📜 [專欄新文章] Uniswap v2 實作 : 從創建交易對到Ether 換 Dai 投入 Compound
✍️ 田少谷 Shao
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Uniswap v2 實作 : 從創建交易對到Ether 換 Dai 投入 Compound
V̶y̶p̶e̶r̶ Solidity coding time!
Image source: https://uniswap.org/
一. 前言二. 程式碼結構 1. Wrapped Ether(WETH)? 2. Impermanent Loss三. 創建交易對 - 準備 Interfaces四. 注入資金 - 注意事項五. 兌換虛擬貨幣六. 取得報價作為預言機七. 自行兌換 WETH八. 結語
一. 前言
暨上一篇解釋了 Uniswap 的演算法後,由於個人有使用 Uniswap v2 的需求,因此整理後寫成本篇,希望能幫助到其他也需要用 Uniswap 的讀者!(不熟 Uniswap 的人也可以參考區塊勢 許明恩 Astro Hsu 寫的介紹文:點我)
Uniswap 解析:恆定乘積做市商模型 Constant Product Market Maker Model 的 Vyper 實作
本文希望透過實際操作 Uniswap 我個人會用到、我認為大家比較常會用到的功能,來讓不熟悉的讀者快速了解其程式架構(v2 相較 v1 繁複)、熟悉實作方法,無法顧及全部還請見諒。
以下實作的測試環境為 Rinkeby 測試網,由於只是要講解使用方法,因此選擇在 Remix 上操作。
而 Uniswap v2 跟 v1 的差異,個人沒有很認真研究,大致列舉以下幾點,本文只會就其中幾點在後方進行較詳細的解釋:
使用 Wrapped Ether, WETH (於 二. 程式碼結構 解釋),讓 ERC20 交易對不再需要透過 Ether ,降低 gas 的消耗,但還是可以用 Ether 支付
加入時間權重的預言機,降低被操縱價格的風險,於 六. 取得報價作為預言機 中舉例說明,有興趣者可以看看 白皮書 有詳細介紹
使用 Solidity 而非 Vyper,因為 Solidity 功能上較齊全,於 五. 兌換虛擬貨幣 中舉例說明原因
二. 程式碼結構
本段落簡單描述 Uniswap 程式碼各部分的功能。若讀者要自己實作,可以參考此處得知該去哪一份程式碼找相應的功能:
Factory / UniswapV2Factory.sol : 創建交易對、查詢交易對的地址與總數;查詢、指定交易對手續費的收款地址
Pair(ERC-20) / UniswapV2ERC20.sol : Uniswap 流動性代幣 ERC20 的部分
Pair / UniswapV2Pair.sol : Uniswap 流動性代幣的其他部分;查詢交易對資訊
Router / UniswapV2Router01.sol : 注入、取出流動性/資金;兌換虛擬貨幣。此合約看似最複雜,其實只是因為收付款的單位可以是 Ether 或是 ERC20,所以有很多重複的函式
ExampleOracleSimple.sol, ExampleSlidingWindowOracle.sol : 預言機的範例程式碼
Library / UniswapV2OracleLibrary.sol : 供預言機調用的函式
Library / UniswapV2Library.sol : 供內部調用的函式
除了描述程式碼結構,為了以下的實作我們還需要知道 Wrapped Ether 是什麼,順便了解其使用原因:
1. Wrapped Ether (WETH) ?
從字面上來解釋,Wrapped Ether 是被包起來的 Ether。那為什麼好好的 Ether 不用還要創造出另一版本,嫌這小小世界的術語不夠多嗎 (ETH, WETH, Dai, aDai, cDai, sDai…)?xD
wETH | ERC20 tradable version of ETH
主因有兩個:廣泛地說,Ether 是以太坊上的原生虛擬貨幣,但它與廣為使用的 ERC20 標準並不相容( ERC20 有 approve(), transfer() 等等功能);而針對 Uniswap 的場景來說,v1 的交易對都一定有 Ether,而使用 Ether 可能會造成 Impermanent Loss,於下方解釋。
部署一 ERC20 <-> Ether 的兌換合約:使用者將 Ether 付給 Wrapped Ether (ERC20) 的智能合約,合約就會給使用者同等數目的 WETH;拿回 Ether 則有點不太一樣,方法是告訴 WETH 的合約使用者要 withdraw(),WETH 的合約就會把使用者 WETH 擁有的額度設回 0 (或減少) 並返還 Ether,於 五. 兌換虛擬貨幣 中舉例說明
v2 交易對的建立不再只能是 (Ether, ERC20),可以是 (ERC20, ERC20)
2. Impermanent Loss
Impermanent loss 在 DeFi 指的是像 Uniswap 這類用演算法的去中心化交易所,如果交易對是兩幣價不相干的虛擬貨幣,例如:穩定幣 (Dai, USDC, etc) 和 Ether,流動性提供者 liquidity provider 會因為幣價的相對波動而比起直接持有兩幣還損失了一筆。
容我舉個例解釋清楚點,可以搭配我上一篇所寫的 Uniswap 的演算法 來理解:假設一開始 1 Ether 幣價為 100 Dai,只有一流動性提供者 LP 投入了 1 Ether 及 100 Dai (1 * 100 = 100 = k,k值要維持不變),總價值為 200 Dai。當 Ether 的幣價來到 200 Dai,眼尖者會發現資金池中的 Ether 價格低、有利可圖,因此會進行套利,例如:拿 33 Dai 約可以換到 0.25 Ether (0.75 * 133 ≒ 100),比起市場上要用 50 Dai 才能換到 0.25 Ether,套利者賺到了。此時,流動性提供者若將自己的資金提出,0.75 Ether 和 133 Dai 此時的總價值是 283 Dai,看似比當初的 200 Dai 還多,但其實將兩幣放著不動 1 Ether + 100 Dai 在此時就已經是 300 Dai 的價值了。於是,impermanent loss 就變成了 permanent loss :(
三. 創建交易對
- 準備 Interfaces
在開始之前,由於使用到的合約不少,所以我將全部所需整理在此:點我。其中,UniswapImplementation.sol 是本文實作的檔案。
若讀者在自己調用 Interface 時遇到版本問題,就依照 compiler 提供的指示稍作修改即可。我所整理的合約都修正過版本的差異、以下的實作也測試了可行,因此可以安心使用。
通常大家使用的 Uniswap 資金池都是已經存在的,而如果想要上架自己的虛擬貨幣就要自己創建一組新的交易對,有兩種方式:在 Uniswap 官網上執行或是透過呼叫 Uniswap 的合約來建立,本文使用合約的方式。
首先,我們需要決定資金池為哪兩種虛擬貨幣,那就很普通地選 ETH 和 Dai 吧。雖然選了 ETH,但如同上方所述實際上必須使用 WETH,於是記下其在 Rinkeby 上的位置 。Dai 就使用 Compound 部署在 Rinkeby 上的版本,位置在 0x5592EC0cfb4dbc12D3aB100b257153436a1f0FEa。
接著,打開 IUniswapVFactory.sol,依照官方文件的指示將此合約部署在 Rinkeby 上的 0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f。以下會有許多由 Uniswap 文件得知的合約地址及其他資訊等等,就不再一一附上來源或畫面截圖!
如上圖黑框所示,輸入了地址後按下藍色按鍵就完成部署了。接著,如下圖將 Dai 的地址 及 WETH 的地址輸入 createPair():
由於這個交易對我已經部署過了,因此讀者若想嘗試就麻煩去找別的 Rinkeby 上的測試幣了、或自己發一個! 完成後可以用 getPair() 輸入兩幣地址來確認交易對被建立成功:
如果想要進一步核對,可以先呼叫下圖紅框中的 allPairsLength(),得知當前總共有幾組交易對,再將 (交易對數 - 1) 輸入 allPairs(),就能得到和上圖一樣的地址。需要減 1 是因為陣列的 index 從 0 開始。
allPairsLength 的值會因為其他人的使用而增加,故日後可能會和本圖產出的 9 不同
四. 注入資金
看到標題的讀者可能會想:為何要把注入資金/流動性和上方的創建交易對分開呢?因為注入流動性這個功能被放在了 UniswapV2Router01.sol 中,所以就分開解釋。
雖然上一節只需要複製貼上按按鍵,但接下來要探討的注入資金 addLiquidity() 及虛擬貨幣的交換 swap()比起創建交易對 createPair() 是較有可能被融入到其他 DeFi 服務的功能(應該不太會有人會一直需要創建新的交易對),因此打開 UniswapImplementation.sol、要開始 Solidity coding!
