愛不是始亂終棄的。愛不是倫理失常的。愛不是淫慾的奴隸。愛不是造就殺氣騰騰,同帰於盡的。愛不是經不起風浪的。愛宛如早辰的陽光,除去冬夜的寒冷與濕氣,充满溫暖,充满希望,充满光明,不含一絲絲殺傷力。這就是偉大的愛。吾,玳瑚師父,是認眞研習過,眞偉大的愛的一位行者,因而才能寫出何謂眞愛,亦才能對妳你們說,吾愛妳你們。對了,短文的開頭,的碗糕是閩南語,意指什麼東東,或是什麼東西。哈.......!來,跟吾一起喊!眞愛無敵。嗯!好,謝謝大家的合作,請繼續鎖定九八八玳瑚頻道。來,再多一次,跟吾一起唱,有妳你的感覺眞好,九八八... 玳瑚頻道。
What kind of "wan kuey" is Love exactly? What is it good for? Is it mandatory to have Love? All life begin because of Love. A man and a woman fall in love, get married and form a family, in order to bear the fruit of their love. But, is it wrong for married men and women to have other partners? Isn't it a show of love to bear fruits with others! Are you making trouble? You must have been waiting for this chance to wind me up, is it? Ha ha ha...
One who is married but finds another to love is a misdeed. It is unfaithfulness and dangerous. You err on your disloyalty, misguided morals and broken vows. You are creating a dangerous path with a strong air of hatred such as abortion, killing, use of black magic in order to sustain your own lust. On the topic of black magic and the dark arts, I remembered there was a young man who looked older beyond his years. He told me at the beginning of the year that he planned to go Thailand to meet up with a girl he met casually. I advised him to get rid of his evil intentions. In fact, all those who were present with me that day agreed that the young man looked much older than his actual age, and with a heavy dose of lust.
Love is not about forsaking your partner. It is not about misguided morals. Love is not being a slave to your lust and it does not create a tension of threat and doom. Love is able to withstand the storms. It is like the morning sun rays, dispelling the cold from the night, bringing forth warmth, hope and light aplenty, without any tinge of threat. This is love at its most noble form.
Master Dai Hu is one who thoroughly examined the great noble Love, thus I can write about it and tell you all that I love you all. Oh, the term "wan kuey" at the beginning of this article is a Taiwanese dialect, meaning what kind of thing. Haha! Come, join me and shout with all your might, "True Love is without peer!" Great, thank you all for your cooperation. Please continue to tune in to 988FM Master Dai Hu radio station. Come, let's do it again and sing together with me, "It's a wonderful feeling that you are here...988...Master Dai Hu Channel."
sun rays meaning 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文
【玳瑚師父佛學論】 《相聚與分離皆是緣》
Gatherings & Farewells Are Just Affinity At Play (English)
There is a verse in a song which I find particularly meaningful, and I would like to share it with everyone as a form of encouragement. I hope you will finally see clearly the true meaning of affinity and open up your heart to let in the rays of the sun, forming a clarity as clear and bright as the after-rain. In the song, one verse reads, "It does not matter how it might end in the future, at least we were together once." In my opinion, this verse is fully capable of soothing any grief and hurt from the departure of a family member or friend, as well as the emotional pain and sorrow from the breakup of a marriage or relationship. The Dharma is present in all things beneficial for the sentient beings. The lyricist of this song has inadvertently performed a deed of compassion. Everyone can learn from him, and compose similar songs that relieve sufferings. For example, "When we get together, how merry we all are..."
Separation between loved ones in life or death is one of the sufferings for all sentient beings. Master Dai Hu has long experienced this suffering. Does it mean that from now on, I am not going to live through this suffering again? The answer is NO. As long as we are still connected by affinity to this world, we are bound to encounter this suffering. Take myself for example, I had to live through the agony of the betrayal of disciples and students. This is also a kind of separation suffering! Walking past a certain coffee house, a certain restaurant, a certain place, there seemed to be an invisible hammer hitting my heart silently and painfully. Fortunately, I am a true practitioner, with a lifetime mission to rid myself of the seven emotions and six desires. After the hurt, pain and tears, I am more equipped to lead all sentient beings and forge ahead, onto the glorious Path.
When you and a couple of friends strike upon a new business idea, the key to the crucial questions of when to start the business, when to exit, etc, are already hidden in the birth charts of your partners and yourself. Of course, there are more hidden information in a birth chart: indicators concerning your health, wealth, descendants, marriage, etc. Why is it possible that a birth chart can reveal so much about oneself? I would like to share a well-said Chinese saying, "The best way to hide a misdeed is not to commit it." Our every action is like a planting a seed which, under adequate conditions, shall ripen into the fruit.
In the eyes of a true Buddhist practitioner, it makes no difference if a karmic debtor or a karmic benefactor appears, be it a kindred affinity or a difficult one, let it all rest! They can come and go as they like. Only in this state of mind can the mind be unbound and unattached. Only this enlightened state can put an end to the unrelenting causes and effects. When enlightened, your heart is like a mirror, as put forth in the Diamond Sutra, that do not abide in the notion of self, person, sentient being and life span. Everything becomes crystal clear, like the rays of the Sun that have fully penetrated the darkness of ignorance. But at this moment in time, you must have this basic foundation to realise that all gatherings and farewells are just but affinity.
