#英文口說 #寫作
【用英文問個問題有夠難?】讓一切如 How are you? ㄧ樣輕鬆組裝
How are you?
What's your name?
Where are you from?
這樣的問句,從小聽到大,大概是我們 10 年前就會的英文。但學習就從此停滯了嗎?為什麼學到開始要表達比較複雜的概念時,句子容易變成「一盤散沙」呢?
過去的一個月,我累積聽了超過 100 個鐘頭「兩人對談」式的英文 podcasts。邊聽、邊紀錄之下,累積了超過 50 頁 A4、 母語人士常常使用的句型、說話公式。
除此之外,我更整理了大量的英文 podcasts 的「單集標題」。從眾多數據中,我也發現了很多可歸納的「模組表達」。
✔︎ 以 6W 為開頭的超高頻問句慣用句頭
・What do X, Y, and Z have in common?(X, Y, Z 三者的相像之處在哪?)
・What’s the downside to XXX?(XXX 的缺點是什麼?)
・What makes a great XXX?(好的 XXX 要件是什麼?
・What’s the reason behind XXX?(XXX 背後的原因是什麼?)
・Why is it so Adj. to V?(為什麼 V. 那麼 Adj. 呢?)
e.g. Why is it so hard to make good friends after graduating from college?
✔︎ 以虛主詞 It 為開頭的超高頻慣用句頭
・It seems to me that…(在我看來~)
・It is often the case that…(~是很常見的狀況)
・It is no secret that…(某件事情不是秘密、是眾所皆知的事)
・It would be great if S + V(如果 S + V 就太好了)
・It comes as no surprise to me that…(~對我來說一點也不驚訝)
想要短時間內提升口說、寫作能力嗎?我建議你們跳脫「傳統教科書、傳統學習法」(講一堆 6W 問句的規則),用「真實語料」、「模組化」的方式學習「超高頻」用法,
► 除了這些慣用句頭外,英文常見的還有另外 7 種模組化的公式。
在我這次與 Hahow 合作的線上課程「王梓沅的 3D 英文筆記術:打造最強說寫英語資料庫」當中,我會教你如何用這 8 大公式,快速破解母語人士講話的方式,利用這套 3D 英語筆記術進行整理後,你以後也可以建立最強大的英文說寫資料庫。
✅ 現在填課程問卷,搶先拿到 8 折優惠卷
「the reason that用法」的推薦目錄:
- 關於the reason that用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於the reason that用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於the reason that用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於the reason that用法 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於the reason that用法 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the reason that用法 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於the reason that用法 在 the reason for/of him 的用法- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 英文Kao Easy - This is the reason why prevented me from... 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 the reason why意思2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點 ... 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 the reason why意思2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點 ... 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 External - Reason ML 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 看電影學英文All the More Reason for Sth - YouTube 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js - GitHub 的評價
- 關於the reason that用法 在 Savvycan github. Posts: 148 Drives - cilss.int 的評價
the reason that用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
No.3 #美國911事件
🛩When al Qaeda terrorists flew jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, they delivered an unprecedented shock to the nation’s sense of security and its economy. Commercial aviation was grounded for three days. The destruction to lower Manhattan closed the stock markets. Heightened security slowed trade with Canada and Mexico to a crawl. Nervous shoppers stayed away from stores and malls.
-unprecedented: 前所未見的(最近很常出現的用字!)
-ground: 常見用法是名詞為地板,此做動詞是禁足、限制的意思
-crawl: 爬行,此作名詞使用
🛩Economists predicted the attacks would tip a slowing economy into recession. People would be more reluctant to fly, work in a tall building or base their office in New York City.
-tip: 使傾倒,這邊是個很生動的用法,搭配介係詞into,表示將當時已經搖搖欲墜經濟給再推了下,推入衰退中,這也是近期在專欄中第二次出現的字了!
reluctant: 不情願的
📉But the U.S. bounced back remarkably quickly. It was later determined that a recession triggered by the technology bust had begun six months before the attacks and ended two months afterward.
-bounce back: 反彈
-determine: 確定、查明
-trigger: 作名詞是槍上的板機,動詞則引申為觸發之意
*technology bust: 又名為Dot-com bubble,網路泡沫,從1995年開始至2000年三月到達高點,期間納斯達克指數大漲400%,2000年三月後開始回跌,到2002年十月時將泡沫期間的漲幅全數吐回。
🚀One reason was the aggressive policy response. The day the markets reopened, the Fed and its counterparts in the Eurozone, Canada and Sweden all slashed rates. Low rates inspired auto manufacturers to roll out zero percent financing, sending sales skyrocketing. Fears of terrorism faded when new attacks didn’t materialize.
-slash: 名詞就是斜槓,動詞可以想像就是畫一條斜線,有砍下去的意思,因此搭配rates(利率)就是降息的意思喔!
