Semalam last patient yang saya tengok, seorang ayah bawak anak lelaki umur 4 tahun 10 bulan. Reason bawa jumpa dokte sebab cikgu tadika suruh bawak, nak tengok anaknya ada ADHD ke tak
Anaknya nama Umar. Masuk bilik dokte elok je terus duduk atas kerusi. Pandang dokte. Good eye contact. Not wandering around. Not touching here and there. Ok first impression tak nampak macam ADHD. Bagi pen kat Umar suruh lukis spiderman sebab nampak dia pakai baju spiderman. Umar malu. So dokte lukis spiderman dulu. Umar sambung lukis. Ok laju je. Good pencil grip
Tanya ayah kenapa cikgu cakap macamtu? Ayah cakap cikgu bagitau dalam kelas tak duduk diam. Tak fokus masa belajar. Ni report card dia dokte cikgu suruh bawak. Masa tu ingatkan report card kindy yang biasa. Tapi tengok terus terkejut “wow ni macam report card sekolah kebangsaan!” 😳😳 list all the subjects (math, science, bm, english, seni with grades???? He got D for bm, C for science, B for math) APEKAH??
Then ayah keluarkan kertas exam (wait, what..there is exam for 4 y/o kids??) BM he got 11/100. Ayah nampak confuse. Dia pun tak rasa anak dia ada masalah. Tapi cikgu cakap anak macam ada ciri ADHD. Ayah pun dah rasa panik. Kat rumah ok je dokte. Boleh ikut arahan. Boleh makan guna sudu garpu tangan. Sepah rumah tu biasa lah. Tapi kalau ajar buku ni A, ni B, ni C memang tak nak ikut sangat. Anak first perempuan. Memang lain lah dengan anak lelaki
Tanya ayah Umar ni suka main? Sangattt. Umar ni suka bergerak2 ke? Maksudnya tak boleh duduk setempat lama2? Ye betul. Suka main mainan yang hands on with texture? Macam play dough ke? Ye betul. Ok ayah for what i see Umar takde ciri ADHD (after few more questions and examination). Tapi Umar ni kinesthetic learner. Tapi orang selalu salah anggap budak macam ni ‘hyperactive’ sebab tak nak duk diam kat meja masa belajar. Tapi suka main (padehal memang umur ni tanggungjawab dia main je😅)
Tanya ayah Umar dah boleh dress and undress himself? Dah pandai. Gunting kertas? Tak sangat. Butang baju? Belum. Bagitau ayah yang time ni yang kena focus ialah fine motor skill. Jangan push untuk academically lagi
Dokte bagi ayah dua pilihan untuk Umar:
1) Tukar ke play school. Lebih sesuai untuk perkembangan Umar
2) Kalau nak sekolah sama ayah kat rumah kena usaha buat cara pengajaran yang sesuai untuk kinesthetic learner
3) Selit jugak advice untuk ayah cut sugar intake and gadget time
Ayah faham. Balik rumah nak discuss dengan ibu dulu macamane. Tapi dokte still refer kepada OT so ayah boleh belajar cara yang betul and for further assessment nanti. Umar pun dah siap lukis. Tunjuk kat dokte Umar lukis spider siap ada 8 legs 🕷good job Umar! 👍🏻 then cerita spiderman warna blue & red. Ada spiderman jahat nama dia venom. Ye Umar dokte tahu kat rumah dah ada budak 2 ketul cerita salasilah keluarga spiderman 😆
Lepas Umar dah balik teringat kat my Umar Hadif. Sedih rasa bila dipaksa macam tu sebab Umar kat rumah tu pun sejenis kinesthetic learner. Ajar cara conventional mengadap buku memang boleh jadi geram. Nak ajar kena sambil lompat trampoline. Atau buat alphabet guna play dough
Hmm tapi macam manapun can we adult let the kids be kids? Janganlah merepek paksa budak besar tu buat exam pastu letak grading pastu bagitau anak encik macam ‘gagal’ pastu menambah stress parents and budak2 dalam dunia yang serba nak cepat & stress ni. We actually destroy the love of learning in children 💔
Kredit: Nani Zaik
同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,540的網紅長谷川ろみの腸活研究所,也在其Youtube影片中提到,バナナダイエットってちょっと前に流行りましたよね。 1品だけしかたべないっていうダイエットはあまり賛成派ではないのですが、むかーしおデブ期に試したことがあるんです。 案の定、その時はバナナダイエットで5kgぐらい太ったんだけど、笑 今思うと、そりゃ失敗するよなっていう失敗の理由がありました。 痩...
