不過大家都說我們冬季來到鬆克爾湖真的是瘋了!因為位於海拔三千多米,這邊冬季氣溫平均 -20℃ 🥶 連平常在湖邊畜牧的遊牧民族都只從六月待到九月,所以冬季真的不是最好的季節🤣
夏季時這裡可是觀光客多到整個村莊四百多隻馬都不夠人騎啊!🐎 雖然我們很不幸剛好碰到大雪而看不到結凍的鬆克爾湖,但兩天的騎馬行程還是體驗了許多冒險(驚悚)事件😝
其中最嚇人的應該是我的馬突然間超越導遊往前衝!衝到我的帽子都掉了😱 我手抓著死緊,生怕掉下就變成殘廢!那三分鐘感覺有一輩子那麼長💔 我這時才懂「脫韁野馬」的意思😐 也在想武俠小說內主角們在蒙古草原上奔馳的感覺就是這樣的意思嗎?
接著我們沿著結冰的河流前往峽谷。有一段路我導遊的馬就在我馬兒面前滑倒🙀 我的馬也踉蹌了一下,嚇得我心臟差點又跳出來!我可不能保證我不會失去平衡然後掉下馬啊!
York 的馬好像從遠方看到我們這邊發生的事,於是就卡在河中間不願意過河🏞️ York 只好嘗試下馬想要用繩子牽牠過去🐴 沒想到這位先生就在冰上滑一跤!馬兒就眼睜睜地看著牠。打死更不願意過河😐
所以 York 又想要示範一次給牠看其實過河是安全的,結果又滑得四腳朝天!還好導遊後來來牽牠過河,不然這位先生就卡住了😅
這裡的風真的很大,-20℃ 的天氣比帕米爾公路上的-47℃ 還冷🌬️ 到最後我們臉都包緊緊的,露出來的地方都會刺痛。那個凍傷的臉頰才不是健康的小蘋果呢😝
平常夏季的觀光客是住蒙古包,但是這裡冷到只能住牧馬人的小屋🐴 原來這位先生一個人住在這裡顧馬,而馬的主人住在距離這裡四十分鐘車程的小鎮上!他一定很高興有人來吧!而且他的工作還是要幫遊客們煮飯、鋪棉被呢!實在是很辛苦的工作☹️
這兩天下來我們共騎了34 公里、七個小時的馬🐎 身體真的是要痛死了!再也不會小看騎馬這檔事了😐
這趟雖然沒有看到吉爾吉斯第二大的高山湖,但說真的.... 高山湖、冰凍湖,根本沒有這趟騎馬體驗來得刺激😅 你們說是不是啊?!😂
PS. 少數有在出發前回覆我們冬季騎馬的公司🐴 網址:http://kyrgyznature.com/contact-us/
這趟行程兩天一夜每人 USD$120. 夏季會再便宜一點😊
目前還在更新吉爾吉斯冬季騎馬 IG 即時動態,大家趕快來跟蹤 ↪ www.instagram.com/travelwithwinny 😬
#吉爾吉斯 #冬季騎馬 #冒險行程 #特殊旅遊
People said it's crazy that we are visiting Son-Kul in winter🤪 But what else are u suppose to do in Kyrgyzstan other than horse riding🐴🤷
Indeed at -20℃ and 3400M elevation, even the herders only stay here between June and September😛
But I did not almost die from the cold...😕 Instead it was the horse suddenly went NUTS and ran on the snow plain that made me almost had a heart attack😲💔
It was the longest 3 mins of my life, seriously felt like I was gonna die and if I fell & would become handicapped 😨
Then my guide's horse slipped over on icy river in front of my horse😲 Thankfully my horse would tumbled a bit, or else I would definitely fell off...😓
York's horse saw the whole incident so he froze half way crossing the frozen river😐 York got off the horse to try pull him across, but the horse won't move🐴 Instead York slipped in front of him!!! Ofc the horse froze even more. This happened twice (York slipped & fell) until the guide came to rescue him😅
Going up high mountain pass was brutal & cold😖 I swear it felt colder than -47℃ that we experienced on Pamir highway😭
Did not see Song Kul Lake from the view point cz it started a blizzard!!! The snow was so thick every time the horse steps on it, it cracks like a 50cm crack...😱
At the end we even had to get off from the horse just to walk up to the mountain pass cz snow was so thick...🗻
We stayed in a sherpard's hut for the night🏚️ Poor man has to work here alone in mid winter to look after horses🐎 The owner lives in a village 40 min drive away😶
He prepped dinner & breakfast for us using the fish fished from Son Kul Lake🐟 Apparently they drill a hole on the lake & uses fishing nets😬
The long drop was in a paddock where the horses stares at you in darkness while u go pee at night under the stars...🌌
The night was long & wind was strong🌬️ We both woke up with super painful body😑 Our butt, thighs, arms, hands, just EVERYTHING was like hit by a tank 😭
In total the ride on day 1 was 18KM (5 hours) and day 2 was 16KM (3 hours)🐎 I will definitely consider horse riding as a sport now🤣
#Kyrgyzstan #SonKul #horseriding
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📌商品名稱:字母棒球帽 $580
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Thick thighs save lives
thighs意思 在 #問身材的英文toned - 語言板 | Dcard 的推薦與評價
... 就聽到了Toned這個字,可是我查了一下,發現只有聲調色調之類的意思, ... 之類的意思沒有跟身材有關麻煩英文高手能替我解惑toned 是形容什麼樣的 ... ... <看更多>
thighs意思 在 【驚訝英文】『我的天啊!』只會說歐買尬嗎? - 媽媽經 的推薦與評價
別看它字面意思是「噢,男孩」,其實也是用來表達較為「正面」的驚嘆,或者驚嚇的情緒。另外,如果使用Boy,後面常會搭配倒裝句,讓語氣更強烈喔! ... <看更多>
thighs意思 在 加強膝蓋和腳踝。 騎馬式被認為是一種平衡姿勢 的推薦與評價
Ashwa Sanchalanasana 騎馬式(Scroll down for English) 梵文Ashwa意思是馬 ... closer to the floor to feel the stretch on the thighs, hips and lumbar region, ... ... <看更多>