Please, don't judge too quickly.
泰國警方3日表示,不排除起訴帶隊的艾卡波,但是泰國媒體「Munsdeetv」指出當時是這些足球隊員獨自進入洞穴探險,並非艾卡波帶頭:6月23日,來自泰北清萊府蓬帕鎮(Pong Pha)的這支青少年足球隊失蹤數小時後,25歲的艾卡波(Ekapol Chanthawong)接到足球隊員父母的電話,他們請住在距離洞穴1公里處的艾卡波協助尋人;艾卡波進入洞穴尋找學生,卻因為大雨而一起遭困。
13人獲救後,泰國皇家海軍(Royal Thai Navy)海豹部隊的一位隊員與他們見面後透露,這位年輕教練將全部的清水與點心留給了足球隊員,並教導他們保持冷靜,要他們靜靜躺著與睡覺以保留體力,並收集洞穴頂部滴落的水當隊員的飲用水,禁止他們喝髒水。
"The coach was asked how could he help the kids stay alive inside the cave. He said when he was a monk he used to practise deep meditation in the cave for months. So he knows how to keep everyone's mind calm and how to survive in the cave.
--- #ThamLuang #ถ้ำหลวง"
這支青少年足球隊的總教練納帕拉(Naparat Guntawong)說,艾卡波是孤兒,曾在泰北的南奔府(Lampoon)出家當了8年和尚。納帕拉說,他始終很有信心一向仁慈的艾卡波一定讓足球隊員平安無恙,「他在2013年至2014年加入足球隊……他非常喜歡這些孩子,總是把他們照顧得很好,也與足球隊關係親密」。據稱艾卡波出家時曾在洞穴裡靜坐修行數個月,這次他教導受困的足球隊員靜坐,讓他們減少飢餓感並保持冷靜。
thamluang 在 แซ่บอีสานบ้านๆbyเจ้ย Facebook 的精選貼文
ทุกคนปลอดภัย👍ขอบคุณทุกความช่วยเหลือค่ะ🙏❤️ #อย่าให้แปลให้เด้อค่ะแปลบ่ค่อยออกจ้า #ฮู่แค่ว่าปลอดภัยทั้ง13คนกะดีใจคักแล้ว😁🤟
**BREAKING** All the boys and their coach are out of the Tham Luang cave. Navy SEALS and the doctor still yet to exit.
Live coverage on Channel 7 at 10pm with Michael Usher, Chris Reason & Max Futcher.
#ThamLuang #7News
thamluang 在 Richie Kul Facebook 的最佳解答
These popular images of the “Wild Boars” coming home from the #ThaiCaveRescue have been posted extensively in recent days. My hope is that amidst this outpouring of concern for these young men, a few people will take a moment to reflect a little more deeply on these heartwarming images and the idea of “coming home”. Because home, safety and family are not concepts exclusive to human beings, and what this 2+ week ordeal has illustrated more than anything is that all lives are precious and sacred. Tonight i send out a prayer for a safe return home and freedom from harm for all “wild boars” and living beings alike! 🧒🏻❤️🐷
#เจ #วีเเก้น #ถ้ำหลวง #alllivesmatter #friendsnotfood #thamluang #safety #prayer #vegan #veganthailand #veganforeverything #veganfortheanimals #govegan
thamluang 在 Tham Luang cave rescue - July 10, 2018 - Facebook 的推薦與評價
Tham Luang cave rescue - July 10, 2018. A miracle unfolded - by the end of Tuesday, July 10, 2018, all 12 boys and their football coach trapped ... ... <看更多>