「sugar intake」的推薦目錄:
sugar intake 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的精選貼文
- to be high in saturated fats and added sugars: chứa nhiều chất béo bão hòa và đường
- to be prepared and served quickly: được chuẩn bị và phục vụ nhanh chóng
- to taste good: ngon
- to eat… too much over a long period: ăn… quá nhiều trong một thời gian dài
- processed preservatives: chất bảo quản đã qua xử lý/chế biến
- to be detrimental to …: có hại cho …
- to consume high levels of salt: tiêu thụ lượng muối cao
- to be low in antioxidants, fiber: ít chất chống oxy hóa, chất xơ
- a low-fiber diet: một chế độ ăn ít chất xơ
- to increase blood pressure: tăng huyết áp
- to be more likely to have a heart attack: có nhiều khả năng bị đau tim
- to put on weight: tăng cân
- fast food chains: chuỗi thức ăn nhanh
- to introduce a ban on junk food advertising: ban hành lệnh cấm quảng cáo đồ ăn vặt
- to be highly addictive: gây nghiện cao
- to be hard to resist: khó cưỡng lại
- to increase bad cholesterol levels: tăng mức cholesterol xấu
- to keep your weight under control: kiểm soát cân nặng của bạn
- to control your intake of harmful fats: kiểm soát lượng chất béo có hại của bạn
- to choose healthier fat options: chọn các món ăn chứa chất béo lành mạnh hơn
- to be extremely high in calories: có hàm lượng calo cực cao
- to be eaten in large amounts: ăn lượng lớn
- to satisfy your cravings: thỏa mãn cơn thèm của bạn
- to grab a snack on the go: mua 1 món ăn vặt trên đường bạn đi làm/ đi đâu đó
- to be affordable and convenient: hợp túi tiền và tiện lợi
- to make junk food less tempting to children: làm cho đồ ăn vặt ít hấp dẫn hơn đối với trẻ em
- to tax unhealthy food: đánh thuế thực phẩm không lành mạnh
- to force the food industry to cut sugar & salt in…: buộc ngành công nghiệp thực phẩm cắt giảm đường và muối trong…
- to change consumer behaviour: thay đổi hành vi của người tiêu dùng
It is high in sugar, salt, and saturated or trans fats, as well as many processed preservatives and ingredients.
Nó chứa nhiều đường, muối và chất béo bão hòa hoặc chất béo chuyển hóa, cũng như nhiều chất bảo quản và thành phần đã qua chế biến.
Excess added sugar can be detrimental to health — and getting it in liquid form is even worse.
Lượng đường dư thừa quá nhiều có thể gây hại cho sức khỏe – và tiêu thụ nó ở dạng lỏng thậm chí còn tồi tệ hơn.
It contains unhealthy saturated fats, which can increase bad cholesterol levels.
Nó chứa chất béo bão hòa không lành mạnh, có thể làm tăng lượng cholesterol xấu.
They are considering taxing unhealthy food in an effort to tackle childhood obesity.
Họ đang cân nhắc đánh thuế thực phẩm không lành mạnh để giải quyết tình trạng béo phì ở trẻ em.
A ban on junk food advertising across London’s entire public transport network will be introduced next year.
Lệnh cấm quảng cáo đồ ăn vặt trên toàn bộ mạng lưới giao thông công cộng của London sẽ được ban hành vào năm tới.
#ieltsnguyenhuyen #ieltsvocabulary
sugar intake 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文
⚠️ 小心高糖陷阱
⚠️ 添加乳化劑
⚠️ 添加營養素
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
Learn more about plant based milk
Many plant based milk products are often marketed as healthy drinks that are environmentally-friendly. They are said to be high in calcium, low in fats, and rich in fibers, and are a perfect milk substitute for vegans and those who are lactose-intolerant.
So, how true are these claims? How much do you know about plant based milk?
⚠️ Beware of its sugar levels
While the raw ingredients do contain a small amount of sugar, additional sugar is often added to improve the taste of the products. Consuming plant based milk beverages that contain added sugar might not be the best for individuals who wish to lose weight.
⚠️ The use of emulsifier
If you have tried blending oats in water, you would have notice the mixture would eventually form two separate layers. How do plant based milk products maintain its ‘milk form’ for an extended period then? The answer lies with additives such as oils, emulsifier, or acidity regulator, which the manufacturers add. To reduce the intake of these additives, make sure we read the nutritional labels.
⚠️ Additional nutrients
Some plant based milk products boast a high calcium content, but raw ingredients like oats and almond by nature are not high in calcium. Some manufacturers tend to add additional nutrients such as calcium and Vitamin D to the drinks so that their nutritional values would be on par with that of the cow’s milk. For consumers who prefer a more natural product would have to replenish nutrients through other dietary sources.
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#男 #女
sugar intake 在 長谷川ろみの腸活研究所 Youtube 的精選貼文
・発酵ライフ推進協会 通信校 校長 &プロデュース
・東京商工会議所認定 健康経営アドバイザー
・腸活メディア「腸内革命」編集長 & 講師
【半年で12キロ減】バナナダイエット成功者「ユウナ??uuna」 17ライバー
(( 正しいバナナダイエット?ダイエット期間スタート! ))
【ダイエット】 デブが3日間バナナだけで過ごしたらなんkg痩せる??
