🔎第二階段: 怎麼找公司
🔺part 1: 了解自己的專業能力及清楚自己的定位
1⃣ 找一個喜歡的城市/鄉村學習跟生活。
記得我找公司時,鍵入的搜尋關鍵字是: 景觀設計公司 + 地區。在這前一篇的搜尋是:英國 特色城市。 找公司,除了看公司性質,我也會看環境,在面試的時候順便感受公司所在的城市。 現在想起這樣的設定真的非常正確,因為我享受且滿足現在的生活。環境造人,工作環境佔據 了我一天1/3的時間,坐在望出去遼闊景觀的窗戶旁,總比處在冰冷水泥塊中,自在很多。
2⃣ 坦白的面對自己的能力範圍,放大自己的長處。
很多人說: 找公司、投工作,就海投! 到處散播一樣的作品集及一模一樣的信件內容,100家,總會有10家⋯⋯對,也不對。了解自己的專業能力及清楚自己的定位,才是說服公司錄取你的關鍵。幾個朋友在反省找工作的經驗,最終去的那間公司,總會最快回覆你前來面試,最短的時間內決定是否錄取,因為你的知識範圍最符合公司需求,而不單只是可以畫出漂亮的圖,容易被取代的 / 技術上的能力。景觀的專業範圍很大,如果知道自己未來的發展希望往水資源管理的方向,那海投公司的範圍就會縮小剩20家,自己的勝率也更大,奮戰時間也會縮短。相對的,在未來職涯,唯獨能發揮自己所長,才能帶來成就感。
知己知彼的策略,了解自己的專業能力及清楚自己的定位,不單縮短找工作的時間,甚至減少 未來所會面臨的工作壓力。
🔎Stage 2: Finding a company to apply
🔺Part 1 - Understanding your niche and abilities
Finding a company is easy, but finding one which suits you, where you can play to your strengths is challenging. Office culture, design ethos, scope of works, business management and employee growth plans are one of the many factors that you should consider. It is often the case that individuals will start criticizing the company’s employee treatment, pay check, lack of interesting projects, poor office environment after working for a period of time. However, these “complaints” could have been avoided if a company which best fitted to your expectations and interest was chosen instead.
Hence, understand what you want, be clear of your strengths and abilities, both your short and long term career goals and what kind of environment you would thrive in. This would be the best approach to find a job which can offer you a fun and comfortable working environment where you can grow too.
1⃣ Choosing a city/ town which you like to live and work in.
Each city has its own unique culture and appeal, with infinite options and endless
considerations, narrowing down your choice can be a nightmare.
Recalling back to the time when I was looking for a job, typing in these keywords into the search bar: “landscape design firms + region” and “UK cities” kick-started my journey of working abroad.
Other than understanding the nature of the company, I also considered aspects such as the physical environment – the city where the company was located, population density, transportation and weather. When travelling down for an interview, experiencing the city’s character, culture and vibe in person also helped expedite the decision making process.
This guiding process allowed me to quickly settle in, enjoy and be satisfied with my current lifestyle and working arrangements.
The environment makes us who we are, with 1/3 of your time being occupied with work, it is really important to have a comfortable working environment – For me, sitting by the window, looking out towards the vast green landscape would definitely be much better than sitting within the compounds of a concrete working cubicle.
2⃣ Be honest about your capabilities, Magnify your strengths.
Most fresh graduates would often use the same portfolio and CV content to mass apply to companies, hoping to land a job in one of their several attempts. However, this one size fit all approach to seek employment might not be the best and most effective.
Finding your niche will help you stand out from the rest of the crowd. That being said, understanding your professional ability and what you can contribute to the company is key to persuade the company to employ you. A few of my peers shared their experience for getting employed – An interested company would normally respond and arrange for an interview at the soonest. Their hiring decision made within a short time frame because they believe that your thinking, knowledge, expertise and skills best meets the needs of the company and are not easily replaceable by technology means.
The scope of works for the landscape profession is very large. It would definitely help reduce the amount of time and companies you need to filter through, increase your chances of getting employed if you can be certain of a career path you wish to dive further into. For example, water resource management, wildlife consultancy, landscape journalism, construction etc. In view of future career prospects, only by playing to your strength, can you find a sense of achievement.
The strategy of knowing yourself and your market, understanding your abilities and niche not only shortens the time spent to find a job, but also reduces the work pressure you will face in the future.
