 #LEO37
#IPLockers #謝明諺 #SonicDeadhorse #DJHauer #TYPEA #tarolin #Conehead #rgry #RohanMills #SideChen #A2daC
#AfuroGeorge #我是機車少女 #MANIAC #Heimei