[生活美語] 同學有看過Bag to Earth*這種廚餘回收袋嗎?
The bags are made entirely of biodegradable paper and are used to hold kitchen waste/food scraps (廚餘). This makes the organic food waste cycle more efficient as the paper, made from renewable and sustainable resources, adds needed nutrients to the composting process. You can read more about the bags here: https://www.bagtoearth.com/about
In Taiwan, we use plastic bag to hold our kitchen waste. Are these bags recycled or burned? How much of our kitchen waste is turned into fertilizer or pig feed? How efficient is the process? How can we reduce food waste and lower the environmental costs of our recycling processes? Some questions to think about when discussing environmental pollution.
Key words:
•kitchen waste/food scraps 廚餘
•biodegradable 可生物分解的
•compostable 可堆肥的
•compost 混合肥料;堆肥
•organic fertilizer 有機肥料
•plastic particles 塑膠顆粒
•nutrients 營養素
•the composting process 堆肥的過程
•renewable and sustainable resources 可再生及永續資源
•raw materials 原料
•eco-certification 環保認證
•contaminate 污染
•environmental sustainability 環境永續
•forest management policies 森林管理政策
•enrich garden soil 使花園的土壤更肥沃
•pig feed (n.) 豬食、餵豬吃的
•reduce garbage 減少垃圾量
•lower production costs 降低生產成本
•incinerate 焚燒、焚化
•bury in a landfill 埋在垃圾掩埋場
•the food waste problem 食物浪費問題
•food self-sufficiency 食物自給自足
•waste treatment 廢物處理
•economic incentive 經濟誘因
*Bag to Earth 這個商標可能是出於 Give back to Earth (回饋地球) 或 Return to the soil (回到土地)的概念。
Bag to Earth
Bag to Earth makes composting a pleasure
In Taiwan, leftover food scraps help farmers sustain porky appetites
Taiwan’s food waste must be addressed
sustainable forest management 在 農傳媒 Facebook 的精選貼文
【評估森林資源指標 臺灣林業前四項皆表現優異】
#2030永續發展目標 #林業 #森林永續 #法正林 #綠色經濟
sustainable forest management 在 Khairy Jamaluddin Facebook 的最佳解答
Semalam saya telah mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Majlis High-Tech Nation yang bertujuan merangka hala tuju teknologi sedia ada dan masa hadapan yang berpotensi untuk dibangunkan di Malaysia. Majlis ini juga akan melaporkan sebarang perkembangan secara terus kepada Majlis Sains Negara yang dipengerusikan oleh Perdana Menteri.
Program dan dasar yang akan dibentuk di bawah majlis ini adalah berpandukan kepada kerangka MySTIE 10-10 serta Dasar Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (DSTIN) 2021-2030 yang telah saya lancarkan minggu lalu. Sebanyak 30 bidang keutamaan telah dikenal pasti menerusi rangka kerja ini dan majlis ini akan merapatkan jurang yang wujud bagi memastikan ia dapat memberi kesan maksimum kepada setiap bidang keutamaan.
Majlis ini juga akan mengambil peranan secara proaktif dalam mengetengahkan teknologi masa hadapan yang akan melonjakkan kedudukan negara sebagai peneraju teknologi.
Saya juga telah memilih untuk mengutamakan beberapa program, hala tuju dan dasar agar sesuai dengan keperluan masa kini yang mendesak.
Antara cadangan yang telah dibentangkan semalam adalah berkenaan perubatan kepersisan (precision medicine) daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Perubatan kepersisan berasaskan teknologi data raya ini berupaya mendiagnos serta merancang perubatan yang berkualiti dan terjamin bagi seseorang pesakit.
Selain itu, Institut Penyelidikan Hidraulik Kebangsaan Malaysia (NAHRIM) juga telah membentangkan Hala Tuju Inovasi Air Negara yang akan menjamin keselamatan air. Menerusi hala tuju ini, sebanyak lima program telah dikenal pasti iaitu sungai yang bersih, rizab margin air, sistem air pintar, pengurangan risiko bencana dan pembiayaan air.
Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) pula telah membentangkan 9 hala tuju yang sedang dibangunkan oleh agensi-agensi di bawah kementerian. Kesemua hala tuju yang akan dibentangkan pada pertengahan 2021 ini akan memacu kerajaan untuk merangka pelaburan serta memformulasi dasar terbaik dalam pembangunan teknologi-teknologi tersebut. Pelan itu antara lain akan merangkumi: blok rantai (blockchain); nanoteknologi; robotik; hidrogen; kecerdasan buatan (AI); litar bersepadu dan bahan termaju (advanced materials)
Akademi Sains Malaysia telah membentangkan cadangan untuk menginstitusikan sebuah badan pemecut pengkomersialan teknologi (Tech-Commercialisation Accelerator) bagi mengetuai dan mengkoordinasi usaha-usaha penyelidikan beradasarkan perniagaan serta ekonomi. Penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) serta sistem penyampaian ini akan dibuat berasaskan permintaan serta keperluan pasaran untuk inovasi-inovasi penganggu (disruptive innovations). Saya akan mengumumkan lebih lanjut mengenai perkara ini sedikit masa lagi.
Institut Penyelidikan Keselamatan Jalan Raya Malaysia (MIROS) telah membentangkan kertas kerja ‘Teknologi Motosikal: Penyelesaian Kepada Dilema Kemajuan Ekonomi-Keselamatan’ dan menjelaskan bahawa 66 peratus daripada kematian di jalan raya melibatkan kemalangan motosikal. Kami berharap untuk memberi insentif dalam pembangunan, pengaplikasian dan penggunaan teknologi sedia ada serta akan datang bagi memperbaiki kebolehcapaian kesemua aspek keselamatan jalan raya. Bidang yang berpotensi untuk dibangunkan termasuklah teknologi pengujian serta verifikasi, teknologi penghindaran kemalangan, teknologi mengurangkan kecederaan (dalam kemalangan), teknologi pemaduan kembali sosial (social reintegration technology-merujuk kepada teknologi respons pintar awal dan pemulihan) serta teknologi pengurusan dan perancangan strategik.
Kementerian Alam Sekitar dan Air pula telah membentangkan Hala Tuju Inovasi Teknologi Hijau Kebangsaan yang mensasarkan penggunaan teknologi hijau menjelang 2030 bagi memastikan kemampanan alam sekitar negara. Inovasi-inovasi sektoral di bawah pelan ini termasuk perolehan hijau kerajaan, teknologi grid pintar, proses perindustrian hijau, pengawasan sungai melalui Internet Segala Benda (IoT), skim Waste to Energy (WTE) and wealth, pengaplikasian bangunan hijau dan pintar, kenderaan cekap tenaga dan kenderaan elektrik, pertanian bandar serta IoT pengawasan hutan.
Akhir sekali, dalam kita mengadaptasi perubahan tingkah laku akibat COVID-19, saya telah meminta MOSTI menyediakan satu kertas kerja mengenai Inisiatif Infrastruktur dan Ekonomi Sentuhan Rendah. Ini memerlukan anjakan paradigma bukan sahaja dalam cara kita berinteraksi sesama sendiri, malahan dengan dunia secara keseluruhan. Antaranya termasuklah penggosok lantai berautonomi, robot pembantu (membawa barangan) dan sistem pengurusan sisa pintar di pasar-pasar awam. MOSTI juga telah melancarkan penggunaan robot di hospital dengan kerjasama KKM serta memulakan modul robotik, dron serta AI di ladang-ladang bersama FELDA. Beberapa inisiatif ini akan direalisasikan di bawah Sandbox Teknologi dan Inovasi Nasional (NTIS).