In the eyes of a true Buddhist practitioner, it makes no difference if a karmic debtor or a karmic benefactor appears. Be it a kindred affinity or a difficult one, let it all rest! They shall come and go as they like. Only in this state of mind can the mind be unbound and unattached. Only this enlightened state can put an end to the unrelenting causes and effects. When enlightened, your heart is like a mirror, as put forth in the Diamond Sutra, that does not abide in the notion of self, person, sentient being and life span. Everything becomes crystal clear, like the rays of the Sun that have fully penetrated the darkness of ignorance. But at this moment in time, you must have this basic understanding that all gatherings and farewells are just affinity at play.
sun rays meaning 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文
Recap of April's Tea Session (English version below)
茶會前的五天,發生了尼泊爾大地震。於是,吾特地帶了一些出席者去買他們平身的第一串數珠。 吾細心地教導大家數珠的意義及使用方式,並解説為災難者祈福的重要性。 要唸佛持咒,一定要用數珠才能攝心。
1) 要有男人照顧一生一世的女人,應該有怎樣的眉形?
2) 路不會只有一條,條條路通羅馬,不要這麽執著。
3) 儒家和道家的巨大區別
4) 人不能跟禽獸一樣,不能在日月星下,荒山野嶺裏做“那回事”。
5) 每日都能做的大善事 - 每天給自己的父母一個微笑。
6) 這世界的災難源頭 - 「血染的風采」
7) 為什麽每個人都應該學如何超度?
8) 如何這一世就不再窮,甚至未來世都是大福之人?
9) 原來六字大明真言能夠圓滿一切所求!
10) 但怎樣唸佛持咒才有力量?
11) 家中安神位的四大利益!
12) 埃及法王手印的秘密
13) 古希臘人也知道太歲星君對地球人的影響!
14) 爲什麽孩子不孝順不聽話?
15) 看過太多八字了,十個孩子九個都不是來報恩的?
16) 老公愛去夜店,和祖先的陰宅風水有關?!
17) 狗能聼人話,也有前世記憶,主人如何能幫愛狗速離畜生道?
18) 怎樣能增強孩子的學習能力?
19) 在神桌上,不停播放唸佛機而不自己唸佛是錯的,等同在騙佛!
20) 債主已過世,還應該還他錢嗎?
21) 父母死後八小時,可以做什麽?
Five days before the Tea Session, the Nepal Earthquake struck. Thus, I brought some of the participants to buy their first ever chanting beads, and detailedly explained to them the correct meaning and method of using the beads. I shared with them the importance of seeking blessings for the victims of disasters. To chant and recite a mantra, you must use the chanting beads so as to achieve better concentration.
There are many opportunities in a day for a person to have virtuous thoughts and perform virtuous deeds. However, sloth, arrogance, ignorance and suspicion prevent one from doing so. People also have the misconception that only with money can he or she accomplish kind deeds. As a result, their merits decrease and worries multiply, with every single passing day. Their looks become haggled and they think this is the normal passage of their lives. How silly! What meaning could there be in life, if we are not the master of our own destiny?
Key topics from the Tea Session:
1) What brow shape should a woman have, in order to have her man take care of her for life?
2) There is no single path as all roads lead to Rome. Do not be so attached to your own views.
3) The great difference between Confucianism and Taoism
4) Man cannot be like a beast. He cannot indulge in sexual activity out in the wilderness or under the Sun, the Moon and the stars.
5) One of the greatest kind act you can do is to give a smile to your parents everyday.
6) The source of all calamities - bloodshed.
7) Why should everyone learn the Deliverance Practice?
8) How can you escape from the clutches of poverty this life and be prosperous, even in future lives?
9) The amazing wish granting prowess of the Six Syllabus Mantra
10) But how should mantras be recited for it to be powerful?
11) The four amazing benefits of having a shrine in your house
12) The secret behind the Mudras of the Egyptian Pharaohs
13) Even the ancient Greeks are aware of the influence the Duke of Jupiter has on the people living on Earth!
14) Why are your children unfilial and disobedient?
15) After analyzing so many birth charts, nine out of the children are not here to pay debt of gratitude!
16) The Feng Shui of the ancestral grave has something to do with your husband frequent jaunts to nightspots?!
17) Dogs are capable of comprehending human languages, and they possess past life memories as well. So how may a dog owner help his or her beloved dog to quickly leave the animal realm of existence?
18) How can you boost your children's learning ability?
19) It is wrong to place a MP3 player that plays Buddhist mantras on your altar, in substitution of you reciting the mantras in person. This disrespectful act is akin to deceiving the Buddha!
20) Your creditor has passed away, so how do you return the money owed to him?
21) What can you do in the first 8 hours of your parent's death?
And many more.
Some people think that death is the end of the road so why the need to learn the Dharma, which they perceived to be something impractical, when they can neither see, eat or use it. This is a lazy man's thinking. Your naked eyes cannot see infra-red and ultraviolet rays as well. Can you dispute their existence?
If a person does not take steps to eradicate his karmic hindrances, it would be futile to seek improvement through Feng Shui. If you have insufficient merits, you would not be able to engage a highly competent Feng Shui master. Even if you can, you will experience many obstacles when you badly wish to implement his instructions. I teach you the Dharma in hope that you can save yourself and others around you. Please have some foresight. Even though Feng Shui, Destiny Analysis, Name Change can improve your life, who can save you if you continue to be unwholesome and not virtuous in your speech, body and mind?
Life is a joke after all. Do not get caught in the toils of everyday life, blindly thinking that you will always have endless tomorrows. To be able to make time for this Tea Session is definitely a person of fortune. To be able to use the knowledge gained from me and help others is more certainly a man above the rest.