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1. 套餐A🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 29.7
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 27.7
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 23.7
- 线上2100人S$ 21.7
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 30.7🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
2. 套餐B🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 27.9
- 线上1400人S$ 25.9
- 线上1800人S$ 21.9
- 线上2000人S$ 19.9
🐑直播过后S$ 28.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
3. 套餐C🇲🇾
- 线上1000人RM 99
- 线上1400人RM 89
- 线上1800人RM 79
- 线上2000人RM 74
🐑直播过后RM 103🐑
4. 套餐D🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 24.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 23.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 19.9
- 线上2000人S$ 17.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 25.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
5. 套餐E🇸🇬
- 线上1000人S$ 13.3
- 线上1400人S$ 11.3
- 线上1800人S$ 7.3
- 线上2000人S$ 6.3
🐑直播过后S$ 14.3🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
6. 套餐F🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 35
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 33
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 25
- 线上2000人RM 21
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 37🐑
7. 套餐G🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 18.9
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 16.9
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 13.9
- 线上2000人S$ 11.9
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 20.9🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
8. 套餐H🇸🇬
👨🍳550克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹/ 450克左右潮式顶级斯里兰卡黄膏蟹➕1罐酱料👨🍳
- 线上1000人S$ 63/ 𝐒$ 48
- 线上1400人S$ 61/ 𝐒$ 46
- 线上1800人S$ 57/ 𝐒$ 43
- 线上2000人S$ 55/ S$ 41
🐑直播过后S$ 65/ 𝐒$ 50🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
9. 套餐I🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 51.5
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 47.5
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 37.5
- 线上2000人S$ 33.5
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 53🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎免费送货)
10. 套餐J🇸🇬
- 线上1000人𝐒$ 50.8
- 线上1400人𝐒$ 48.8
- 线上1800人𝐒$ 41.8
- 线上2000人S$ 35.8
🐑直播过后𝐒$ 51.8🐑
(凡购买所有套餐总数达𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 免费送货)
11. 套餐K🇲🇾
- 线上1000人𝐑𝐌 65.5
- 线上1400人𝐑𝐌 56.5
- 线上1800人𝐑𝐌 48.5
- 线上2000人RM 45.5
🐑直播过后𝐑𝐌 73.5🐑
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1. Set A🇸🇬
👨🍳200g of premium French pork ball➕about 600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 bottle of Holland beer🍺➕1 bottle of Mexico beer🍺➕2packs of dried noodles➕200g of French marinated low salt pork belly➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟗.𝟕
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟕
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟕
2100 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟕
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟑𝟎.𝟕🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
2. Set B🇸🇬
👨🍳200g premium French pork cubes➕600g sea bass➕1 box of grouper porridge➕1 can of restaurant grade premium sauce➕500g dumplings➕2 packs of dried noodles➕200g French marinated low-salt pork belly➕ cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟕.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟏.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟖.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
3. Set C🇲🇾
👍1 kg of Hokkaido large scallops➕700g of red fish➕500g onion pancake➕150g of famous sauce👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟗𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟖𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟒
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟏𝟎𝟑🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
4. Set D🇸🇬
👨🍳 2pcs pan-fried promfret➕300g pan-fried non-spicy Asam Prawn ➕1 can of restaurant premium sauce➕cooler bag👨🍳
1000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟒.𝟗
1400 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟑.𝟗
1800 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟗.𝟗
2000 viewers 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟕.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟓.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
5. Set E🇸🇬
👨🍳250g of Alor Setar's own recipe vegetables and spices👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟑
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟑
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟕.𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔.𝟑
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟏𝟒.𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
6. Set F🇲🇾
👍350g of Alor Setar’s own recipe spice 👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟑
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟐𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟑𝟕🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
7. Set G🇸🇬
👨🍳1kg Premium Japanese Style Tempura Sotong Ring👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟖.𝟗
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟔.𝟗
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟑.𝟗
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟏𝟏.𝟗
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟐𝟎.𝟗🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
8. Set H🇸🇬
👨🍳550g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab / 450g premium Sri Lanka yellow cream crab➕1 can of sauce👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟑/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟔𝟏/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟔
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟕/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟑
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟔𝟓/ 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
9. Set I🇸🇬
👨🍳500g authentic Musang King Layered Cake➕ cooler Bag👨🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟓
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟕.𝟓
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟕.𝟓
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟑.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟑🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
10. Set J🇸🇬
👨🍳4️⃣pcs Super premium special mooncake [Tiramisu core + purple sweet potato jade + matcha red bean + lotus paste single yellow] ➕4️⃣pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus paste + golden jade + double egg yolk lotus paste + double egg yolk golden jade]👨 🍳
1000 people online𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎.𝟖
1400 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟖.𝟖
1800 people online𝐒$ 𝟒𝟏.𝟖
2000 people online𝐒$ 𝟑𝟓.𝟖
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟏.𝟖🐑
(Free delivery for purchases more than 𝐒$ 𝟓𝟎 combined)
11. Set K🇲🇾
👍4pcs hundred year traditional moon cake [lotus seed paste+golden jade+double egg yolk lotus seed+double egg yolk golden jade ]👨🍳
1000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟔𝟓.𝟓
1400 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟓𝟔.𝟓
1800 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟖.𝟓
2000 people online𝐑𝐌 𝟒𝟓.𝟓
🐑After the live broadcast 𝐑𝐌 𝟕𝟑.𝟓🐑
(Free delivery in West Malaysia)
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同時也有56部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅Zermatt Neo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,For this episode, we headed back to No Signboard Seafood, this time at the Esplanade, to demolish a $1000 Seafood Mee Goreng Challenge! As a belated b...
