Super Red at Quill City Mall Kuala Lumpur with auspicious lion dance! 🥁🎉
teachocofest 在 Yunxii 蔡昀希 Facebook 的最佳解答
新年快到囉🧧🎉!是不是開始忙著辦年貨啦? Quill City Mall Kuala Lumpur 正舉辦著Super Red Tea Chocoffest !在這展覽你可以找到各式各樣的茶、咖啡☕️、巧克力飲品以及各種潮流零食😋!有興趣的朋友可以去逛逛喔!
This festival consists of tea, coffee, chocolate, and all sorts of trendy snacks in town to indulge your snack passion. Lots of exciting activities and programs are lined up such as Johan Public Speaking, Chopstick Talent School, and many more
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