The moment when u realise u get major injuries, the whole world getting small. To much think on whats going to happen sometimes make me give up and frustrated. But its doesn’t make me down coz i has a stRong support system.
First time here Ill tell the true story on my injuries. ACL complete tear, Lateral Meniscus tear, and Bucket tear flipped is my major injuries that i carries before Asian Games and i satisfied with it because I did very well on that competition 💪🏼😊.
I’ll choose to do surgery for the better performance in future. To keep me motivated, Always be positive and open minded on what ever happen in future.!Again, Im very lucky because I has strong support system around. Find your own too and u never feel alone.
Thank You so much 💋🌹🌹🌹 Now is time for recovery 🏝🏖 @reclaim @reclaim @reclaim always my back
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