育兒之路有時候是崎嶇難行的。最近就是遇到了這難題。先是麥子哥哥被中文學校的老師跟媽媽告狀,說他上課都走來走去,無法控制,所以要求媽媽下回上課要旁聽。結果沒想到,他們班上幫忙的小老師(高中女生)正好是媽媽我同事的女兒,還錄了視頻給我看,這好小子不止走來走去,還坐老師專用的高背皮椅在教室正前方大玩轉圈圈。當天他還啃電話線,畫小老師的作業本,把教室裡的黑板弄倒.... 我看了差點沒吐血....😱😱😱 我問他為什麼這樣做,他說他不想上課,所以我花了一番心思跟他懇談,不知道聽進了多少,但是至少目前暫時沒事了!我在想,或許上課內容太簡單時間又太長(三小時)的關係,所以他坐不住了....😔 老師說他都會,就是沒辦法坐定。😨😨😨 這我得好好想辦法才行..... 大家有建議嗎?
Sometimes it is very hard to educate little kids. I am currently encountering this situation right now. Just last Saturday, teacher from Chinese school asked me to sit in the class next time since Vincent likes to walk around in the class, and he doesn’t listen to teacher. I didn’t think too much about it until Monday, I went to work, and my coworker told me that a Vincent was a bad boy in class since my coworker’s daughter happened to be the TA from Vincent’s class. She showed me a video clip of him spinning teacher’s leather chair, drawing on TA’s homework paper, chewing the phone cord....😨😨😨😨 I asked Vincent why he did those things, he told me he doesn’t like Chinese school....😞😞 well, I tried my best talking to him about it and he is fine now. However, I know this is just temporary, it’ll happen again! I must think of a strategy!!!
According to the teacher, his academic work is great, he just doesn’t listen.... I’m thinking maybe pinyin is too easy for him?? And the length of class is too long (3 hours for Kindergarten)???
I don’t know.... any suggestions guys???
spinning class中文 在 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? Facebook 的最佳貼文
★ fidget spinner /'fɪdʒɪt 'spɪnɚ/
先造些句子。常常搭配 play with:
Some of Scott’s students play with fidget spinners in class. It makes him crazy!
也可以搭配 spin (轉):
The fidget spinner was spinning on his thumb for an unbelievably long time.
分開來看,fidget 與 spinner 是什麼意思?
Spinner 比較簡單。因為 spin /'spɪn/ 是「轉」的意思,spinner 就表示會轉的東西,「轉者」---- 就是陀螺。
但 fidget /'fɪdʒɪt/ 是什麼意思呢?
是「坐臥不安」的意思,就是因為心裡不安,或因為緊張或精神太好,所以會一直小小地亂動:抓頭髮、一直換坐的姿勢、弄一弄衣服、拿小東西玩一下然後放回去等等(或更嚴重的,有注意力不足過動症)。Fidget 是動詞:
Some of the kids fidget the whole class. It’s distracting for the teacher.
Don’t fidget during the interview. The boss won’t like it!
那這個玩具為什麼用 fidget 呢?
是因為,它原本的用途是「醫療性」的,就是讓孩子*停止*亂動。所以 fidget 原來不是形容玩具本身,而是形容人要應付的問題。
所以,跟中文的「指尖」很不一樣(但可以順便教,指尖是 fingertip /'fɪŋgɚ,tɪp/,finger [手指] + tip [末]。)
好了,提醒年輕的讀者本人辛辛苦苦的經驗到的: If you play with your fidget spinners in class, your teacher will go crazy!