Kebanyakan progam, hala tuju dan dasar sedia ada selama ini telah dimajukan secara berasingan atau bersendirian oleh pelbagai kementerian dan agensi. Majlis High Tech Nation adalah permulaan baharu kepada cara kita membangun dan mengaplikasi teknologi dalam negara bagi memastikan segalanya selaras dan koheren dengan keperluan nasional.
18 DECEMBER 2020
Yesterday, I chaired the first High-Tech Nation Council meeting, which aims to give strategic direction regarding existing and upcoming technology that has the potential to be developed in Malaysia. The High-Tech Nation Council will report directly to the National Science Council, which is chaired by the Prime Minister.
The programmes, roadmaps and policies under the High-Tech Nation Council are driven by the mySTIE 10-10 and National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2021-2030 that I launched last week. 30 niche areas were identified under this framework, and the High-Tech Nation Council will aim to fill in any gaps we have identified to make sure that there is maximum impact in these areas.
This Council will be proactive and champion upcoming technologies that we need to embark on as a nation to position us at the forefront of what is current and what is cutting-edge.
I have chosen to prioritise some of the programmes, roadmaps and policies in line with pressing national needs.
Some of the papers presented yesterday include the Ministry of Health’s paper on precision medicine, which takes a personalised, predictive, preventive and participatory approach to medicine. This will be layered together with big-data analytics to give personalised recommendations to each person.
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM) presented on the National Water Innovation Roadmap, to guarantee national water security. This involves five programmes; Clean River, Reserve Margin, Smart Water, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Water Financing.
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation presented nine roadmaps that are currently being developed under our agencies. All of these roadmaps will be unveiled by the middle of 2021. These roadmaps will guide our investments and policy direction in rolling out these technologies. They will cover: blockchain, nanotechnology, robotics, hydrogen, artificial intelligence, integrated circuits and advanced materials among others.
The Academy of Sciences presented on institutionalising a Tech-Commercialisation Accelerator, to spearhead and coordinate economic-oriented research in the form of demand-driven R&D and market-driven delivery systems for disruptive innovations. I will be announcing this in due course.
The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) also presented on Motorcycle Technology: Solving a Dilemma between Economic Development and Safety. 66% of the fatalities on the road involve motorcycles. We hope to incentive the development, application and deployment of existing and future technologies to improve accessibility and all aspects of road safety. Potential areas we are looking at include testing and verification technology, crash avoidance technology, injury mitigation technology (in event of crash), social reintegration technology (which refers to smart first response and rehabilitation technology), and management and strategic planning technology.
The Ministry of Environment and Water presented the National Green Technology Innovation Roadmap, which aims to leverage green technology innovation for an environmentally sustainable Malaysia by 2030. Sectoral innovations under this roadmap include government green procurement, smart grid technology, green industrial process, IoT river monitoring, Waste to Energy and Wealth schemes, application of smart and green buildings, energy efficiency vehicles & electric vehicles, vertical & urban farming, and IoT forest monitoring.
Lastly, but not least, in line with behavioural changes due to COVID-19, I asked MOSTI to prepare a paper on Low-Touch Infrastructure and Economic Initiatives. These will require a paradigm shift in how we look interact both with each other and the world around us. Some of the low-touch initiatives we have quickly identified include autonomous floor scrubbers, autonomous power assist robots (to carry your goods) and smart waste management systems in public markets. We’ve also launched robotics in hospitals together with MOH, and robotics, drones and artificial intelligence modules in plantations together with FELDA. Some of these initiatives will be realised via the National Technology & Innovation Sandbox.
Many of these programmes, roadmaps, and policies have existed and been implemented in silos by different ministries and agencies. This is just the start of how we relook at the development and application of technology in this country, to ensure everything is in line with our national needs and part of a coherent whole.
18 DECEMBER 2020
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sustainable forest management 在 Sustainable forest management - Wikipedia 的相關結果
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