今個星期全球Theme Parks 都有好多好消息, Walt Disney World Resort 內Disney Springs 個白色帳篷終於可以開放.
Disney x Cirque du Soleil - Drawn to Life 演出門票將於今個星期開始發售, 並將於11月18日正式公演.
呢次演出係由Walt Disney Imagineering, Walt Disney Animation Studios 同Cirque du Soleil 三方共同構思同製作, 當中亦會有大量Disney Animations 嘅畫面出現.
宣傳片: https://youtu.be/vSSRBtBc2Yc
同時也有38部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Pixel Start,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Just wanted to know which Jurassic Park Games do you like the most out of the series. Discover the greatest Jurassic Park Games of all time in this ...
theme parks 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀1加2條
│英雄內戰:黑寡婦 Scarlett Johansson 狀告 Disney 背後的幾個數據│
• 票房分紅損失超過5000萬:Marvel 電影《Black Widow 黑寡婦》女主角 Scarlett Johansson 剛剛在洛杉磯高等法院對 Disney 提告違約。當事人在訴訟文件中表示被告 Disney 並未遵守約定讓《黑寡婦》在電影院大規模獨家上映,而採取了損及票房可能性的同步上架串流 Disney+ 的發行方式。根據最早報導的華爾街日報以及稍後報導的紐約時報和娛樂產業媒體 The Warp 分別掌握的消息來源指出,依據合約中票房破10億美元之後的分紅條款, Johansson 女士因而損失的數字超過5000萬美元。三家媒體都沒有指明消息來源身份,不過數字完全一致,推測很可能就是熟悉合約的經紀人本人。
• Disney+ 第一週就賣了6000萬:《黑寡婦》上映首週就創下疫情以來的最高票房紀錄,同時 Disney 還破天荒地公佈該片在 Disney+ 上以30美元定價賣了6000萬美元的首週成績。現在回頭看這6000萬美元等於直接從 Scarlett Johansson 口袋偷走,因為這些觀眾如果沒有可以串流可以選而必須去電影院買票,她就會收到她的票房分紅。轟轟烈烈的首週成績之後,《黑寡婦》的第二週票房甚至劇烈下滑了68%。目前為止總票房該片只達到3.27億(Disney+ 的銷售數據則不再公佈),成為2008年以來總票房最低的 Marvel 電影。 NATO美國電影院經營者協會日前才指控 Disney 的同步上架發行策略毀了原本可以是今年暑假大片的《黑寡婦》票房。Scarlett Johansson 和她的律師顯然也持相同見解。
• 董事長還收了2100萬獎金:Scarlett Johansson 的律師也非常精明地在訴訟文件中將兩位 Disney 高官董事長 Bob Iger 和執行長 Bob Chapek 一起拖下水。律師認為 Disney 大力發展 Disney+ 的串流業務,結果造成 Scarlett Johansson 的分紅獎金損失,可是兩位高官卻可以因為串流業務帶來股價高漲而有更多的獎金入袋。比如去年初卸任執行長而專任董事長的 Bob Iger 在過去一年 Disney 業務受到疫情重挫的同時,仍然開開心心地拿走2100萬美元的獎金。
• Disney 說可是我已經付你2000萬:本案最大的驚奇是 Disney 迅速採取非常強悍的口吻回應 Scarlett Johansson 的指控。Disney 在聲明中表示指控完全沒有依據,而且忽視了疫情對全世界帶來的影響。他們否認自己有違反合約規定,甚至還主動抖出 Johansson 已經拿到2000萬片酬,而並意有所指地暗示 Disney+ 的上架還是有額外使她得到收益。
• 人家 Warner 給演職員的補償超過2億:本案的第二驚奇是 Disney 兩手一攤的態度,因為訴訟文件中稱當事人多次要求 Disney 提出補償措施卻始終被米老鼠帝國已讀不回。The Warp 報導指出許多業界人士和律師都非常驚訝 Disney 居然從頭到尾沒打算針對同步上架串流造成的合約權益損失補償他們的合約當事人。根據華爾街日報的報導,另一家更激進的片廠 Warner 因為把全年的大片都拿去同步上架串流 HBO Max,目前已經因此支付了超過2億美元的補償金給幾部大片的相關人員。比如《Wonder Woman 1984 神力女超人 1984》的導演 Patty Jenkins 和女主角 Gal Gadot 各自拿到了1000萬美元的補償金,以彌補他們原本會因為電影院票房拿到的分紅。
• 《The Walking Dead 陰屍路》的2億訴訟:Scarlett Johansson 的合約糾紛起因是傳統好萊塢合約經常會設有票房分紅獎金,以及日後家庭娛樂、電視授權等等市場的所謂「重播費」分潤。這種複雜的計算公式主要目的就是替這個風險極高的行分散風險,等電影真的非常成功才需要分配獎金給明星。最近另一起水落石出的訴訟是電視劇《The Walking Dead 陰屍路》原創編劇 Frank Darabont (《The Shawshank Redemption 刺激1995》導演)向電視台討回2億美元的補償。未來這一類合約爭議有可能會越來越少。因為片廠開始採取類似 Netflix 的一口價做法,直接在合約中預付一筆買斷所有權利的費用。這種計價方式會堆高片酬,但減少日後的繁瑣流程和爭議。對片廠來說以後賺的全都是我自己的。昨天 Universal 以驚人的4億美元買下新版《The Exorcist 大法師》三部曲,或是早先 Netflix 以4.65億買下兩部《Knives Out 鋒迴路轉》續集之所以有這麼高的預算,一部份原因就是不再設分紅獎金。
• 損失數字舉證困難:The Wrap 引述好萊塢律師 Devin McRae 的說法認為Scarlett Johansson 的訴訟贏面不小,但難度將會在證明自己實際損失的範圍。因為要在這種史無前例的產業亂局中預估沒有上架串流的《黑寡婦》原本可以在電影院賣出多少票房,應該會是一件讓律師人仰馬翻的舉證工作。
◇ 新聞來源:
Scarlett Johansson Sues Disney Over 'Black Widow' Streaming Release(https://flip.it/yjlXBs)
Scarlett Johansson Sues Disney Over ‘Black Widow’ Release(https://flip.it/hOddlC)
Why Scarlett Johansson Might Have a Case Against Disney in ‘Black Widow’ Pay Suit | Analysis(https://flip.it/X20ZXz)
│串流大戰導致的內容荒使票房慘敗的電影《Waterworld 水世界》都準備開拍電視版│
◇ 新聞來源:A Waterworld TV Show Is in the Works(https://flip.it/7bDl2r)
│串流還在燒錢的 NBCUniversal 獲益於主題樂園恢復營業使Q2營收顯著上昇│
◇ 新聞來源:NBCUniversal’s Quarterly Earnings Rise 13 Percent as Theme Parks Return to Profit(https://flip.it/0RZhBv)
theme parks 在 IELTS Nguyễn Huyền Facebook 的最佳貼文
▪️to travel abroad = to travel to a foreign country = to travel to other countries: du lịch nước ngoài
▪️space travel = travelling to other planets = travelling to the universe: du lịch vào không gian
▪️popular tourist destinations = famous tourist attractions: điểm đến du lịch nổi tiếng
international tourism = international travel: du lịch quốc tế
▪️tourists from overseas = international tourists = foreign tourists: khách du lịch quốc tế
▪️to travel alone = to travel on your own: đi du lịch một mình
▪️local residents = local people: người dân địa phương