如果不熟悉為何別的 DeFi 會需要在自己的服務中使用 Uniswap,可以搜尋 DeFi Money Lego/ DeFi 樂高,顧名思義就是在一個 DeFi 服務上使用另一個 DeFi 服務。實際的例子有:Aave 的新功能是可以拿往 Uniswap 注入流動性後得到的流動性代幣再投入 Aave 來賺取利息,以及下一節兌換虛擬貨幣的功能可以在 Pelith 的輕鬆貸 EasyDai、一站式 DeFi 組合工具 Furucombo 等場景中看到他們如何將 Uniswap 銜接上其他的 DeFi 服務。
在開始之前,先簡單提及一下有哪些變數、instance 需要初始化:
我們要呼叫 Uniswap 合約的 instance 來進行互動: IUniswapV2Router01
不只需要 Dai 的 instance,也需要 Dai 和 WETH 的地址;DaiAmount 和 ETHAmount 是為了稍後注入流動性所設置的,本文假設第一筆流動性我們使用 200 Dai + 1 Ether
immutable 是版本 0.6.5 加入的,用途是讓變數只能被讀取 read-only,但不同於 constant 的是能夠在 constructor() 中賦值。之所以各 instance 的地址不一起加上 immutable ,是因為若加上了,這些地址就不能在 constructor() 中被使用
p.s. 由於 gist 沒有 Solidity 的 syntax highlighting,所以隨便用了 .js 請忽略
看完了初始設定後,由於我們目前鎖定的資金池是 Dai 及 ETH,因此使用如下的 addLiquidityETH() 此函式,可以直接匯入 ETH 及 Dai。
本處我使用長度為 3 的陣列 addLiquidityResult 來記錄注入資金後的返回值:注入 Ether 的數量、Dai 的數量及返回的 Uniswap 流動性代幣的數量。實際上應該要依照不同使用者記錄的他們執行 addLiquidity() 後各自的返還值
第五行中的 approve() 是為了讓 UniswapV2Router01 的合約能夠從我們部署的合約 UniswapImplementation 取得 200 Dai 的使用權
於第六行 addLiquidityETH() 後方的大括號 {value: ETHAmount},這是 Solidity 0.6.0 後版本如果要在呼叫 function 的同時送入 Ether 的標準寫法,以前的寫法 .value() 目前也還能用但 compiler 會給提示
addLiquidityETH() 的第三、四個參數為最少要成功注入的數量。使用者能夠成功注入的數量取決於資金池中兩虛擬貨幣當下的數量,而本處直接給 0 比較方便
這邊非常重要的是上述程式碼還欠缺了一個無法被寫在合約內的步驟:使用者要同意這個被部署的合約 UniswapImplementation 可以從自己的帳戶中轉出 200 Dai。因此,將 ERC20 (Dai) 部署在 Rinkeby 上的位置,也就是0x5592EC0cfb4dbc12D3aB100b257153436a1f0FEa,接著輸入被部署合約的地址以及 200 Dai = 200000000000000000000、按下 approve() 後準備作業完成,如下圖。
終於可以呼叫 addLiquidity() 了! 如下圖,在紅框中以 1 Ether 呼叫黑框中的 addLiquidity() 後,就能成功將資金注入到 liquidity pool 了! 由於本文寫在測試後,因此沒有留下第一次 addLiquidity() 的結果 :(
接著,可以拿出 IUniswapV2Pair.sol,將其部署在 三. 創建交易對 中成功部署的位置 0x03E6c12eF405AC3F642B9184eDed8E1322de1a9e,使用黑框中的 getReserves() 就可以看到資金池中確實有匯入的資金! (本處依然沒有第一次使用後的截圖,因此截圖只是為了讓讀者看到 getReserves() 的結果)
- 注意事項
使用 addLiquidity() 時需要小心的地方是:除了第一筆注入的資金可以自行決定兩虛擬貨幣的數量,第二筆開始就會依照其演算法算出兩幣可以投入的各自數量,因此使用者放入的兩幣中可能會有部分的其中一幣被 Uniswap 返回。
上方的程式碼只是為了第一筆流動性所寫,如果不是第一筆的情況就需要用成功注入流動性後的返回值(例如筆者的作法是用一陣列 addLiquidityResult 來存結果)來把沒有成功注入的資金返回給使用者。
五. 兌換虛擬貨幣
本節使用的兌換功能依舊是來自 IUniswapV2Router01.sol。
由於兌換虛擬貨幣實際上只有五行不到的程式碼,那麼就來把兌換 Ether 而得到的 Dai… 投到 Compound 來賺取放款利息吧! (雖然只是在測試網) 如果覺得這個場景似曾相識,沒錯,這就是上面提到的 輕鬆貸 EasyDai 的不專業版本!
