欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/
在這張不簡單的「致敬」專輯中,充滿來自亞洲各國家地區、不可思議的厲害人物,共同對某個時代致意的驚人能量!從第一首《中國痛China Reggaeton》以雷鬼搭配中國傳統樂器,找來香港影帝黃秋生合唱合演就讓許多聽眾嚇到下巴脫臼!《我們的海闊天空》用激情搖滾加上饒舌,找來中國歌手富九毫無違和感致敬香港傳奇樂隊Beyond,更是讓許多香港聽眾熱淚盈眶連聽三百次!《你是我的青春》鄭重邀請到當年憑藉彈奏一首《Canon Rock》爆紅國際的音樂家JerryC 跨刀合作並合演音樂錄影帶,致敬黃明志與他共同經歷的Youtube 草創那自由的時代;最驚人的創意是:黃明志連對成人色情片都可以致敬!《不小心》這首遊走在愛情與色情邊緣的歌曲,竟然邀請到無人不知無人不曉的日本當紅女優三上悠亞攜手出演,讓許多宅男在電腦前(因為痛哭)而消耗掉好幾噸的衛生紙;而90 年代的復古電音一直是許多聽眾念念不忘的音樂情懷,黃明志大膽攜手台灣電音教父DJ Jerry 羅百吉,兩人合作新曲《不要去Club》,反諷幽默又好笑,瞬間帶領聽眾回到90 年代的夜店七彩旋轉球下!
2020 是全球因疫情而陷入絕望的一年,但黃明志回到自己對音樂最「粗」的熱情,最「深」的感動,和最「大」的敬意,邀請了無數亞洲重要的音樂人與各領域工作者,挑戰種種極端而不可能的工作模式,耗費幾萬小時的努力,終於完成了“亞洲通”系列的最終也是最重要的一張專輯《亞洲通才》。
「通才」二字,泛指什麼都會的人才,黃明志一直相信每一個人都有獨特的才華跟天份,不論是很會演戲的影帝、讓人們開心的AV 女優、努力練習的辣妹舞者,只要願意努力,都能在各自的領域中發揮驚人的才華!以「想要跟亞洲各個有才華的人們一起合作」為出發,不論國家、地區、思想、語言、政治、種族和文化,只用初衷、熱情、執著、努力、合作和感動去完成,這就是《亞洲通才》這張專輯。
《Asian Polymath》 Music Album Introduction
Asian Polymath is the biggest project Namewee has ever put on, the wholly self-written album transcends the concepts of time and dimensions, it reimagines the afterlife and bestows a whole new meaning for life and death. Asian Polymath is a cognition collectives of all the previous albums, it congregates the essence from the last generation’s works. Asian Polymath is a wish from the author to honor the greats.
From 10,000 Reasons To Make Me Happy, Stop Clubbing, Our Love Is Over, Beyond The Edge and Five Hundred. These very Namewee-ish song titles have definitely got people to burst into laughters and their interest piqued. However when it comes to ‘Honoring’, the word has put Namewee into serious thoughts. To hammer the album into perfection, Namewee has had a few excursions to countries and places such as Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and India’s Bollywood. Through his research and mid-night grinding, he discovered the musical element which could have an ever-lasting impact on a culture’s growth. By utilizing the historical sampling and referencing techniques, Namewee inducted the element into his most recent works to woo the industry once again.
As the opening title, China Reggaeton fuses the Chinese sound with Reggae to create a unique blend of flavours yet what attracts most is the fact that Anthony Perry, the HKFA laureate being invited to feature in the song. Beyond The Edge is a song which the Hong Kong people love the most, Fu Jiu from China has a voice that strongly resembles the legendary rock band main vocals from Hong Kong – Beyond, hats off to the legends! Canon Rock 2020 is blessed to feature the song’s original creator – JerryC, the song commemorates the first wave YouTube content creators and a backstory of how Namewee rose to prominence. I Shot You shows that Namewee has limitless creativity, he wants to honour the Adult Video actresses and particularly JAV for accompanying him during his loneliest hours. Besides that, the appearance of Yua Mikami has garnered the music video a lot of unwanted attention. Do you still remember the 90s retro disco music? Stop Clubbing is a song that discourages young adults to go to such places. Head figure of Taiwan’s EDM, DJ Jerry collaborates with Namewee to rewind time back to the 90s happiest hours.
