你曾經上網評比餐廳嗎? 現在有機會可以評比美國政府機構的服務了! 不論是國家公園、機場安檢、甚或是美國國務院,我們都歡迎有民眾或有網友來給我們打分數!
美國務院領事事務局(Bureau of Consular Affairs) 的全球數字接觸交流顧問凱特琳·特克(Kaitlin Turck)說:“消費者熟悉如何用Yelp給服務評級打分。我們正在探討利用這個平台來加強我們的操作,為公眾提供更好的服務。” 想了解詳情請看這篇文章: https://goo.gl/qqUlse #travelgov
Have you ever rated a restaurant online? Now's your chance to rate the U.S. government! National parks, airport security and even the State Department want users to tell them how they're doing. #travelgov More info: https://goo.gl/qqUls
「u.s. department of state bureau of consular affairs」的推薦目錄:
u.s. department of state bureau of consular affairs 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
Visas for same-sex spouses: Tearing down a barrier
美國國務卿凱瑞在2013年8月2日宣布美國修改針對同性配偶的簽證規定時說,“每一對婚姻伴侶都將受到完全相同的待遇”。很簡單---配偶簽證規定只有一個,對同性配偶或異性配偶沒有區別。 (凱瑞國務卿講話影片: http://youtu.be/qoQGlpklvfs)
從2013年8月起,同性配偶有資格申請派生簽證 (derivative visa),即與異性婚姻中的配偶具有同樣的資格。此外,與美國公民結婚的非公民同性配偶所享有的移民待遇與異性配偶所享有的移民待遇相同。
問: 子女和過繼子女包括在內嗎?
答: 美國公民同性配偶的子女或過繼子女享有與異性婚姻配偶的孩子相同的移民待遇。
問: 同性生活伴侶和民事註冊結合的伴侶是否有資格辦理派生簽證?
答: 只有當雙方結合地的地方法律將這一關係視為婚姻關係,伴侶才可作為配偶申請移民。這項規定同樣適用於異性關係中的伴侶。
問: 美國公民的同性未婚夫/妻能夠獲得簽證嗎?
答: 與異性未婚夫妻一樣,訂婚關係可允許同性未婚夫妻進入美國結婚,前提是符合其他移民規定。最高法院在2015年6月裁決,同性伴侶可以在在美國任何地方結婚 (https://share.america.gov/fight-for-gay-rights-in-u-s/)。 (在此之前,只有36個州和首都華盛頓承認同性婚姻合法。)
你如有更多問題,可訪問美國國務院領事事務局(US Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs)的家庭移民簽證網頁(family-based immigrant visas),也可觀看谷歌遊同性配偶移民簽證指南 (Google+ Hangout on visa guidelines for same-sex spouses: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ode/releases/213206.htm)。
Visas for same-sex spouses? So long as the marriage is recognized as legal in the place where it occurred, “that marriage is valid under U.S. immigration laws, and every married couple will be treated exactly the same.” – Secretary of State John Kerry
More English: http://goo.gl/sZDgpi
u.s. department of state bureau of consular affairs 在 草蜢 Grasshopper Facebook 的精選貼文
草蜢 Be Three 世界巡迴演唱會『拉斯維加斯站』主辦不得不忍痛取消,我們各個單位,除了對此感到遺憾外,也想對各支持草蜢的朋友致歉!
【轉自: 主辦 Jade Entertainment Facebook 30/6 公告】
We deeply regret to inform you that the Grasshopper "Be Three" Concert at MGM Grand Las Vegas scheduled on July 4, 2015 has been cancelled.
Due to the computer system breakdown that took place on June 8, 2015 within the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the U.S. Department of State, the processing of visa applications has been delayed worldwide. As a result, visas could not be issued within the expected timeline at the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong for Grasshopper and their entourage. Considering the uncertainty of the group's presence for the July 4 event, MGM Grand has announced the cancellation of Grasshopper "Be Three" Concert.
Ticket holders: if you have purchased tickets with a credit card, you will receive a full refund automatically; if you have purchased with cash or check from one of our ticketing outlets, please visit the ticketing agent to receive your refund. Please call 626-964-4747 if you have any questions.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Jade Entertainment
在無法確定草蜢近40人團隊是否能如期入境美國的情況下,MGM Resorts International 米髙梅國際集團不得不忍痛宣布 -- 取消7月4日於MGM Grand舉行的「草蜢世界巡迴演唱會」。