首先將 Ether 和 Dai 互換的邏輯完成:
Ether 換 Dai : 使用 swapExactETHForTokens(),給某數量的 Ether 能換多少 Dai 是多少
Dai 換 Ether : 使用 swapExactTokensForETH(),作法只差在要把 Dai 轉到當前合約,再同意 UniswapV2Router01 可以從當前合約把 Dai 轉走
兩個做法的第二個參數都是可以自行指定兌換的路徑,此處就直接給 WETH 和 Dai 的地址即可(順序有差)。需要注意的是這個路徑要是動態陣列 dynamic array,而這就是 Vyper 所不支援的功能! 動態陣列跟靜態陣列宣告方式的差別我有註解在程式碼中
此處就先來試試 Dai 換 Ether 吧!和上方一樣,在使用時也要先 approve() 當前合約,當前合約才能轉走使用者的 Dai。
由上方的截圖可以很清楚的看到 Dai 換 Ether 這個動作牽涉到的資金轉移路徑:
Dai: 我的帳戶→當前合約→交易對所在合約
WETH: 交易對所在合約→UniswapV2Router01
Ether: WETH 合約→UniswapV2Router01→我的帳戶
以上的路徑有些人稍微思考後可能會納悶:為什麼上方沒有一筆 WETH 從 UniswapV2Router01 再轉到 WETH 合約的動作呢? 這就是在 Wrapped Ether (WETH) ? 中提到的案例。原因是:把 WETH 還回 WETH 的合約時實際上使用的函示是 withdraw() 而非 transfer(),而在 WETH 合約中發生的只是把使用者 WETH 擁有的額度歸零或減少而已。
接下來就是把 Dai 轉到 Compound 的部分。由於 Compound 不是本文重點,此處只求功能正常,因此比起真正的實作方法當然是簡化許多。
一如往常初始化 Compound 合約的 instance
ETH 換 Dai 後放入 Compound : 將用 ETH 換得的 Dai 的數量,也就是 swapExactETHForTokens() 返回的第二個值,approve() Compound 的合約後就可以用 mint() 匯入了! 要注意的是,ETH 換成 Dai 後的收款地址(第四個參數)是當前合約,才能從此合約轉 Dai 到 Compound
還款給使用者: 用 redeem() 取出 Dai,一如往常同意 UniswapV2Router01 使用 Dai 的權力
之所以說這個程式碼不能真的拿來用是因為:cDai 轉給使用者、讓使用者自己持有是比較安全的作法;即使選擇把 cDai 留在當前合約,以上程式碼檢查 cDai 數量是用當前合約 address(this) 去檢查,實際上應該要去記錄每個使用者所擁有的 cDai 數量
ETH -> WETH -> Dai -> cDai (Compound)
cDai -> Dai -> WETH -> ETH
六. 取得報價作為預言機
若使用 Uniswap v1的報價作為預言機,攻擊者可以利用其演算法造成的滑點來操控價格。為此,Uniswap v2 提供了兩個加入時間權重的合約範例:
ExampleOracleSimple.sol : 簡單版
ExampleSlidingWindowOracle.sol : 複雜版;Sliding Window 在此場景是指透過改變擷取資料(歷史價格)的片段,用該特定期間的價格來做成時間權重,讓使用上更靈活!
本處以簡單版為例。打開 ExampleOracleSimple.sol,由於一些匯入檔案的問題我將 UniswapV2OracleLibrary 也放在這份檔案中。
做法非常簡單:將 UniswapV2Factory、Dai 及 WETH 所在的地址作為部署合約 ExampleOracleSimple 時的輸入值就完成了。部署成功後會有個 24 小時的鎖 Time lock,因為這個預言機是有時間權重的,所以並不是一部署完就能立刻使用。若要體驗更新價格此功能可以使用我部署的兩個,其位置我寫在註解中。
將 WETH 或是 Dai 的地址和要查詢的數量輸入 consult() 就能查到兩虛擬貨幣的價格:
1 ETH 價格約為 97 Dai
1 Dai 價格約為 0.01 ETH
然而,在測試網上我們沒辦法拿著預言機查到的價格套入演算法來核對,因為測試網上的 Uniswap 沒有啟用收費機制,而 k 值要在收費機制啟動時才能被計算,欲知詳情者就麻煩去看官方文件了!
七. 自行兌換 WETH
上方雖然有提到 WETH 在 Uniswap 中的使用原因及場合,但或許有人想試著自己動手將 Ether 換成 WETH、把 WETH 換回 Ether。方法非常簡單,將 WETH.sol 部署到 0xc778417E063141139Fce010982780140Aa0cD5Ab 就能使用,如下圖:
按下綠框中的 At Address 後,使用下方黑框中的 deposit 搭配在中間的黑框輸入所要兌換 Ether 的量,就能成功換到 WETH。同理,圖中未顯示的 withdraw 功能就是讓人輸入 WETH 來換回等量的 Ether。
稍微提一下,如果是第一次兌換,將 WETH 所在的地址輸入 Metamask 就能在錢包中看到自己擁有的 WETH 的數量,如下兩圖:
八. 結語
呼,雖然上述操作及程式碼的撰寫其實還蠻簡單的,但畢竟 Uniswap 的功能不少、我個人也希望能將小細節解釋清楚些,因此長度遠超過預期...有看到結尾處的讀者,辛苦了xD 希望大家現在對於 Uniswap v2 的內容跟實作方法都很清楚了!