▪️remote areas = isolated places = distant regions: những khu vực xa xôi, hẻo lánh
historical sites = historic landmarks = historic buildings: các địa danh lịch sử
▪️stunning scenery = spectacular natural landscapes: cảnh thiên nhiên tuyệt đẹp
▪️… bring a range of benefits for X = X benefit(s) a great deal from …: mang lại lợi ích cho X/ X hưởng lợi nhiều từ…
▪️to give X a chance to explore the world = X is/are given the opportunity to explore different cultures and traditions = X have a chance to explore different parts of the world: cho X cơ hội khám phá thế giới/ X được trao cơ hội khám phá các nền văn hóa và truyền thống khác nhau/ X có cơ hội khám phá các khu vực khác nhau trên thế giới
▪️to open our minds = to broaden our horizons: mở rộng tầm nhìn
▪️to meet new people = to make friends with other travellers: làm quen với nhiều người
▪️to gain a deeper insight into other cultures … = to have a deeper understanding of other cultures: có cái nhìn sâu sắc hơn về các nền văn hóa khác
▪️the growth in the tourist industry = the development of tourism: sự phát triển của ngành du lịch
▪️to be very important to any country’s economic growth = to play an essential role in any nation’s economic development = to help boost economic growth: quan trọng cho sự phát triển kinh tế của bất kỳ quốc gia nào
▪️low-cost airline = cheap air travel = budget airline: hãng hàng không giá rẻ/ đi du lịch giá rẻ
▪️tourist facilities = restaurants, theme parks, water parks,…: cơ sở vật chất du lịch/ khách sạn, công viên giải trí, công viên nước
▪️to have a negative effect on the environment = to have an adverse impact on the environment = to cause environmental damage = to lead to air pollution/ water contamination/…: có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lên môi trường/ gây sự tàn phá môi trường/ dẫn tới ô nhiễm không khí, nước
▪️to threaten wildlife = to pose a threat to wildlife: đe dọa động vật hoang dã
#paraphrase #ieltsnguyenhuyen
theme parks 在 Pixel Start Youtube 的最佳貼文
Just wanted to know which Jurassic Park Games do you like the most
out of the series.
Discover the greatest Jurassic Park Games of all time in this video
Jurassic Park All Games
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 1993
Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues 1994
Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues 1994
Jurassic Park Interactive 1994
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition 1994
The Lost World: Jurassic Park 1997
(PS1, Sega Saturn)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park 1997
Chaos Island: The Lost World 1997
The Lost World Jurassic Park 1997
Jurassic Park: Trespasser 1998
Warpath: Jurassic Park 1999
Jurassic Park III: Dino Defender 2001
Jurassic Park III Danger Zone! 2001
Jurassic Park III 2001
Jurassic Park III: Island Attack 2001
Jurassic Park III: The DNA Factor 2001
Jurassic Park III: Park Builder 2001
Universal Studios Theme Parks Adventure: Jurassic Park 2001
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 2003
Jurassic Park: The Game 2011
(PS3, XBOX360, PC, MAC, iOS)
Jurassic Park Builder 2012
Jurassic World: The Game 2015
Lego Jurassic World 2015
Jurassic World Evolution 2018
(XBOXONE, PS4, PC, Switch)
Jurassic World Evolution 2 2021
theme parks 在 JEBBEY FAMILY Youtube 的精選貼文
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theme parks 在 Yunny Hou Youtube 的最讚貼文
Finally edited together our summer 1 Day trip to seoul's Lotte World! Lotte World is like Korea's little Disneyland with a dreamy Magic Castle on Magic Island and an indoor skating rink inside in Adventure World. It was such a fun day with my family with fun rides and amazing food too~🎠
Connect with Me!
♡ Instagram | @x.yunny.x
♡ Instagram | @my.eatz
♡ Email | yunnyhou@gmail.com
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : Travel - https://youtu.be/TlbmzMYDJJ8
What I use:
♡ Camera | Canon G7X Mark ii
♡ Doodles | SketchBook iPad App
♡ Editing | Final Cut Pro x Adobe Premiere Pro
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