12 Valentine's day😱in 1 year
一年12個情人節 12 Valentine’s Day in all year!
1月14日日記情人節-Jan. 14th: diary day Valentine’s Day. On this Valentine’s Day lover will present their diaries to each other
♀2月14日傳統情人節-Feb. 14th : St Valentine’s Day – the traditional Valentine’s Day, many lovers will prepare various gifts from markets or online shops for their lovers.
♀3月14日白色情人節-Mar. 14th : White Valentine’s Day – the day for boys to give gifts back to girls
♀4月14日黑色情人節-Apr. 14th : black Valentine’s Day – bachelordom of noble people
♀5月14日玫瑰情人節-May. 14th Yellow and Rose Valentine’s Day – On that day, wear in yellow, and eat yellow Curry Rice, that means to everyone you are a single. Furthermore, on that day, if you give a red rose to somebody, means you love him or her; if a white rose, that means you are consider; however, if give a yellow rose, that means say goodbye.
♀6月14日親親 情人節-Jun. 14th : Kiss Valentine’s Day – Lovers kiss each other to tell their lover the love
7月14日銀色情人節♀-Jul. 14th: Silver Valentine’s Day – take her or him of your heart to your family, introduce to your father and mother
8月14日綠色情人節♀-Aug. 14th: Green Valentine’s Day – go to a cool green forest with your lover in the hot summer
9月14日相片情人節♀-Sep. 14th: Music and photo Valentine’s Day – a wonderful day to held social affair. Also, many sweethearts will take photos under this blue sunny day, so that is why call photo Valentine’s Day
10月14日葡萄酒情人節♀-Oct. 14th : Wine Valentine’s Day - a Valentine’ Day to drink wine
11月14日電影情人節♀-Nov.14th: Orange and Movie Valentine’s Day: On that day, lovebirds after two movies drink nice orange, so romantic.
12月14日擁抱情人節♀-Dec.14th : internet Valentine’s Day - to the memory of internet love.