I just announced that we're launching Facebook Shops today – the basic idea is that any small business can easily start a shop to sell things directly across our apps. If you visit someone's shop, you'll be able to see that small business's story, see their featured products, and buy them in our apps.
I think this particularly important right now because so many small businesses are moving online to deal with the economic fallout from Covid-19. As people are being told to stay home, physical storefronts are having a hard time staying open and millions of people are losing their jobs. I've been personally working with our teams on Facebook Shops every day for the last couple of months so we could accelerate launching it to small businesses who could use tools like this now.
Facebook Shops are free and easy to create. When you set up your shop, it will appear on your Facebook and Instagram accounts to start and soon on Messenger and WhatsApp too. Shops are native and fast, which means no more app-switching to a slow mobile web browser where you have to reenter your credit card when you tap on an interesting product you see in feeds. We're also working with partners like Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Channel Advisor, CedCommerce, Cafe24, Tienda Nube and Feedonomics so that small businesses can easily integrate into a strong, open ecosystem of tools to help them manage their customer journey end-to-end, and it's up to the business to decide what level of integration they want.
On top of that, we’re building a bunch of features across our apps to help people discover things from small businesses that they might want to buy. We're building a dedicated shopping tab on Instagram and a destination inside Explore where you can find and buy products you might be interested in. Soon, we'll also be launching new Live shopping features across Facebook and Instagram, which will allow you to shop on Live in real-time.
Lastly, in the near future Shops will use our AI and augmented reality tech to create better shopping experiences. We'll automatically identify and tag products in feeds so people can easily click-through to purchase when they find things they like. Small businesses will also be able to personalize their storefronts to first show products that are most relevant to you and use augmented reality to let you virtually try on things like sunglasses, lipstick or makeup to see how they might look on you before buying, or what furniture might look like in your room.
This all adds up to something quite powerful. If you're running a small business or you're thinking of starting one – even from your living room – you now have a whole suite of tools available that can help you serve people. You can build out your online presence across Facebook and Instagram. You can use Messenger and WhatsApp to communicate with your customers. You can reach new customers through our ads. And now, you can also set up a full online store experience with Facebook Shops. All of these tools are open for business, even when your physical storefront can't be. Hopefully this helps relieve some of the pressure that small businesses are facing right now and helps them prepare for a more online future. I look forward to getting Shops into the world more widely -- let us know what you think!
「tools for facebook messenger」的推薦目錄:
tools for facebook messenger 在 M觀點 Facebook 的最讚貼文
臉書開發者大會 F8 的重點整理
有一些朋友可能知道我在last minute買了一張機票跑到了矽谷,蹭這群參與F8的好朋友們,在二個多月前,我可能還對這個圈子完全陌生,也沒有挹注很多熱情在科技相關的資訊,還好凡事都有嘗試的第一次,就讓不專業焦凡凡在矽谷白天時間,大家都去參加會議,我自己一個人很無聊時為大家整理今天 #2019F8 Mark Zuckerberg 宣布針對Facebook、Instagram以及WhatsApp的幾項重大更新及新產品推出。
2019 F8 Keynote
1. 馬克大概用了一半的時間說明未來公司經營方向將圍繞在“The future is private.”
- 揭示六大守則 Private Interactions/ Encryption/ Reduced Permanence/ Safety/ Interoperability/ Secure Data Storage. 安全跟隱私性將是臉書在推出各項更新的重點之一,未來不用害怕政府機構或駭客竊取個人的信息資料
- 邀請各方顧問,如:法律、各國政府機關等等討論及溝通,如何在打造一個安全及隱私性的平台下,及不肖方濫用中取得平衡
- Making sure our tools are used for good. 開發者如需取得相關data必須取之有道,且臉書亦已頒布相關規定
2. 從FB Messenger為基礎開始打造更快、更簡單及更安全的訊息平台
- 去年更新 #M4 Messenger已經有了頁面的改版,今年將著力於更快的訊息,實驗室實測臉書Messenger傳及收發訊息的時間為1.3秒、WhatsApp為1.8秒,及其他訊息平台則為2.6秒
- Messenger將推出電腦版Desktop App啦,讓電腦版的使用者更容易可以收發訊息及觀賞照片及影片
- 將做到訊息的加密性(Encryption),過去做到的是在某一特定聊天室用私密聊天,現在可以做到針對某一對象的聊天皆可加密(但這邊我覺得講得不是很清楚,也有可能我聽錯哈哈哈)
- Friends Tab 朋友列表功能更加人性化
- Watch together 群組視訊功能
3. Whatsapp除了環繞在安全跟隱私性以外,也做了幾項更新,其中支付為一大亮點!
- Status功能
- Share location做到隱私性
- Product Catalogues
- WhatsApp Payment 支付功能
4. FB5,臉書將推出近五年來臉書做過的最大介面改版,介面將變得更簡單,甚至連臉書藍都將變得很少
- 臉書icon也將改的更加現代化(請服用影片或以下圖片)
- 臉書社團的介面改版,像是推薦群組介面、群組溝通及匿名發問功能(這邊也講了很多隱私性但沒有描述太多)
- Facebook Dating!甚至有十分吸睛的Secret Crush功能(可以列出你喜愛的對象名單,如果對方也列的名單有配對到的話,就會互相提示XD好好的dating一下啦!可惜台灣不在推出國家名單內,如果想要使用要去東南亞國家解鎖了,如:泰國/ 新加坡/ 菲律賓等)
5. Instagram也有了幾項振奮人心的功能及改版上線
- 推出IG購物Shopping Channel
過去IG常被詬病,可以看到商品但購買卻需連到其他平台或頁面,現在將獲得解決,checkout喜愛的商品within the APP
- 限時動態推出新功能Donation Sticker
- Shopping from Creators
IG business裡三種角色,Shopper/ Creator/ Seller,Creators的角色應該更備受重視,可以點擊照片或影片中創作者的連結直接購買商品
- 限時動態製作即將大改版
6. Portal 即將在國際市場推出,從歐洲市場開始
- 跟亞馬遜合作推出的商品,類似iPad 平板,但有個智慧相機
- 可搭配AR功能,其中Story times 可以用虛擬實境功能來講故事,且人物移動時相機也會移動(自己覺得視訊時不用手動移動相機超棒)
- 可以使用whatsapp及messenger來打視訊電話。
- 可以用Portal使用Facebook直播,鏡頭會跟著你
7. 臉書發表VR眼鏡Oculus Quest
- Without cable更簡單即可使用,只要$399美金,5/21開始預購,F8會議參與者人人一台,想玩可直接找陳思傑 (Szu-Chieh Jesse Chen)張家豪 (Thant Sin Oo)Clement Tang借來玩!
以上為凡凡我本人第一次不專業整理分享,歡迎大神們以下補充 葉濬慈 (Andrew Yeh)Ted Hung