To complete the Asian Polymath formula, the finale of the ‘Asia’ albums. Unprecedented guest invitations and collaborations in the album far exceeds the industry’s common standard, in addition to the vast music genres such as Rock,R&B, Rap, Reggae, Ancient Chinese, Hindustani, Modern Pop, EDM and Disco. Nonetheless, sampling techniques, piano, guitars and strings, ancient instruments, Kompang, Sitar, Sape and countless instruments were used. Namewee greatly expanded the instrument capabilities and infused them with his creativity. During each stage of the process, the artiste was always brimming with ideas, the artist even exclaimed: ‘This project has my brain wrenched! My most time-consuming project ever!’
As a perfectionist, Namewee would always need to delve into his massive sound libraries to rummage a voicing that could match the corresponding time period, sometimes it could take weeks to filter a suitable candidate. Namewee would even go to the extreme by attempting to contact the original song producer to locate the most accurate sound but that’s just the first baby footsteps. Then, he would discuss with his arranger for ways to make the sound more modern, to fit the old blood in a new body. Asian Polymath is amazing for its preservation of the retro elements but still modern sounding aspect.
To differ ‘Honouring’ and ‘Imitating’ has its difficulties, the fine line between the 2 is ambivalent and blurry. Hence, Namewee has his own answer to such a question, he believes that by paying homage to the classics, their people and legacies would be the huge difference maker. Long story short, Namewee was already a backpacker in his college years, while he was travelling with a very tight budget in Asia, it was the classics that kept reminding him to be diligent and stoic.
The Corona-pandemic has ravaged 2020 into pieces, many were despair and despondent but Namewee persevered, thus giving birth to Asian Polymath. The word ‘Polymath’ means a person who possesses wide knowledge and talent, Namewee believes that everyone is born with talent yet true success is only granted to the most hardworking genius. Asian Polymath is Namewee’s desire for working with every talented person he came across in Asia, with burning passion comes unparalleled talent, that’s the last calling of Asian Polymath.
#黃明志 #Namewee #亞洲通才 #AsianPolymath
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7,750的網紅BONBON SUET,也在其Youtube影片中提到,將要碰壁的一刻,你要做一個決定,換一個立場,還是轉身逃跑?Songs for a New World 以歌曲捕捉這一瞬間,探討生命、愛和抉擇,屬於今天的故事和人物,再以音樂開展新世界。作曲及填詞Jason Robert Brown將觀眾由1492年西班牙船艦的甲板上,帶到紐約第五大道,遇上立志用籃球...
「the last five years musical」的推薦目錄:
the last five years musical 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
【海洋9友邦知多少❓特色獎品 #抽起來 🎁】
相約到加勒比海及太平洋友邦走走吧 🏖
#魔法部 和中華民國對外貿易發展協會 - TAITRA
並與足跡踏遍所有邦交國的 YouTuber ▶️
#融融歷險記 男主角 Ben 同台進行經驗分享 😉
衝一波 #經貿外交 及 #文化交流 🐳🐢🐙
⚠️ 重~點~來~了 ⚠️
要來送給 #15位 幸運的粉絲 😍
包括 👉🏻 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯皮雕、海地 REBO咖啡豆、海地辣木茶包、貝里斯辣椒醬、吐瓦魯貝殼項鍊、聖露西亞 Baron 醬料、聖露西亞特色娃娃、馬紹爾群島 Kili Shoulder Bag、馬紹爾群島扶桑花飾品、聖文森國 Grenadines 海鹽罐、聖文森國手工香蕉葉畫、諾魯椰殼鑰匙環、諾魯椰殼手環。
從現在起至 #11月11日 23:59前 (台北時間)
就有機會被小編抽中呦~ 😘
🔺 按下外交部粉專的「讚」(已是粉絲的就不用)
🔺 公開分享這則貼文
🔺 在本貼文下方標註3位朋友,並回答以下問題:
1️⃣ #吐瓦魯 🇹🇻 使用的主要通行貨幣為?
(A)新台幣 (B)澳洲幣 (C)吐魯番幣 (D)比特幣
2️⃣ 在 #諾魯 🇳🇷 的台灣農技團主要飼養的經濟動物為?