最後,如果本文有任何錯誤,請不吝提出,我會盡快做修正;而如果我的文章有幫助到你,可以看看我的其他文章,歡迎一起交流 :)
田少谷 Shao - Medium
Uniswap v2 實作 : 從創建交易對到Ether 換 Dai 投入 Compound was originally published in Taipei Ethereum Meetup on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
👏 歡迎轉載分享鼓掌
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,本集節目由 EZ TALK 贊助播出 賓狗推薦的工具書: 《英語字彙力:用 1400 個詞彙打造精準溝通力》 ·最受歡迎的英語字彙書 ·出版以來穩坐 Amazon 單字書榜第一 · 進階但實用的英文單字 ·《紐約時報》、《紐約客》雜誌文章中常見的用詞 ·讓你的表達能力更到位 很多平台都買得到唷...
「time constant單位」的推薦目錄:
- 關於time constant單位 在 Taipei Ethereum Meetup Facebook 的精選貼文
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- 關於time constant單位 在 時間常數rl在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 手搖飲社群資訊站 的評價
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time constant單位 在 新聞人 黃旭昇 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【台灣人物誌 054 生態工法基金會】
財團法人台灣生態工法發展基金會 副執行長 邱銘源
但很高興農業局的李玟局長,是一個有擔當願意做事的好長官,讓我們一路走來有最棒的支持。 過去我也在公職服務近二十年,心裡頭一直很清楚一個重要的價值,「懲惡揚善」才能帶領民心走向未來,對於基層公務人員,我總是不斷的鼓勵他們,如何從「屢戰屢敗」的消極心態,轉換成「屢敗屢戰」積極作為,因為,我們都在寫歷史,我們都在實踐「人在公門好修行」的傳統價值。
有了判例,在第一線執法的同仁,才能更有尊嚴的執法。 公部門過去的無力感,讓我想起台灣的食安危機,所有問題的源頭,都因為公民的漠視,造成公部門的顢頇無能,所有的問題都因為,大家自掃門前雪,而終究受害的是我們自己。
於是傻瓜基金會不願當網路的酸民,我們站出來扛重擔,我們自己善盡公民的角色,讓一隻來自西伯利亞的孤兒,在台灣受到最好的照顧,因為一隻鳥,改變了一個老農,改變了一塊土地的未來,鼓勵了更多勇於任事的公務人員,這個美麗的故事,甚至登上了俄國西伯利亞時報的頭版,標題大字清楚的寫著「Thanks people of Taiwan」,感謝我們照顧來自他們故鄉的孤兒,這是多麼動人的一刻,民間的努力,讓台灣的愛心登上了國際新聞的頭版。
2015.12.11 小白鶴抵台週年前夕
We are writing the history
Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation
Chiu, Ming-Yuan/Deputy CEO
The feast snow day of the morning on the lunar calendar, I was still trapped in mud during work. With only one hour time, I got to pack my baggage and photographic equipments. Rushing to the airport, I was ready to go to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi of China to meet the management team of protected area, local crane researchers, and specialists of International Crane Foundation (ICF) for a discussion of the future for a small crane. The past year, coming back and forth from Taiwan to overseas, I have been preparing myself in a standby position with a backpack always. We are just like the Earth Defense Force for the small crane and ready to go on a fight.
We took ferry and were wearing rubber boots in the mud to walk through marshes and beaches for more than ten kilometers. With cold and fog, we arrived in the protected area of Poyang Lake, Dutch Village of Yongxiu County in Jiangxi Province. This is the wetland protected area for cranes with the size about ten thousand times of Jinshan wetland and ten times bigger than Taipei City. 99.9% of the cranes in the world will be spending the winter here. I took a crane searching notice to the local management unit. I think this small crane’s parents should be in here. Cranes usually group themselves with grown birds and little birds as a flying unit in the sky. They are always composed by 3 birds into a flying formation. I took the binoculars and tried to look for the family missing a member. I wanted to tell them that their missing kid, six thousand miles away from home, is doing fine in Taiwan now and they don’t need to worry.
Too much rain in Poyang Lake this year caused their main food-Vallisneria natans to be covered by water that it’s not enough for the cranes. More than eighty cranes could just go back to the rest farms to look for falling rice. Research scholars told us that the climate change causes the extension for cranes to look for food. They have to spend at least 12 hours to find food everyday, therefore, they are afraid of people particularly. The nearest crane ethic group is about 300 meters away from us. Because of our presence, they have been alert and kept on taking off. Wasting more physical energy and lengthening foraging time due to our visit has made me feel guilty. It also made me feel the happiness of the small crane in Taiwan since its closer and it eats so well.