「town of us設定」的推薦目錄:
- 關於town of us設定 在 駐英台-景觀筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於town of us設定 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於town of us設定 在 兩光煮婦Eva Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於town of us設定 在 among us設定的彩蛋和評價,PTT - 電視影集電影和影城推薦指南 的評價
- 關於town of us設定 在 Crewmate - syntony666/Town-Of-Us Wiki 的評價
- 關於town of us設定 在 Gather Town Taiwan User Group | 想請問大家創建新的地圖時 的評價
- 關於town of us設定 在 Among Us板 | Dcard 的評價
- 關於town of us設定 在 Eisbison/TheOtherRoles - GitHub 的評價
town of us設定 在 Travel with Winny 一起跟昀去旅行 Facebook 的精選貼文
要不是最後兩天從五星級飯店搬到青年旅館,不然我們根本不想出門體驗巴拿馬市區😂 York 帶我去之前從可從希爾頓窗戶看到的舊城區🏙️ 原來舊城區建於 1673,而且還是座世界遺產❤️
不過最令人震驚的是舊城區到處都在維修。 維修完整性的程度讓我想到愛沙尼亞的 Tallinn 塔林古城😝 不過說真的巴拿馬運河每艘船需要付三十萬到八十萬美金通過,這個國家真的有很多錢可以做很多事情😂
巴拿馬運河被譽為「世界七大現代工程奇蹟」😊 跟巴拉圭與巴西合建的伊泰普水壩是同等級。 當時進去水壩看到那高聳的牆壁,瞬間令人感到渺小😲 沒看過那篇網誌的人趕快看這篇來↪ https://wp.me/p5lkw8-1CW 真的是我們倆大大推薦的南美冷門景點❤️
而巴拿馬運河本身橫跨太平洋以及大西洋,節省了貨船的時間🛳️ 我們很幸運晚到還看到兩艘船經過! 雖然本身很無聊,但是之後背後偉大工程的歷史以及創新性就不得感到佩服😍 由於時間不夠,這篇相簿就先給大家看看照片,其他的介紹就等我的網誌吧😁 #巴拿馬 #世界奇蹟 #世界遺產 #中美蜜月行
Oh~ Panama City, you surprised me 🎵 After moving into a cheap hostel, York and I finally went out and explored😂 There's actually more to this city than the Canal ❤️
We discovered the UNESCO old town on the other side of the city🏡 Built in 1673, this old town has the feel of old town Tallinn in Estonia 😊 There's restoration going on EVERYWHERE, I guess if each ship costs USD$300,000 to USD$800,000 to go through the canal💰 the country technically can fix up a lot of things 😂
A visit to Panama Canal is also a must in this country! Considered to be one of the "Seven Wonders of the Modern World"🏙️ This gigantic engineering miracle is not to be missed😍 We saw two large vessels crossing the Miraflores Lock 🛳️ We also visited the musuem which gave us more info on the canal than BBC documentary itself 🎬 Ahh~ Enjoying city life ❤️ #panamacity #unesco #backpackinghoneymoon
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town of us設定 在 兩光煮婦Eva Facebook 的最佳貼文
The Town Crier,值得挖寶的一家店
「A nice cutlery is a tool,a mean of telling a story」
SIZE L190 × W50mm
WEIGHT Approx.205g
SIZE L190 × H50mm
WEIGHT Approx.210g
18/0 又稱430不鏽鋼含鐵質具磁性,磁鐵可以吸附就是430最簡單的檢驗方法,一般表面可經由熱處理硬化、增加強度防鏽,用菜瓜布刷洗一段時間,之後會用衛生紙擦試,衛生紙會黑黑(鐵),塗層掉之後就易生鏽。
18/8:304不鏽鋼鋼材含鎳防鏽是台灣大量進口加工成品銷售,其標準成分是18%鉻加8%鎳,即一般所稱的18-8不銹鋼。此類不銹鋼的特性為無磁性(如果304材質可使用在電磁爐上 ,廠商在製造上加含磁性的材質)、無法藉由熱處理方法來改變其金相組織結構、加工性佳,又因含合金元素--鎳,所以抗蝕性較優,台灣生產製造 MIT幾乎是304 。
18/10: 316 「鉻Cr」與「鎳Ni」的比例,是指含鉻Cr 18%、鎳Ni 10%。耐酸鹼、抗腐蝕、能力強,用在家庭鍋具十分足夠了。將鉻Cr 加入合金中可提高其強度和耐腐蝕,鎳Ni 具高亮度,能抗腐蝕。是以許多高級鍋具會使用10%的鎳來製作,以使其更耐用更抗蝕,而這種不鏽鋼就稱為316不鏽鋼或是18/10不鏽鋼鋼材。
#vintage #westgermany #military #cutlery #ofw #wmf #bund #outdoor #camping #thetowncrier #generalstore #taipei #taiwan
town of us設定 在 Gather Town Taiwan User Group | 想請問大家創建新的地圖時 的推薦與評價
看過有些地圖可以,但是我不知道怎麼設定。 有人知道的話想請教一下. ... Gather Town Taiwan User Group. Public group. ·. 4.5K members. Join Group. ... <看更多>
town of us設定 在 Among Us板 | Dcard 的推薦與評價
大家好,歡迎來到among us版請各位詳閱公開說明. ... 呢(若有相關疑問或沒有符合你要的標題請透過私訊跟我說∠( ᐛ 」∠)_,️必須使用卡稱並開啟接受私訊的設定. ... <看更多>
town of us設定 在 Crewmate - syntony666/Town-Of-Us Wiki 的推薦與評價
遊戲設定 ; 市長, 市長出現的概率, 百分比 ; 市長起始選票庫票數, 遊戲開始時選票庫內的起始票數, 數值 ; 市長匿名投票, 市長的額外投票會否匿名顯示, 開關 ... ... <看更多>