要談比特幣區塊鏈總會再談到「以太坊」,比特幣之於區塊鏈一如Web 1.0,那「以太坊」是2.0或3.0了,這實在太多名詞了!
我要特別強調我們寫這本書「比特幣區塊鏈大未來」的目的其實真正志在沛公,是要處理台灣的政治問題,比如九二共識和非核家園,政場騙子太多。維大力說的和我書中4.4寫的一致。「一個自由市場必要有足夠的流動性,一個民主的地方的選票也要有一定的速度與流動性」(2016,比特幣區塊鏈大未來),他用的字眼是" liquid democracy".
"Now, there is this approach called liquid democracy, and the way this works is, any individual can select some some other person as a delegate and say: “I trust him, and he’s voting in my place.” Or in a more advanced system you could even select, say, three delegates and say: “Whatever the majority of them vote, I’m going to vote with them.” So If you want to trust some other group to make most of the decisions for you, then you can do that. But if you want, at any time —any time, not just once every four years, but at any particular second —you have the ability to withdraw your vote and re-direct it to someone else or start voting on campaigns yourself. This is something you could implement in a smart contract as well, and you could use this to run this five hundred person club on the blockchain."