(A)台灣黑熊 (B)蛋雞 (C)柴犬 (D)梅花鹿
3️⃣ #帛琉 🇵🇼 為母系社會,但傳說女性擅入男人會館 (Bai) 會變成什麼?
(A)男人 (B)石頭 (C)戰狼 (D)超級賽亞人
4️⃣ 原住民族委員會與 #馬紹爾群島 🇲🇭 去年簽署的雙邊合作協定為何?
(A)東道主禮儀交流協定 (B)南島民族文化事務協定 (C)西太平洋振興計畫協定 (D)北風北大逆轉協定
5️⃣ 下列何者是 #貝里斯 🇧🇿 著名的觀光景點?
(A)大堡礁 (B)大黑洞 (C)大峽谷 (D)大藍洞
6️⃣ #海地 🇭🇹 位處加勒比海地區,但官方語言為何?
(A)法語 (B)海線客語 (C)西班牙語 (D)海地物語
7️⃣ #聖露西亞 🇱🇨 出了幾位諾貝爾奬得主?
(A)0位 (B)2位 (C)20位 (D)200位
8️⃣ 國人持本國護照入境 #聖文森國 🇻🇨 可享免簽證待遇的期限有多久?
(A)6小時 (B)6天 (C)6個月 (D)6年
9️⃣ #聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 🇰🇳 的主要經濟支柱為?
(A)觀光旅遊 (B)Johnny烤餅 (C)漢彌爾頓音樂劇票房 (D)國家寶藏
There is a light at the end of this tunnel that is the global pandemic, and one day we’ll be taking to the skies once more! With a view to that day, MOFA, TAITRA and Taiwan’s Travel Quality Assurance Association are hosting the Caribbean and Pacific Islands Tourism and Agricultural Products Marketing Campaign Event. We’re also holding a #PrizeDraw to to help you get to know Taiwan's diplomatic allies a little better!
The event will be held from 10:30-13:30 at the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Taipei on November 5. Representatives from five of Taiwan’s allies in the Caribbean and four Pacific allies, as well as 60 representatives from the travel industry will attend, with a special talk from YouTuber Ben’s Adventure, sharing his experiences traveling to Taiwan’s diplomatic allies.
Complete the three steps below before 23:59 on November 11 to be in with a chance to win a prize!
1. If you’re not already a fan, hit the “Like” button on our Page.
2. Share this post publicly.
3. Tag three friends in the comments section of this post and answer the following questions:
1️⃣ Which of the following is the main currency used in Tuvalu?
(A) NT dollars (B) Australian dollars (C) Turpan dollars (D) Bitcoin
2️⃣ Which of the following animals is Taiwan ICDF helping Nauru to raise?
(A) Formosan Black Bears (B) Chickens (C) Shiba Inu (D) Sika deer
3️⃣ Palau is a matriarchal society, but what do the legends say women will turn into if they sneak into the men’s house (Bai)?
(A) Men (B) Rocks (C) Wolf warriors (D) Super Saiyan
4️⃣ What bilateral agreement did Taiwan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples sign with the Marshall Islands last year?
(A) Exchange on etiquette and hosting guests (B) Austronesian cultural exchange (C) West Pacific economic stimulus agreement (D) Mahjong exchange agreement
5️⃣ Which of the following is a famous Belizean tourist attraction?
(A) The Great Barrier Reef (B) The Great Black Hole (C) The Grand Canyon (D) The Great Blue Hole
6️⃣ Haiti may be in the Caribbean, but which of the following is one of its two official languages?
(A) French (B) Coastal Hakka (C) Spanish (D) Mermaidese
7️⃣ How many Nobel laureates has Saint Lucia produced?
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 20 (D) 200
8️⃣ How long is visa-free treatment for Taiwanese nationals on entering Saint Vincent?
(A) 6 hours (B) 6 days (C) 6 months (D) 6 years
9️⃣ What is the main economic driver of St. Kitts and Nevis?
(A) Tourism (B) Johnny Cakes (C) Box office takings for "Hamilton: An American Musical" (D) National Treasures
Prizes: 15 lucky winners with the correct answers will receive one of the following special prizes from our allies:
A leather carving from #SaintKittsAndNevis, Rebo coffee or Moringa tea from #Haiti, hot sauce from #Belize, a shell necklace from #Tuvalu, Baron West Indian Hot Sauce or a doll from #SaintLucia, a Kili shoulder bag or a hibiscus accessory from the #MarshallIslands, Grenadine Wild Sea Salt or a banana leaf painting from #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines, a coconut shell keyring or a coconut shell mobile phone ornament from #Nauru.
the last five years musical 在 人山人海 PMPS Music Facebook 的最佳解答
//A Cantopop star publicly supported Hong Kong protesters. So Beijing disappeared his music.
