So here I am at the #drivethru after gym and a city run this evening, and there's a long queue in front of me so #selfietime... 🥳 Just received a text from a lovely lady friend of mine saying I look better as I age (#ahem), and I realise she's just #obsessed about me (or men in general) having #facialhair and a #sideparting cos she only tells me that when it's so! 😘 Why don't you tell me what you think and hey, how's your Friday night doing? 💙 Oh, and don't ask me why I'm not wearing my mask here ok? Cos I'm alone in my car? And I'm trying to show some of my facial hair? 😂 #obsessedwithmasks #obsessedwithmoustache #drivethruselfie #fridaynight #casualfriday #pumasg #itstheweekend #happyweekend