I met this incredible woman late last year and after hearing her story, I wanted to support her however I could. Zoe Chu @sgsupernanny is a survivor, an advocate, a mother and my friend. ❤️
Zoe is truly passionate about helping babies (and families) sleep 😴 through the nights and she’s damn good at it. Just go to her account to see the unbelievable reviews from the mummies she’s coached!
Today, I couldn’t be happier that Zoe’s book, Sleep Baby Sleep: 5 Simple Steps on how to get baby to sleep well is finally launched and available for sale at @timesbookstoressg @popular_sg @kinokuniya_singapore and @amazonkindle so her gentle sleep training system could help more babies (and families) around the world.
Help me help her spread her message and her mission to dissociate early motherhood with sleeplessness. Her book is a must-read for parents struggling with their child’s sleep.
#sleepbabysleep #sleepbabysleepbook #sgsupernanny #thechillmom #authorsofinstagram #booklaunch #qirenorganisation #sgmummy #sgmummies #wearamanda #sleeptraining
sleepbabysleep 在 Oon Shu An Facebook 的最佳解答
Sleep baby sleep
What are you waiting for?
The morning's on its way
You know it's only just a dream
Oh sleep baby sleep
I lie next to you
The beauty of this mess is that it brings me close to you
#broods #sleepbabysleep #majoritymedia #jeffchang
sleepbabysleep 在 Oon Shu An Facebook 的最佳解答
For the rest-less and the sleepless. Count the number of unicorns in this photo. (Not including the lego man in a unicorn suit) haha thank u sister i love this!! @j_uang Night, beautifuls. #sweetdreams #countingunicorns #legocorn #uniman #sleepbabysleep #unicorn