-roll out: 推出、實施(新的方案等)
skyrocket: 飛向天空的火箭,做動詞用就是有如火箭升空一般,表示迅速飆漲、飛昇
💵Within two weeks Congress approved $40 billion for emergency rebuilding and defense and $5 billion in cash assistance and up to $10 billion in loan guarantees to airlines. Both parties agreed more stimulus was needed but negotiations soon bogged down over its composition. When a package worth $51 billion over one year and $94 billion over five years finally passed in March, a recovery was already well under way.
-approve: 通過、核可
-bog down: 阻礙、攔阻
-composition: 本為作曲、作文之意,此處為方案的產出
To be continued…
#開啟搶先看🛎 #關注六大災難專題報導
❓❓Quiz: The outbreak _____ the economy into ______.
A. tip, recession
B. tipped, recession
C. tripped, recess
D. Batman, Spartan
#獨家 華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
專屬 Line 群組,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!
the reason that用法 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文
#你不知道的美國大小事 #hardnut
Food Idioms 💬 美國生活用語之其他食物:Nut
1⃣ sb. is a nut
2⃣ work for peanuts
3⃣ from soup to nuts
4⃣ in a nutshell
5⃣ sb./sth. is a hard nut
Other than fruit, what else makes a healthy snack? Nuts! While there may not be as many nut-related idioms (unless you include those related to a certain part of the male anatomy, but we won’t go there), there are still enough to tide you over till the next meal.
Let’s start with the word nut itself. Aside from being a tasty snack, 1⃣ a nut can be a strange or crazy person: Just ignore that guy—he’s a nut. A nut can also be an enthusiast: Tom is a tennis nut—he plays every day. Or add an “s” and you have an adjective meaning “crazy”: You’d have to be nuts to go skydiving!
我們先來談談nut這個字。它除了很好吃,nut還可以指「瘋子或怪人」,如: Just ignore that guy—he’s a nut.(不要理那個人──他是個瘋子)。nut也可以指「對某事相當狂熱者」,如:Tom is a tennis nut.(湯姆是個網球愛好者。)也就是說他天天打網球。在nut後面加個s就變成形容詞用法,指「瘋狂的」,如:You’d have to be nuts to go skydiving!(你一定是瘋了才去跳傘!)
Technically, peanuts aren’t nuts (they’re actually legumes), which may be why they’re so cheap. So cheap, in fact, 2⃣ that “peanuts” can mean “a very small amount of money”: Students often have to work for peanuts.
嚴格來說,花生雖然有nut幾個字,但並非堅果類(其實是莢豆的一種)。所以其實花生很便宜,因為太便宜了,所以peanuts可以指「非常便宜,花不了幾毛錢」,如:Students often have to work for peanuts.(學生常為了幾斗米折腰。)
At one time, a formal dinner started with soup and ended with port and nuts, so 3⃣ “from soup to nuts” came to mean “leaving nothing out, from beginning to end”: That store sells everything from soup to nuts.
以前的正餐是以湯品開始,以波特酒與堅果為結尾,所以from soup to nuts後來有「任何東西都有;從頭到尾」的意思。如:That store sells everything from soup to nuts.(那間商店的商品包羅萬象。)
If you’re a tree, what’s inside a nutshell—a nut—is both small and important. For this reason, 4⃣ “in a nutshell” has come to mean “in sum, in brief”: It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I got fired. Another thing about nutshells is that they’re hard, which makes a nut tough to crack. 5⃣ If a person, problem or situation is “a tough/hard nut to crack,” it means they’re difficult to deal with or understand: I’ve known Bob for a year, but he’s a tough nut to crack.
如果你是一棵樹,堅果外殼裡面會有什麼──既小但又很重要的堅果。因此in a nutshell延伸為「簡單來說,一言以蔽之」。如:It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I got fired.(說來話長。不過一句話,我被炒魷魚了。)另外,堅果殼太硬,常要花很大力氣才撬得開,所以我們如果說某人事物是a tough/hard nut to crack,就是說他們「很難搞,或很難捉摸」。如:I’ve known Bob for a year, but he’s a tough nut to crack.(我認識鮑伯一年了,不過他真的很謎。)
🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選
the reason that用法 在 英文Kao Easy - This is the reason why prevented me from... 的推薦與評價
就出在(不瞭解用法)!這就是我們今天... ... 請先注意,這個句子,用(the reason why)是錯的,用(the reason which)就屬正確。為什麼? ... <看更多>
the reason that用法 在 the reason why意思2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點 ... 的推薦與評價
the reason why意思2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊,找the reason why意思,the reason is用法,reason for中文在2022年該注意什麼?the reason ... ... <看更多>
the reason that用法 在 the reason for/of him 的用法- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
I don’t know the reason for him doing this.
I don’t know the reason of him doing this.
呢?因為我想說”the reason of him”感覺可以當作類似所有格:his reason 的效果?
I don’t know his reason for doing this.
I don’t know why he did this.
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