「singapore crab noodles」的推薦目錄:
- 關於singapore crab noodles 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於singapore crab noodles 在 Grassrootseaters • 草根食堂 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於singapore crab noodles 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於singapore crab noodles 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於singapore crab noodles 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於singapore crab noodles 在 Ghib Ojisan Youtube 的最佳解答
singapore crab noodles 在 Grassrootseaters • 草根食堂 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Crispy Dough Fritter stuffed with Seafood
Chilled Bitter Groud severd with Osmanthus Honey
Crisp-fried Homemade Seafood Tofu
Singapore Style Black Pepper Crab (M)
Singapore Style Hainanese Chicken (whole)
Hot Plate Tofu with Preserved ‘Cai Xin’ and Minced Pork (Small)
Singapore Style Hokkien Fried Noodles
Stir-fried Morning Glory with Nanyang Style Sambal(S)
Trio Layered Osmanthus Pandan Cake (Chilled)
樂天經典 (奧海城) (大角咀)
@olympiancity @paradisegrouphk #星馬菜 #樂天經典 #奧運 #奧海城 #大角咀美食 #大角咀 #crab #singapore #seafood #蟹 #spicy #noodles #tofu #chicken
singapore crab noodles 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
✈️It took over a dozen visits to Singapore for me to fall in love with it. But when I did, I fell hard. As a teenager living in Jakarta, Indonesia — just under two hours away by direct flight — I looked at Singapore’s shiny veneer and dismissed the whole place as shallow and materialistic. It was one big shopping mall, I thought, with too many rules and not enough character. But then, as I kept going back, I intentionally squashed my preconceptions and I started noticing other things. I quickly realized how much I had been missing.
🌆And now, like anyone else who has had the pleasure of digging into a plate of chili crab or spending a balmy afternoon watching container ships float just off shore, I miss it. Thankfully, with a little work in the kitchen, a handful of books and some time in front of the TV, there are ways to make you feel like you are in the Lion City for a night.
🍴Be your own hawker
OK, OK; we’re not going to claim you can recreate generations of gastronomical knowledge by following a recipe. But it is possible to at least channel the culinary spirit of a city where people pledge their loyalty to hawker stalls selling chicken rice and bak kut teh (a revitalizing pork-rib soup) the way that others might to sports teams. For something relatively simple, New York Times Cooking recommends mee goreng, or fried noodles. If you’re feeling ambitious, there’s this braised duck. Be warned: just reading the recipe will have you salivating.
#告訴我✍🏻「 你知道的新加坡美食 」
singapore crab noodles 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的精選貼文
For this episode, we headed back to No Signboard Seafood, this time at the Esplanade, to demolish a $1000 Seafood Mee Goreng Challenge! As a belated birthday treat, Sean has again offered to pay for my meal at No Signboard Seafood, this time only allowing Mee Goreng. Naturally, we loaded up the Mee Goreng with the most delectable toppings that No Signboard Seafood has to offer to push the cost to over $1000, making it possibly the most expensive plate of Mee Goreng ever!
No Signboard Seafood specialises in Chinese cuisine, with a focus on seafood, especially the world-famous Chilli Crab. This particular outlet at Esplanade is unique in that it has some Western cuisine available like Boston Lobster Scrambled Eggs with Caviar and pasta dishes. We had to go with Mee Goreng, which is a Malay-style fried noodle dish with a flexible bunch of proteins and vegetables added, tossed in a sweet and spicy sauce.
