■ Words & Sounds #7
浪漫再起:R&B 的復甦
以剛入行的歌手來說,新歌的宣傳期不大可能超過半年。所以當 Ella Mai 在今年 4 月發表〈Boo’d Up〉的 MV 時,距離歌曲發行日已經整整 14 個月,沒人想到會有奇蹟發生。這位倫敦出身的年輕女歌手,2014 年參加選秀節目「X Factor」第一輪即遭淘汰,後來在 Instagram 上傳翻唱影片幸運被美國製作人 DJ Mustard 發掘延續星夢。DJ Mustard 打算為 Ella Mai 發行 3 張 EP 試水溫,只要當中有一首歌走紅就算成功,但沒抱太大期望。尤其像〈Boo’d Up〉這種歌,走老派 R&B 路線,既無饒舌幫腔也沒當紅 Trap 節奏編曲,歌詞還是描述心動純愛,整體完全悖離時下潮流,就算放到 R&B 極盛的 90 年代也稱不上出色。可說也奇怪,MV 推出後話題快速延燒,打破多項紀錄、從社群到名人口耳相傳、最終站上告示牌 R&B 榜冠軍。上回達到同等成就的英國女歌手是 26 年前的 Lisa Stansfield,由此可見此曲引發的效應有多不可思議。
〈Boo’d Up〉其實不是單一的偶發事件,它代表美國流行樂壇一項蠢蠢欲動的趨勢:受壓抑超過 10 年的 R&B 音樂似乎終於見到復甦的曙光。這類音樂發展長達 70 年,最早源自黑人福音與藍調,是「Rhythm & Blues」的縮寫(中譯「節奏藍調」,但現在不稱其全名,一如人們談起當代搖滾樂只用「Rock」,講「Rock ’n’ Roll」指的是像貓王那時期的老音樂)。70 年代 R&B 開始出現大量的情歌風潮,成為它最鮮明的標誌,至 90 年代幾乎統御全球。不僅國外有 Mariah Carey、Whitney Houston,中文世界也誕生陶喆、周杰倫等超級巨星。不管懂不懂 R&B 到底是什麼,當時大家前仆後繼掛上這名號,就跟現在連政治人物也要來段饒舌一樣的 skr。
然而進入 21 世紀後情勢急轉直下,嘻哈以其快速結合議題與時尚的能力、以及侵略性的節奏聲響強勢取代所有類型成為主流;唱片公司跟不上數位化腳步只得大砍製作與宣傳預算,導致需要時間金錢養成的 R&B 演唱團體一蹶不振,取而代之的是全能型的單人饒舌歌手;而美國黑人也愈來愈少參加教會詩班了,往昔 R&B 舉足輕重的福音基底蕩然無存,檯面上的鐵肺型歌手屈指可數。R&B 不得不向嘻哈低頭,選用一樣的編曲、加入饒舌的韻律、甚至委屈自己只唱副歌旋律。更重的節拍、更平凡的演唱技巧,現代人根本無從分辨二者的差異。自從嘻哈天王 Kanye West 2008 年專輯《808s & Heartbreak》、Drake 2009 年的《So Far Gone》以來,同質的音樂霸佔全球排行 10 年,在此之前從未有過任何聲響具有這麼長遠的宰制力。至於原本「正統 R&B」的音樂人雖有不少堅持下來,卻進到一般年輕人不會接觸的領域,即所謂瞄準 25 到 44 歲聽眾的「成人音樂」。這類講究情愛、曲調鬆軟的風格自有他一片天,只是一旦被歸為成人音樂,幾乎等同與更大眾、更年輕的主流市場絕緣。
如今 R&B 的復甦與幾件事脫不了關係,第一是復古風漸漸吹向 90 年代。全球賣破上億張唱片的 Bruno Mars,2016 年專輯《24K Magic》即為全面向 90 致敬的範例,Ella Mai 正是他巡迴的暖場嘉賓;不少當年聽這些音樂長大的孩子成為了音樂人,回過頭把 90 年代取樣進自己的作品裡,比如洛杉磯饒舌歌手 Ty Dolla $ign。若說 10 年前流行的是 R&B 歌手學起饒舌押韻,那麼 Ty Dolla $ign 代表的則是新興的逆向趨勢:饒舌歌手認真把旋律唱好,這也是 R&B 復甦的第二徵兆。他去年專輯《Beach House 3》有意識地大幅減少饒舌比例,「我想證明 R&B 不用自我設限,一樣能受主流聽眾歡迎,希望這能為 R&B 歌手舖路。」此外,R&B 雖然難以打進電台這個美國樂壇最主要的宣傳管道,卻意外在串流找到反攻基地。以往的主流模式是先獲得電台青睞,接著各大夜店會跟風強力播送,發球權不但被大型電台系統把持,同時不利於推廣 R&B 擅長的情歌風格。但串流平台的歌單打破上述僵局,聽眾與藝人都得到一定程度的解放,從像 Spotify 的「Chilled R&B」、「The Sweet Suite」這種百萬粉絲等級的超大型歌單中,可見到源源不絕的情歌,象徵浪漫音樂在當代的回溫。例如 Daniel Caesar 與 H.E.R. 一男一女,是現在美國最受矚目的 R&B 新秀,作品幾乎都是情歌,沒有傳統電台的奧援。然而前者獲得葛萊美獎兩項提名,後者則在巡迴屢屢完售。
雖然台灣並沒有 R&B 的場景可言,但仍可觀察到同樣的現象。光今年金曲獎即有以 R&B 為主軸的 J.Sheon 與李權哲入圍最佳新人,同場還加映來自中國的丁世光;至於甫發行個人首張專輯的後起之秀 ØZI 多數作品固然兇猛,卻也不忘與 9m88 合唱一曲浪漫小品〈B.O.〉。9m88 帶來的影響尤其巨大,那首代表作〈陪妳過假日〉即將屆滿 2 歲,或許聽眾正是從那時開始重新發現這類節奏勾人、旋律優美、唱功紮實的音樂之魅力所在。當然若要扯遠一點的話,享譽全球的獨立樂團落日飛車與重振旗鼓的 City-Pop 曲風,也是近期台灣樂迷對於浪漫音樂想像的源頭。