Upon the anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, I have so much sensation in my heart. For the past one year, despite of constant discussion and talk with public sector, we could be able to find the solution and map out the vision to reduce the doubts from farmers and landlords with some kind-hearted government servants. For example, chivalrous reporter, Mr. Xusheng Huang from CAN always extend his hands to move the things to the right direction while we were in the hardship. Although the change is very slow, and we have more expectation on the government’s determination of law enforcement, it’s so grateful that we get the best support along the way from a very responsible government official, Mr. Li Wen, the bureau chief of Agricultural Department of New Taipei City Government.
I have been working in the public sector for nearly two decades. I understand a very important value “Punish evil and propagate good” that would lead the people into the future. For those government servants on the basic level, I always encourage them to convert the negative attitude as “repeating defeats after each fight “ to “keep on fighting”. That’s because we are writing the history and in the practice of traditional value-Practice good in the public sector. Many years of implementation of Wildlife Conservation Law, there is no one law enforcement confirmed case seen caused by harassing endangered birds. “Harassment” is a subjective word that people can’t be sued due to lacking of clearer definition of the provisions of the Act. It also made the wicked rampant and slander most law-abiding bird photographers. Only with the real seen case, the first line of law enforcement officials can be more dignified to do their job.
The sense of powerless from the public sector over the past years reminds me of food security crisis in Taiwan. All the source of problems is from people’s indifference that causes the powerless of the government. Everyone is minding their own business, which makes everyone the victim eventually. Therefore, we the silly foundation does not want to be troll on the internet, instead, we stand out to carry the burden and fulfill the role as good citizen. We make the orphan from Siberia to be well taken care of in Taiwan. A bird has changed an old farmer and the future of a land, furthermore, it also encourages more government servants to be more bold. This beautiful story is even published in the front page of Russian Siberia Times. The title stated “Thanks people of Taiwan”. They appreciate us caring for orphans from their home. It’s such a touching moment. The effort from the private sector made Taiwan’s love to be published on the front page of international news.
If we truly want it to happen and practice in action, we are all writing the history. Does the government really need to spend large budget to pay for media to promote Taiwan? We thank very much for many people’s help for the past one year. On the eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, there is another red-crowned crane came. It’s just like a sign delivered from God saying our effort is not in vain. Toward the last mile trip to the destination for making it happen, the only element we are waiting is the government’s mentality “Tear down and start again”. There are so many people we are so thankful for that can’t be listed one by one, and not to talk about some well-known chivalrous ladies and gentlemen. I want to mention especially the long term support from Wistron Foundation. We appreciate the chairman, Lin, Xian-Ming for his warm encouragement during our critical moment. They not only support us financially, but also send a group of volunteers “Earth Defense Force” to assist all the agricultural services unconditionally. Most impressive help I got locally is from the mayor of Jinshan District, Li Wei and Mr. Jianxing Lai. After the mayor’s arrival on his duty, he abandons the past bureaucracy and helps people to solve many issues with sympathy. I truly feel his sincerity and enthusiasm.
Jianxin is the son of the landlord, Mr. Huang. He has seen our effort and even donated his income. With the support from the young man, I feel so touched and grateful. Of course, Mr. Kuoliang Jhuang, the guardian has been through the most difficult time through the whole year. The crane gets more white and choppy, while Mr. Jhuang gets more black and thin. The crane flies all over happily, and Mr. Jhuang is even more bitter with it.
All the changes had made me realized that we need everyone’s passionate support and encouragement to make Taiwan better. The source of the problem lies in the power of united citizen. Let’s write this immortal history together and start from supporting environmental revival movement in Taiwan. The publication of this photographic collection is not only to provide professional photos, but also to leave the trace of people’s effort for this past year. This book also set up a great example for the cooperation between NGOs and bird shooting photographers. We are no more the opposing sides each other as in the past. For those professional photographers looking for detail resources, this is the best research record. Taiwan is a small place and I very much look forward to see everyone’s hardworking together for this piece of land. The book’s publication not only witnesses the love of Taiwanese people, but also creates a new model of cooperation of the bird world. In here, I especially want to thank the friends providing their precious collection for free. As long as everyone could join hands and move forward with same goal, we are writing the history!