The 2 million pro-democracy protesters who have flooded the streets of Hong Kong over the last few months have been tear-gassed, beaten by police and arrested arbitrarily. But many of the territory’s most famous cultural figures have yet to speak up for them. Several prominent musicians, actors and celebrities have even sided with the cops and the government in Beijing.
The protesters are demanding rights to fair elections and judicial reform in the semiautonomous territory. Yet action film star Jackie Chan, Hong Kong-born K-pop star Jackson Wang of the group GOT7 and Cantopop singers Alan Tam and Kenny Bee have supported the police crackdown, calling themselves “flag protectors.” Other Hong Kong cultural figures have stayed silent, fearing for their careers.
The few artists who have spoken out have seen their economic and performing prospects in mainland China annihilated overnight. Their songs have vanished from streaming services, their concert tours canceled. But a few musicians have recently traveled to America to support the protesters against long odds and reprisals from China.
“Pop musicians want to be quiet about controversy, and on this one they’re particularly quiet,” said Anthony Wong Yiu-ming, 57, the singer and cofounder of the pioneering Hong Kong pop group Tat Ming Pair.
Wong is a popular, progressive Cantopop artist — a Hong Kong Bryan Ferry or David Bowie, with lyrics sung in the territory’s distinct dialect. But he, along with such singer-actors as Denise Ho and Deanie Ip, have made democratic reforms the new cause of their careers, even at the expense of their musical futures in China. Wong’s on tour in the U.S. and will perform a solo show in L.A. on Tuesday.
“It’s rebelling against the establishment, and [most artists] just don’t want to,” Wong said. “Of course, I’m very disappointed, but I never expected different from some people. Freedom of speech and civil liberties in Hong Kong are not controversial. It’s basic human rights. But most artists and actors and singers, they don’t stand with Hong Kongers.”
Hong Kong protesters
Hundreds of people form a human chain at Victoria Peak in Hong Kong on Sept. 13.(Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times)
The protests are an echo — and escalation — of the Occupy Central movement five years ago that turned into a broad pro-democracy effort known as the Umbrella Movement. Those protests, led by teenage activist Joshua Wong (no relation), rebelled against a new policy of Beijing pre-screening candidates for political office in Hong Kong to ensure party loyalty.
Protesters were unsuccessful in stopping those policies, but the movement galvanized a generation of activists.
These latest demonstrations were in response to a proposed policy of extraditing suspected criminals from Hong Kong to mainland China, which activists feared would undermine their territory’s legal independence and put its residents at risk. The protests now encompass a range of reforms — the withdrawal of the extradition bill, secured voting rights, police reform, amnesty for protesters and a public apology for how Beijing and police have portrayed the demonstrations.
Wong, already respected as an activist for LGBT causes in Hong Kong, is one of vanishingly few musicians to have put their futures on the line to push for those goals.
Wong’s group Tat Ming Pair was one of the most progressive Cantonese acts of the ’80s and ’90s (imagine a politically radical Chinese Depeche Mode). When Wong spoke out in favor of the Umbrella Movement at the time, he gained credibility as an activist but paid the price as an artist: His touring and recording career evaporated on the mainland.
The Chinese government often pressures popular services like Tencent (the country’s leading music-streaming service, with 800 million monthly users) to remove artists who criticize the government. Artists can find longstanding relationships with live promoters on ice and lucrative endorsement deals drying up.
“This government will do things to take revenge on you,” Wong said. “If you’re not obedient, you’ll be punished. Since the Umbrella Movement, I’ve been put on a blacklist in China. I anticipated that would happen, but what I did not expect was even local opportunities decreased as well. Most companies have some ties with mainland China, and they didn’t want to make their China partners unhappy, so they might as well stop working with us.”
Censorship is both overt and subtly preemptive, said Victoria Tin-bor Hui, a professor and Hong Kong native who teaches Chinese politics and history at the University of Notre Dame.
