Hi, I’m SLS. It’s been a while since last time I post something like this, but let’s just have a chat.
Let’s start with the situation recently, some of you have already notice my disappearance, thanks for all your caring, yes, due to personal issues I’ve been too busy to deal with all the works of SLSMusic. Further more, actually I’ve been nearly half a year couldn’t play or practice piano, It’s really crazy to me. I'm under a lots of pressure for a long time. So I’m really grateful that Tt. and BOY help me with all the stuff including details of videos, posting on all the social media and replying the comments.
Okay now, you may wanna ask “what’s happened” after seeing this picture. without any announcement from YouTube, a great amount of videos in our channel have demonetized since last week.
Yes, I’m shocked. I’m totally frightened and couldn’t sleep all night. At first we thought that’s some sort of BUG from the system, but it seems not. And for derivative music creators like us, we could do nothing but accept it despairingly.
YouTube has been provide a nice platform for music creators which could let us not only focus on creating contents but also get something back, even just a little. That’s why more and more Cover channels showed up last few years, you could called that the golden era. (Okay I know there’s just a few in Taiwan, not to mention pure instrumental channels)
這些年,YouTube變了很多。有在持續追蹤我們的朋友們應該都有發現,近年來的觀看跌的很慘;當然我們也不是個案,就連我自己追蹤快10年的「百萬訂閱」Cover頻道,他竟然淪落到現在發的每部片平均過一週竟還不到10萬點擊,所以我想想,嗯,我們還算好的(?)。 我周圍的朋友都跟我說,如果我早1、2年出來,我現在早就百萬訂閱了,我自己心裡則是苦笑,因為我也很明白。當然,我也清楚,觀看VIEWS不代表一切,一部作品不是單單用一個面向去評斷他,不能因為它觀看低就去否定他的價值,對,我都知道。
Yes, YouTube has changed a lot these years. The algorithm keeps changing, and the views of our videos also keep decreasing. I know that VIEWS doesn’t mean everything, but you know, that still sucks.
Musicians live a hard life these days, especially in Taiwan. The revenue from YouTube once made us feel better, but not for long. We are not capable to upload video everyday like other types of channels, actually once a week like now is already challenging.
I always told my friend that I prefer to be known, to be remembered as a “Musician” not a “YouTuber”.
Hmm.. anyway. I nearly forgot what I was trying to say here. Just take it as my own confession. Well, generally speaking, I still think I’m a lucky guy. I’ve got family who support my dreams, I’ve got best friends who also got similar ideas and interests with my. I crushed into music industry with zero background, I love music, games, animes, cinematography, and now I could use my interests to make living, theres nothing better than this.
回到正題,那麼這個大悲劇對「SLSMusic」發片會有什麼影響嗎?短期的答案是「不會」。除非他現在跟我說我做COVER就要鎖我頻道(笑)。我們是音樂家,YouTube是我們發表作品、分享音樂的「管道」;今天就算YouTube倒了,SLSMusic也還會在;今天只要我還在,SLSMusic就在。況且...彈Cover是我愛做的事 :1
Okay, back to the business. What will happen to “SLSMusic” facing this serious problem? The answer is “nothing would happen”. We’re still us. We’re musicians, YouTube is only a PLATFORM for us to share our joy to the world. Even if YouTube’s gone, as long as I’m here, SLSMusic will always be there. Not to mention doing cover is my personal hobby since I was a child :1
I really wish this situation wouldn’t last so long. Otherwise, not only us, it would be a disaster for all the music creators. But still, I’m not giving up.
希望願意給予我們支援的觀眾,可以加入我們YT會員大家庭,每月贊助我們一個便當的錢對我們來說會是莫大的實質幫助。LINK👉 https://www.youtube.com/slsmusic/join
Oh, and if you like the contents on our channel, our you simple like us (LOL), please consider join our YouTube Membership to give up some extra support. That will give us a big help and we’ll be very grateful. LINK👉 https://www.youtube.com/slsmusic/join
Anyway, thanks for reading, and thanks for everyone who supports us for so long. After finishing my business here, I’ll soon come back where I used to be, and start to work on multiple project that we’ve been planning for a long time, such as new series of videos, new studio, sheet music, etc. Stay tuned!
#slsmusictw #slstalk