上個月 Ella Mai 發行了自己的首張專輯,隨即空降告示牌 R&B 第 1,她的第 2 支單曲〈Trip〉也蟬聯 3 週冠軍席次,暫時逃過曇花一現之譏。如今這些藝人的成功,足以成為後起之秀的強心針,可預見不少人將投入此類音樂的創作。至於 R&B 能否重回盛世?那一來或許得視拋下福音傳統之後,如何打造出一項具有同等影響力的特色;二來則是 R&B 永無可逃避的現實:種族。這類以黑人出發的音樂,永遠被白人搶去鋒頭,從而失去了它的文化根本。R&B 與主流彷彿是悖論般的存在,這或許才是它最深沉難解的問題。
(原文刊登於《週刊編集》第 17 期)
■ Oct 27 2018
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,910的網紅Linora Low,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Post Comp Questions and Answers 1. How did you feel post comp felt? i had the blues.. cause after the comp, my goal kinda ended. I was rather lost, c...
so far gone ep 在 Rock DJ ciacia {何欣穗} Facebook 的最讚貼文
2018-3-25 Rock DJ Playlist
1-1 Stop and Go : Albert Hammond Jr. ( Francis Trouble / 2018 )
1-2 Darkness at the Door : Editors ( Violence / 2018 )
1-3 I Remember It Well : Matt Costa ( Santa Rosa Fangs / 2018 )
1-4 On the Radio : Holly Miranda ( Mutual Horse / 2018 )
1-5 Savour It : Sarah Blasko ( Depth Of Field / 2018 )
1-6 Each Man to His Own : El Perro Del Mar ( We Are History EP / 2018 )
1-7 Talking Pictures : FRIGS ( Basic Behaviour / 2018 )
1-8 重複(feat.大麻) : 雨國 Kingdom of Rain
1-9 Life Game : ゲシュタルト乙女 Gestalt Girl
1-10 Me, Her & Lavender : Cloud ( Plays with Fire / 2018 )
1-11 Pearl : Totally Mild ( Her / 2018 )
1-12 Not Before Our Time : Tub Ring ( A Choice of Catastrophes / 2017 )
2-1 Am I Really Real : I'm a Lion, I'm a Wolf ( And Then It Was Dark / 2018 )
2-2 For You Too : Yo La Tengo ( There's a Riot Going On / 2018 )
2-3 Muerte de un surfista - 衝浪者之死 : Duda Deportiva ( Artefactos - 遺物 / 2017 )
2-4 Go : Tracey Thorn ( Record / 2018 )
2-5 Please Come Home : 林瑪黛 MATELIN ( 嗨! 又相遇了 / 2017 )
2-6 Hunger : Woodes ( Golden Hour EP / 2018 )
2-7 So Far So Gone : Naive Set ( Naive Set / 2018 )
2-8 All These Thoughts : Scenic Route To Alaska ( Tough Luck / 2018 )
2-9 Stoned, Alone : Teenage Wrist ( Chrome Neon Jesus / 2018 )
2-10 Body To Flame : Lucy Dacus ( Historian / 2018 )
2-11 Boy Crazy : Dessa ( Chime / 2018 )
2-12 該死的冷戰 Feat.李英宏 a.k.a DJ Didilong : Frandé, 法蘭黛樂團 ( 為什麼像個愛情故事,明明我看的是偵探小說。 / 2018 )
so far gone ep 在 Alex Chee Facebook 的最佳貼文
Ep.4 of Super Shredded Series is out!