“Every time artists or stars say anything even remotely sympathetic to protesters or critical of the government, they get in trouble,” Hui said. “You can literally have your career ruined. Denise Ho, after she joined the Umbrella Movement, everything she had listed online or on shelves was taken off. Companies [including the cosmetics firm Lancôme] told her they would have nothing more to do with her, and she started doing everything on her own.”
So Wong and other artists like Ho have been pushing back where they can.
Wong’s recent single, “Is It a Crime,” questions Beijing crackdowns on all memorials of the Tiananmen Square massacre, especially in Hong Kong, where there was a robust culture of activism and memorials around that tragedy. The single, which feels akin to Pink Floyd’s expansive, ominous electronic rock, has been blacklisted on mainland streaming services and stores.
Wong plans to speak out to commemorate the anniversary of the Umbrella Movement on this tour as well.
“The government is very afraid of art and culture,” Wong said. “If people sing about liberty and freedom of speech, the government is afraid. When I sing about the anniversary of Tiananmen, is it a crime to remember what happened? To express views? I think the Chinese government wants to suppress this side of art and freedom.”
The fallout from his support of the protests has forced him to work with new, more underground promoters and venues. The change may have some silver linings, as bookers are placing his heavy synth-rock in more rebellious club settings than the Chinese casinos he’d often play stateside. (In L.A., he’s playing 1720, a downtown venue that more often hosts underground punk bands.)
“We lost the second biggest market in the world, but because of what we are fighting for, in a way, we gained some new fans. We met new promoters who are interested in promoting us in newer markets. It’s opened new options for people who don’t want to follow” the government’s hard-line approach, Wong said.
Hui agreed that while loyalty from pro-democracy protesters can’t make up for the lost income of the China market, artists should know that Hong Kongers will remember whose side they were on during this moment and turn out or push back accordingly.
“You make less money, but Hong Kong pro-democracy people say, ‘These are our own singers, we have to save them,’” Hui said. “They support their own artists and democracy as part of larger effort to blacklist companies that sell out Hong Kong.”
Ho testified before Congress last week to support Hong Kong’s protesters. “This is not a plea for so-called foreign interference. This is a plea for democracy,” Ho said in her speech. A new bill to ban U.S. exports of crowd-control technology to Hong Kong police has bipartisan support.
No Hong Kong artists are under any illusions that the fight to maintain democracy will be easy. Even the most outspoken protesters know the long odds against a Chinese government with infinite patience for stifling dissent. That’s why support from cultural figures and musicians can be even more meaningful now, Hui said.
“Artists, if they say anything, that cheers people on,” Hui said. “Psychologists say Hong Kong suffers from territory-wide depression. Even minor symbolic gestures from artists really lift people’s morale.”
Pro-democracy artists, like protesters, are more anxious than ever. They’ve never been more invested in these uprisings, but they also fear the worst from the mainland Chinese government. “If you asked me six months ago, I was not very hopeful,” Wong said. “But after what’s happened, even though the oppression is bigger, we are stronger and more determined than before.”
Anthony Wong Yiu-ming
Where: 1720, 1720 E. 16th St.
When: 7 p.m. Tuesday
Tickets: $55-$150
Info: 1720.la //
the last five years musical 在 BONBON SUET Youtube 的最佳解答
將要碰壁的一刻,你要做一個決定,換一個立場,還是轉身逃跑?Songs for a New World 以歌曲捕捉這一瞬間,探討生命、愛和抉擇,屬於今天的故事和人物,再以音樂開展新世界。作曲及填詞Jason Robert Brown將觀眾由1492年西班牙船艦的甲板上,帶到紐約第五大道,遇上立志用籃球脫貧的年輕男子,再見證終日幻想能嫁個有錢人的女子,終於如願以償卻發現沒靈魂的一段婚姻。Songs for a New World 是個組曲音樂劇 (Song Cycle),17首歌曲蘊含著17個故事。自1995年於外百老匯首演後,已經於全球上演數百場。
It's about one moment. It's about hitting the wall and having to make a choice, or take a stand, or turn around and go back. These are the stories and characters of today, the Songs For A New World. This moving collection of powerful songs examines life, love and the choices we make. Brown transports his audience from the deck of a 1492 Spanish sailing ship to a ledge 57 stories above Fifth Avenue to meet a startling array of characters ranging from a young man who has determined that basket-ball is his ticket out of the ghetto to a woman whose dream of marrying rich nabs her the man of her dreams and a soulless marriage. Songs for a New World, a theatrical song cycle, which played Off-Broadway in 1995, and has since been seen in hundreds of productions around the world.