Metabolic recovery from heavy exertion following banana compared to sugar beverage or water only ingestion: A randomized, crossover trial
International tables of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2008
Short-chain fatty acids and human colonic function: roles of resistant starch and nonstarch polysaccharides
Starches, resistant starches, the gut microflora and human health
Comparative Effects of Three Resistant Starch Preparations on Transit Time and Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production in Rats
Acute ingestion of resistant starch reduces food intake in healthy adults
Greater satiety response with resistant starch and corn bran in human subjects
Insulin-sensitizing effects of dietary resistant starch and effects on skeletal muscle and adipose tissue metabolism

sugar intake 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world
● Chicken meat: 1 piece (about 300g)
(Seasoning for chicken meat: salt and pepper, sake)
● 1/2 bag bean sprouts (about 100g)
(If you don't want to add any other ingredients, you can add them all.)
● Coconut milk: 1 can (400g)
● Water: 200ml
● Shimeji mushrooms: 1/2 bag (about 100g)
● Eggplant: 2~3 sticks
● Garlic: 1 clove (2 cloves for small size garlic)
● Curry powder: 2 tablespoons
● Consomme cubes : 2 (beef consomme is recommended)
● Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
● Olive oil
● Salt to taste
● Black pepper
● Garam masala to taste.
※ Boil the chicken breasts for about 3 minutes over medium to low heat.
※ The chicken meat should be boiled for about 3 minutes.
You can also add mushrooms.
The rest can be made with whatever ingredients you like♪
This is the second episode of the "Addictive Low Carb Soup" that was
so popular last time.
This time I used bean sprouts, chicken breast meat, and coconut milk.
I made "Coconut Curry Soup with Chicken Breast Meat".
It's really delicious, with a depth and richness of flavor that you
wouldn't expect from a low-carb soup.
The flavor makes you want to eat rice and bread.
The texture of the chicken meat this time is different from last time!
The chicken meat was tender with just the right amount of elasticity
to match the rich curry soup which is very delicious.
And the bean sprouts are crunchy, the eggplant is soft, and the
chicken meat has a good elasticity.
Those different textures make it very addictive.
This is a great dish for people who are trying to limit their sugar intake.
It is also good with rice and bread, so it is recommended for those
who want to eat a hearty meal.
It is very easy to make, just boil it. It's very simple to make, but I
think it's the best soup you can find at home.
Please try to make it!
1 Takes less than 10 minutes and is super tasty ♪ "Addictive low-carb curry soup" with Chicken Breast, Bean Sprouts and Coconut milk [Low Carb] [Diet]
2 سوبر لذيذ بمجرد غليان ♪ "شوربة منخفض كارب إدمان" باستخدام صدر الدجاج وحليب جوز الهند [ قليل منخفض كارب] [النظام الغذائي]
3 "Minestra a Con pochi carboidrati crea dipendenza" con petto di pollo e latte di cocco
4 "Sup Rendah karbohidrat ketagihan" menggunakan dada ayam dan santan
5 "Sopa adictiva baja en azúcar " con pechuga de pollo y leche de coco
6 "ซุป คาร์โบไฮเดรตต่ำ" ที่ใช้อกไก่และกะทิ
7 "Süchtig machende Suppe mit Wenig Kohlehydrate" mit Hühnerbrust und Kokosmilch
8 Tavuk göğsü ve hindistan cevizi sütü ile "Bağımlılık yapan Düşük karbonhidrat çorba"
9 चिकन स्तन और नारियल के दूध [कम कम कार्बोहाइड्रेट वाला ] [आहार] का उपयोग करके उबलते हुए "स्वादिष्ट कम कार्बोहाइड्रेट वाला सूप" सुपर स्वादिष्ट
10 "Soupe addictive à Faible teneur en glucides " avec de la poitrine de poulet et du lait de coco
11 "Súp Ít tinh bột gây nghiện" dùng ức gà và nước cốt dừa
12 "Sopa de Low-Carb viciante" usando peito de frango e leite de coco
13 «Суп с С низким содержанием углеводов » с куриной грудкой и кокосовым молоком
14 “上瘾的低碳水化合物汤”就超级好吃[低碳水化合物] [饮食]
15 닭 가슴살과 코코넛 밀크를 사용했다 "중독성저탄수화물〟【저탄수화물】【다이어트】
16 “上癮的低碳水化合物湯”就超級好吃[低碳水化合物] [飲食]
#こっタソの自由気ままに #鶏むね肉ともやしのココナッツカレースープ #低糖質ココナッツカレー #鶏むねと豆腐のやみつきネギ塩スープ #やみつきスープ #低糖質スープ #とりむねスープ #痩せるスープ #とりむねレシピ #鶏むねダイエット #煮るだけ #食べてやせる #ChickenBreast #닭가슴살 #Pettodipollo #DadaAyam #อกไก่ #चिकन स्तन #雞胸肉 #صدور الدجاج #Tofu #เต้าหู้ #التوفو. #Diet #Dieta #อาหาร #饮食 #フライパン一つで簡単 #和食 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #無限もやしユッケ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #糖質制限レシピ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #ご飯のお供 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #節約レシピ #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園 #UNDER10minutes #もやし #beansprouts #茄子 #Eggplant #しめじ #ShimejiMushrooms

sugar intake 在 メンタリスト DaiGo Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Hatch et al., “Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and fecundability in a North American preconception cohort”, Epidemiology, 29, 3:368-378 #今なら