I had a terrible weekend, I won't lie.
I lost my iPhone 6Plus, Cracked my iPhone 6S Plus, all the videos I filmed from Friday - Sunday GONE, fell sick and couldn't sleep properly all during the weekend.
Was extremely frustrated, things wasn't going my way, and I started to fall into the WHY and my progress was slowing down, but I took a step back, and look at the positive side of life, I have a great family, great girlfriend, great friends, a great dog and I got me, that's more important and I will be grateful and overcome all these negatives effect I had so far in 2016!!
Nothing will ever stop me from getting Super Shredded!!!
Comment, share, like and subscribe to enjoy the full journey!
Thank you for your support and enjoy the rest of the video!
so far gone ep 在 Linora Low Youtube 的最佳解答
Post Comp Questions and Answers
1. How did you feel post comp felt?
i had the blues.. cause after the comp, my goal kinda ended. I was rather lost, cause the routine was broken. I felt goalless but that was important to let the body rest. I got enough rest physically i'd say, but mentally maybe not quite. Life continued, with work and everything else. Nature of my job, it's rather hard to take a break. But i'm making it work.
2.Did you manage to maintain your comp physique?
No. cause3 e everywhere fb er reed I ate food i usually avoided, so i bloated after 3 days.. My weight on comp day was 53kg but i'm currently at about 57.7kg, which I don't really mind. i was only suppose to cheat for one whoolllle day right after comp. But to the dismay of my coach to about 3 days. Then I tried to get back on track. I'm not going to say it's impossible to maintain an aesthetic physique, cause it is possible, but its up to how you want to live YOUR lifestyle. In order to maintain the body i had for comp, i have to keep up with the lifestyle. But i want to say that is my norm because I'm more aware on the food choices I make for MY body. Klootype.
3.Did you finally meet my coach?
Yes I did, I wasn't as emotional as i thought i would be. I'm just being the drama queen in my head.
4. What was the first thing i ate after comp?
A burger, fries , waffles, pancakes,
5. What was my Food/Macros like post Comp?
i went back to 1550-1600cals. The breakdown is the most important part.
Comp season - I was on 50g of carbs and below. Protein intake was very high and my fat was somewhere in the middle.
Off season - i'm on 70-75g of carbs. Protein is still higher than fat, but i'm allowing myself to have a bit more fat than before. You'd be surprise that an extra 20g of carbs is a lot! For example before if i were to eat about 7 rice cakes i would hit my 50g of carbs. But now i'm allowed up to 12 rice cakes for 75g of carbs.
I know numbers may seem like a pain, but like i said it's about making smarted choices and knowing how to manipulate food for your body.
On 75g of carbs, i noticed i didn't have as much definition as i did prior to 50g of carbs.
6.How will I do things differently?
My training program, i leave it up entirely to my coach.
I'm adding EMS to my training sessions now. 1-2 a week as prescribed by my coach.
Ensure my costume is ready a month in advance.
I'm going to make sure that makeup is all done in the morning and not 2-3 hours before. How i carb load up would also be different.
7. What's your motivation?
I want to get Top 5!
I am my motivation. My family is my motivation. I do the things that I do because i believe that God has a higher purpose for me and I know that it has something to do with helping others. Fitness and Mental wellness goes hand in hand. Doing this comp gears me to improve myself. If I can put myself through this anyone else can. Nothing is impossible, it's just a matter of whether you are willing to sacrifice certain things.
Would i recommend someone to join a comp?
Yes! While competing may not be for everyone, but I do recommend it, because what you learn from the process is so worth it. I've said it before, you get a better understanding of yourself and your body. Having said that, I highly recommend for girls who are about to start taking part to find a good coach that knows about nutrition, training regimes and hormones well. Girls who I hear are eating 1000 calories or even doing cardio for 2 hours in a day, well... I reserve my comments but there is always an alternative and healthier ways to get ready aesthetically, without causing harm to your body.
Will I Compete Again?
Yes I will. I'm aiming for a show in 3months time. This will be a lot harder and a much bigger stage.
I have a different mindset going into this second comp. The first time, i went in with the mind, die die, i'm going to do it. In the past 2 and half months, I toyed with the idea of competing again. It was like as if I could choose not to do it and I could. Cause i've already gone through the challenge why do it again?? I have other priorities in life no?
I will do another comp because I want a new challenge. I want to learn more. Sure there are many ways of getting life lessons, but I found this journey to be a beneficial one. I'm going in this comp, cause I want to beat me!
I conquered the inner demons in my first comp. I have more amo and armour now - which are the knowledge and experience. So i want to try and take it a step further. How far can i challenge my physique, with all the external factors around me. I want to how to handle a stressful situations better.