[City of London]
私房景點分享倫敦- St Bartholomew's Hospital
16世紀中葉正當宗教改革時候,醫院也是教堂的資產,亨利瓦解了天主教政權和財產,同時也收納了這間還在倫敦,可追溯到13世紀最老的 St Bart's 醫院(聽說當時病人主要飲食是麵包配啤酒),醫院被政府收納後,幾萬的人口沒醫生可以看,最後好幾次人民起意,勸說後,亨利八世最後把醫院換給市政府。這個神秘的彩繪玻璃(亨利八世在中間拿著權杖,左下角的藍袍的是倫敦市長Lord Mayor接收亨利的醫院合約 )就藏在這醫院的夾角中。要是路過倫敦,大家來一起來找吧。
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St Bartholomew's Hospital
W Smithfield, London EC1A 7BE
[City of London ]You don't normal see Henry 8 associate with healing the sick and saving like for the 6 times married king. Priory of st Bartholomew ( old hospital ) was suppressed in 1539, and thousand of local lack of medical care. Petition were signed. 1546 Henry 8th grant "the hospital " the name has to be the '"house of the poor in west Smithfield in the suburb of city of London, king Henry 8th foundation, a rare stain glass still hanging the St Bartholomew museum today. What a fine little gems
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