2015.12.11 The eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival
Mr. Chiu, Protected Area of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province
time constant單位 在 新聞人 黃旭昇 Facebook 的最佳解答
【台灣人物誌 054 台灣生態工法基金會】
財團法人台灣生態工法發展基金會 副執行長 邱銘源
但很高興農業局的李玟局長,是一個有擔當願意做事的好長官,讓我們一路走來有最棒的支持。 過去我也在公職服務近二十年,心裡頭一直很清楚一個重要的價值,「懲惡揚善」才能帶領民心走向未來,對於基層公務人員,我總是不斷的鼓勵他們,如何從「屢戰屢敗」的消極心態,轉換成「屢敗屢戰」積極作為,因為,我們都在寫歷史,我們都在實踐「人在公門好修行」的傳統價值。
有了判例,在第一線執法的同仁,才能更有尊嚴的執法。 公部門過去的無力感,讓我想起台灣的食安危機,所有問題的源頭,都因為公民的漠視,造成公部門的顢頇無能,所有的問題都因為,大家自掃門前雪,而終究受害的是我們自己。
於是傻瓜基金會不願當網路的酸民,我們站出來扛重擔,我們自己善盡公民的角色,讓一隻來自西伯利亞的孤兒,在台灣受到最好的照顧,因為一隻鳥,改變了一個老農,改變了一塊土地的未來,鼓勵了更多勇於任事的公務人員,這個美麗的故事,甚至登上了俄國西伯利亞時報的頭版,標題大字清楚的寫著「Thanks people of Taiwan」,感謝我們照顧來自他們故鄉的孤兒,這是多麼動人的一刻,民間的努力,讓台灣的愛心登上了國際新聞的頭版。
2015.12.11 小白鶴抵台週年前夕
We are writing the history
Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation
Chiu, Ming-Yuan/Deputy CEO
The feast snow day of the morning on the lunar calendar, I was still trapped in mud during work. With only one hour time, I got to pack my baggage and photographic equipments. Rushing to the airport, I was ready to go to Poyang Lake in Jiangxi of China to meet the management team of protected area, local crane researchers, and specialists of International Crane Foundation (ICF) for a discussion of the future for a small crane. The past year, coming back and forth from Taiwan to overseas, I have been preparing myself in a standby position with a backpack always. We are just like the Earth Defense Force for the small crane and ready to go on a fight.
We took ferry and were wearing rubber boots in the mud to walk through marshes and beaches for more than ten kilometers. With cold and fog, we arrived in the protected area of Poyang Lake, Dutch Village of Yongxiu County in Jiangxi Province. This is the wetland protected area for cranes with the size about ten thousand times of Jinshan wetland and ten times bigger than Taipei City. 99.9% of the cranes in the world will be spending the winter here. I took a crane searching notice to the local management unit. I think this small crane’s parents should be in here. Cranes usually group themselves with grown birds and little birds as a flying unit in the sky. They are always composed by 3 birds into a flying formation. I took the binoculars and tried to look for the family missing a member. I wanted to tell them that their missing kid, six thousand miles away from home, is doing fine in Taiwan now and they don’t need to worry.
Too much rain in Poyang Lake this year caused their main food-Vallisneria natans to be covered by water that it’s not enough for the cranes. More than eighty cranes could just go back to the rest farms to look for falling rice. Research scholars told us that the climate change causes the extension for cranes to look for food. They have to spend at least 12 hours to find food everyday, therefore, they are afraid of people particularly. The nearest crane ethic group is about 300 meters away from us. Because of our presence, they have been alert and kept on taking off. Wasting more physical energy and lengthening foraging time due to our visit has made me feel guilty. It also made me feel the happiness of the small crane in Taiwan since its closer and it eats so well.
Upon the anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, I have so much sensation in my heart. For the past one year, despite of constant discussion and talk with public sector, we could be able to find the solution and map out the vision to reduce the doubts from farmers and landlords with some kind-hearted government servants. For example, chivalrous reporter, Mr. Xusheng Huang from CAN always extend his hands to move the things to the right direction while we were in the hardship. Although the change is very slow, and we have more expectation on the government’s determination of law enforcement, it’s so grateful that we get the best support along the way from a very responsible government official, Mr. Li Wen, the bureau chief of Agricultural Department of New Taipei City Government.
I have been working in the public sector for nearly two decades. I understand a very important value “Punish evil and propagate good” that would lead the people into the future. For those government servants on the basic level, I always encourage them to convert the negative attitude as “repeating defeats after each fight “ to “keep on fighting”. That’s because we are writing the history and in the practice of traditional value-Practice good in the public sector. Many years of implementation of Wildlife Conservation Law, there is no one law enforcement confirmed case seen caused by harassing endangered birds. “Harassment” is a subjective word that people can’t be sued due to lacking of clearer definition of the provisions of the Act. It also made the wicked rampant and slander most law-abiding bird photographers. Only with the real seen case, the first line of law enforcement officials can be more dignified to do their job.
The sense of powerless from the public sector over the past years reminds me of food security crisis in Taiwan. All the source of problems is from people’s indifference that causes the powerless of the government. Everyone is minding their own business, which makes everyone the victim eventually. Therefore, we the silly foundation does not want to be troll on the internet, instead, we stand out to carry the burden and fulfill the role as good citizen. We make the orphan from Siberia to be well taken care of in Taiwan. A bird has changed an old farmer and the future of a land, furthermore, it also encourages more government servants to be more bold. This beautiful story is even published in the front page of Russian Siberia Times. The title stated “Thanks people of Taiwan”. They appreciate us caring for orphans from their home. It’s such a touching moment. The effort from the private sector made Taiwan’s love to be published on the front page of international news.