For my challenge, I ordered 10 servings of Mee Goreng, 3 Whole Boston Lobsters, a bunch of Scallops, 2 Wagyu Steaks and a large ball of Caviar. The staff masterfully plated this feast onto my giant plate, forming a beautiful array. The mee goreng was sweeter and less spicy than most mee gorengs you would find in Singapore, loaded with tofu and shrimp. It was delicious enough to eat on its own and had a deep wok hei aroma to it. The lobsters were plump and juicy, with the tail meat coming off the shell with almost no resistance. They were expectedly sweet and tender, being freshly cooked from the live lobster tanks on-site.
The scallops were stir-fried in XO sauce, pairing the naturally sweet scallops with the strong umami flavour of the sauce, while the steaks were cooked to medium-rare perfection and rich with a deep “beefy” flavour. Finally, the caviar was a surprising addition to mee goreng, usually eaten on its own or on toast with its rich salty flavour. However, it went exceedingly well with the mee goreng as each sweet and savoury bite of the mee goreng was met with pops of salty explosions, complementing one another rather spectacularly.
This meal was so good that I could hardly call it a challenge and I thankfully enjoyed my birthday dinner. No Signboard Seafood also offers a host of other Chinese-Singaporean cuisine, including crabs cooked in a multitude of ways and many fish options. Do check out No Signboard Seafood for their excellent take on Mee Goreng and their classic dishes!
Visit No Signboard Seafood at:
8 Raffles Avenue
#01-14 16 Esplanade
Singapore 039802
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Hair Sponsor - Toliv Salon
5 Purvis Street, #01-03, Singapore

singapore crab noodles 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳解答
For this video, we went back to Neo’s Kitchen to cook up and destroy a 5KG Collagen Seafood Noodles Challenge! CHU provided us with their Premium Chicken Collagen Soup packs for us to use as the gravy base. These Premium Collagen Soup packs are available at FairPrice Finest island-wide!
We veered from a more traditional Chinese-style seafood noodles by boiling all the noodles, meat and vegetables into the soup, similar to a hotpot. The alternate way would be to cook the meat and vegetables first, cooking the noodles separately (including a frying step), preparing the soup base and then combining them all together.
Thanks to CHU’s Collagen Soup, the soup base was a simple affair of emptying the contents of the pack into a pot. Then, we cooked all the ingredients one after another, which were: marinated pork loin, squid, shrimp, grouper, clay-pot noodles, fish cakes, crab sticks and bok choy. After seasoning to taste with oyster sauce and soy sauce, we topped the Seafood Noodles with an egg mixture that comprised of eggs boiled in the Collagen Soup. Finally, we plated the massive dish onto our giant plate and garnished with fried onions and spring onions. The result was a beautiful 5KG plate of Chicken Collagen Seafood Noodles!
The Collagen Broth was rich and deeply flavoured, reminiscent of a concentrated chicken stock. Surprisingly, while it had a distinct flavour, it was not overpowering nor salty. Using this pre-made pack allowed us to skip the fairly tedious process of creating your own which can involve chicken stock, aromatics and seasonings that you boil for some time. The seafood added a noticeable element to the broth that elevated the richness of it even further. Ultimately, I thought it was close to restaurant-level Seafood Noodles.
This was such a simple dish to prepare and I thoroughly enjoyed my homemade Chicken Collagen Seafood Noodles. The possibilities of what you can make with the Premium Chicken Collagen Soup are endless due to the rich yet not overpowering nature of it, be it a hotpot base, risotto or mui fan. Find it at your nearest FairPrice Finest or order it online!
Get CHU’s Premium Chicken Collagen Soup at: http://www.FairPrice.com.sg
IG: @FinestFoodSG
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Use code ZERMATT100 for special discount!
Hair Sponsor - Toliv Salon
5 Purvis Street, #01-03, Singapore

singapore crab noodles 在 Ghib Ojisan Youtube 的最佳解答
Uncle Ghib from Osaka, Japan reviews Singapore's fusion sushi! Local sushi chain Ichibanboshi is offering special National Day menu (available until Aug 23, 2020) and Uncle Ghib who's passionate about Japanese sushi gave it a try.
He is trying chicken rice sushi, chili crab sushi, popiah sushi, nasi lemak sushi and chye poh sushi. How did he like the sushi? Are they legit? Watch till the end to find out.
Edit: This is not a sponsored video. When my videos are, I always let you know in the video and description box. Huat!
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#Singapore #Ichibanboshi #Sushi