Beauty & The Boss 一起看设计感谢所有的赞助商让 Amber Chia Academy 焕然一新!🌟
Thank you so much for all the lovely sponsors for making #amberchiaacademy looks new again!❤️
Creative Home id - Malaysia's No.1 Interior Design Channel iko in for the arrangement. 💖
My ID favorite Nu Infinity Alex Lee ⚫️
Curtains Place Dato Jason Low for the beautiful Curtains! ❤️
Floor Culture Jerry for the Amazing Catwalk floor. 💚
Vasari Malaysia Johnson Lee for the beautiful wall. 🧡
Supreme Palace Sdn Bhd Jeremy for the stunning lights 🌟
Pensonic Nelson Chew for the air-conditioning system 💫
Monkii Whitehouse Jonatha Yam for the nail art area. 💅
More Design Grace for all beautiful the funitures! 💺
Also Benggy Yeong for all the beautiful shots! 😍
#nuinfinity #creativehomemagazine #ikoin
#moredesignasia #monkiiwhitehouse
#pensonicmalaysia #vasarimalaysia
#supremepalacelighting #curtainsplace
#floorculture #suriwong
supremepalacelighting 在 Amber Chia Facebook 的最佳解答
Thank you all for coming to Amber Chia Academy Welcome 2019 party. 🎉
Thank you all sponsors for making this happened. ❤️
Creative Home id - Malaysia's No.1 Interior Design Channel ikoin for the arrangement. 💖
My favorite ID Nu Infinity Alex Lee ⚫️
Curtains Place for the beautiful Curtains! ❤️
Floor Culture Jerry for the Catwalk floor. 💚
Vasari Malaysia for the beautiful wall. 🧡
Supreme Palace Sdn Bhd for the stunning lights 🌟
Pensonic Malaysia Nelson Chew for the air-conditioning system 💫
Monkii Whitehouse Jonathan Yam for the nail art area. 💅
More Design Grace For all the beautiful funitures! 💺
#nuinfinity #creativehomemagazine #ikoin
#moredesignasia #monkiiwhitehouse
#pensonicmalaysia #vasarimalaysia
#supremepalacelighting #curtainsplace
#floorculture #suriwong