If we truly want it to happen and practice in action, we are all writing the history. Does the government really need to spend large budget to pay for media to promote Taiwan? We thank very much for many people’s help for the past one year. On the eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival, there is another red-crowned crane came. It’s just like a sign delivered from God saying our effort is not in vain. Toward the last mile trip to the destination for making it happen, the only element we are waiting is the government’s mentality “Tear down and start again”. There are so many people we are so thankful for that can’t be listed one by one, and not to talk about some well-known chivalrous ladies and gentlemen. I want to mention especially the long term support from Wistron Foundation. We appreciate the chairman, Lin, Xian-Ming for his warm encouragement during our critical moment. They not only support us financially, but also send a group of volunteers “Earth Defense Force” to assist all the agricultural services unconditionally. Most impressive help I got locally is from the mayor of Jinshan District, Li Wei and Mr. Jianxing Lai. After the mayor’s arrival on his duty, he abandons the past bureaucracy and helps people to solve many issues with sympathy. I truly feel his sincerity and enthusiasm.
Jianxin is the son of the landlord, Mr. Huang. He has seen our effort and even donated his income. With the support from the young man, I feel so touched and grateful. Of course, Mr. Kuoliang Jhuang, the guardian has been through the most difficult time through the whole year. The crane gets more white and choppy, while Mr. Jhuang gets more black and thin. The crane flies all over happily, and Mr. Jhuang is even more bitter with it.
All the changes had made me realized that we need everyone’s passionate support and encouragement to make Taiwan better. The source of the problem lies in the power of united citizen. Let’s write this immortal history together and start from supporting environmental revival movement in Taiwan. The publication of this photographic collection is not only to provide professional photos, but also to leave the trace of people’s effort for this past year. This book also set up a great example for the cooperation between NGOs and bird shooting photographers. We are no more the opposing sides each other as in the past. For those professional photographers looking for detail resources, this is the best research record. Taiwan is a small place and I very much look forward to see everyone’s hardworking together for this piece of land. The book’s publication not only witnesses the love of Taiwanese people, but also creates a new model of cooperation of the bird world. In here, I especially want to thank the friends providing their precious collection for free. As long as everyone could join hands and move forward with same goal, we are writing the history!
2015.12.11 The eve of anniversary of the small crane’s arrival
Mr. Chiu, Protected Area of Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province
time constant單位 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文
本集節目由 EZ TALK 贊助播出
《英語字彙力:用 1400 個詞彙打造精準溝通力》
·出版以來穩坐 Amazon 單字書榜第一
· 進階但實用的英文單字
1 【wanderlust 旅遊慾】 - 名詞
Felix spent his twenties trying to satisfy his wanderlust, visiting no fewer than 50 countries on four continents.
· the strong and constant desire to travel
· he desire for wandering
· lust 很強烈的性慾
· 英國雜誌 Wanderlust Travel Magazine
2 【tantalize 撩撥;吊人胃口】- 動詞
The photos of white sand beaches he hung in his office merely tantalized Robert; he never could find time fo a vacation.
· To torment someone with something they want without ever giving it to them
· Tantalus 神話人物
3【restive 躁動不安的】 - 形容詞
The citizens became restive in the wake of the earthquake, their supplies dwindling and little relief on the horizon.
· restless, agitated
· restful: that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful
· This music is very restful.
· 人覺得 restive:人躁動不安
· 事物 restful:事物讓人放鬆
單字書, 工具書, 背單字, 英文單字, 字彙量, 不死背, Vocabulary Builder Workbook, 亞馬遜, 排行榜, Amazon
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time constant單位 在 時間常數rl在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 手搖飲社群資訊站 的推薦與評價
在時間常數單位這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者wyzsteven也提到#更新本問卷 ... 在物理學以及工程學中,時間常數(英語:Time constant)是一個描述一階線性時不變 ... ... <看更多>
time constant單位 在 7-1.2 RC充電電路暫態特性與時間常數_張偉勤 - YouTube 的推薦與評價

初態#直流暫態#穩態#時間常數DeltaMOOCx 台達磨課師是高中/高工及大學的免費公益磨課師(MOOCs)平臺。練習題、討論、教師輔導及更多數位課程資源, ... ... <看更多>
time constant單位 在 時間常數rl在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 手搖飲社群資訊站 的推薦與評價
在時間常數單位這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者wyzsteven也提到#更新本問卷 ... 在物理學以及工程學中,時間常數(英語:Time constant)是一個描述一階線性時不變 ... ... <看更多>