Best Negroni cart in town if you ask me, and I’m very picky about my gin + vermouth combination. The Thai-inspired Negroni in the picture has got me 😏😏😏 If you slide left, there’s me feelin’ high on the wet towel infused with Jo Malone’s lime basil mandarin scent like a cat on catnip.
本以為只是出門買菜的中午,被飢餓的老公帶到澳門COD新開的Morpheus吃飯,結果被徹底地圈粉:人人皆知我愛Negroni,但這裡有Alain Ducasse自己發明的泰式Negroni,柚子Negroni,晚餐時段甚至還有整個Negroni cart讓你自行調配喜歡的口味;往左滑是我用濕毛巾擦完手後竟然聞到Jo Malone的萊姆羅勒柑橘香氛!於是只好敷在鼻子上,因為覺得幸福~我想我老公當下可能想離場但覺得太好笑只好偷拍了這張。
Food by Alain Ducasse in the next post!! 下一篇分享午餐內容☺️
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