作曲及填詞 Music and Lyrics:Jason Robert Brown
導演及歌唱指導Director and Singing Coach:李頴康* Wing-hong Li*
音樂總監及鋼琴 Music Director and Pianist:邵天慈 Tin-chi Siu
原子鏸 Marsha Yuan 劉榮豐 Rick Lau 黃雪燁 BonBon 魚旦Ronny Yuen
現場樂隊 Live Band:劉君豪 Isaac Lau 鄧應祈Ying-ki Tang 王梓豪Charlie Wong
編舞 Choreographer:陳雅珊 Shan Chan
佈景及服裝設計 Set and Costume Designer:王詩華(樹蛙)Suwa Wong
燈光設計 Lighting Designer:蕭健邦 Leo Siu
音響設計 Sound Designer:馮璟康 King-hong Fung
宣傳平面設計 Promotional Graphic Designer:鍾凱飛 Fei Chung
舞台監督 Stage Manager:吳紫靈 Kami Ng
導演助理 Assistant to Director:尹溥程* Edwin Wan*
助理監製 Assistant Producer:鄒棓鈞 Alastor Chow
監製 Producer:陳健迅 Seth Chan
With the kind permission of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts for joining the production
21 – 24 / 7 / 2016 8:15 pm
23 – 24 / 7 / 2016 3:15 pm
沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall
$260 $190
Presented in English with Chinese surtitles
Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes
門票由5月21日起於城市售票網公開發售 Tickets available at URBTIX from 21 May
[#] 優惠票數量有限,先到先得。
20% discount for
-Senior citizens aged 60 or above (limited offer)
-Full-time students (limited offer)
-People with disabilities and the minder
10% off for each purchase of 5-7 standard tickets;
15% off for each purchase of 8 or more standard tickets
票務查詢Ticketing Enquiries 3761 6661
信用卡購票Credit Card Booking 2111 5999
網上購票Online Booking www.urbtix.hk
節目查詢Programme Enquiries 9874 0232
流動購票應用程式My URBTIX (Android及iPhone/iPad版) 購票
Mobile Ticketing App My URBTIX (Android and iPhone/iPad versions) Booking
其他優惠 Other Discounts
15% Discount at URBTIX Outlets only upon presentation of valid membership card:
CCDC Dance Inspirations
Members of Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association
Members of HKAPA Alumni Association
Chung Ying Theatre “Energy Fun Club plus”
The Radiant Theatre Member
JASON ROBERT BROWN 集作曲、填詞、指揮、編曲、配器師、導演和表演者於一身,被Philadelphia Inquirer 譽為「百老匯繼Stephen Sondheim 之後最聰穎和細膩的作曲家。」由Marsha Norman改編自同名暢銷小說的音樂劇The Bridges of Madison County,為他帶來第二個東尼獎最佳作曲獎。突破傳統敘事方式的外百老匯音樂劇The Last Five Years 於2015年上映電影版《留給最愛的情歌》,並由安娜.姬妲妮及謝洛美.佐敦主演。其他主要作曲及填詞音樂劇包括:Honeymoon In Vegas, 13, Parade (Drama Desk Awards及 New York Drama Critics’ Circle Awards 最佳新音樂劇及東尼獎最佳作曲獎) 及Songs for a New World。
JASON ROBERT BROWN is an equally skilled composer, lyricist, conductor, arranger, orchestrator, director and performer. He has been hailed as “one of Broadway’s smartest and most sophisticated songwriters since Stephen Sondheim” (Philadelphia Inquirer). The Bridges of Madison County, a musical adapted with Marsha Norman from the bestselling novel, earned him his second Tony Award for Best Original Score. A film version of his epochal Off-Broadway musical The Last Five Years has been released in 2015, starring Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan. His major musicals as composer and lyricist include: Honeymoon In Vegas, 13, Parade (Drama Desk and New York Drama Critics’ Circle Awards for Best New Musical, Tony Award for Best Original Score), and Songs for a New World.
Presented by Musical Trio
Songs for a New World Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/859606444162851/
BONBON Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/wongsuetip.bonbon/