[無麩質,生酮及純素💚 INFINITI C 💚] Infiniti C
Address: (新店)中環干諾道中88號南豐大廈地下G03舖 (另有西環及尖沙咀分店)
🤍 我對Infiniti C 完全唔陌生😂 因為之前發濕疹好勁嗰陣,就鑽研左啲純素甜品~ infiniti C 係其中一間我覺得最好食嘅😍 之前都去過尖沙咀嗰間食過幾次蛋糕😂 (留意蛋糕有分唔同種類,唔係每一款都純素咖~)
🤍 Infiniti C係全港首間100%無麩質精品咖啡店,7月尾新店登陸中環!主打無麩質,生酮及純素蛋糕飲食,令對任何食物可能產生食物敏感的食客都可以放心於INFINITI C用餐🥰 中環新店裝修得很精緻,有好多位都可以打卡😆
🤍 新店限定菜式: 植物肉醬無麩質意粉🍝 $98
特別選用無動物成份之Impossible Meat~
🤍 Avocado Burger with crab meat 🥑 $128
另外仲有vegan option~
🤍 新店限定菜式: 四國血橙紅茶蛋糕—無麩質 $72/件
粉紅色超靚💖 特別選用稀少又珍貴既日本四國血橙,再混合斯里蘭卡的鍚蘭紅茶,外圍用上草飼牛鮮忌廉,口感柔和,又帶點果花香
🤍 Pitaya Acai Fruity Bowl $78
超級靚呀!! 同埋全部都係生果做,好健康👍🏼食落凍冰冰好啱夏天食☺️
🤍 French Lavender Earl Grey Cake (Keto)
食到薰衣草香👍🏼 反而Earl Grey味唔算太突出~
🤍 Uji Matcha Chocolate Cake
🤍 新店限定自家製飲品:
Kombucha Mojito $78
Strawberry Vinegar Spritz $68
#littletummylife #littletummywestern #littletummydessert #littletummycafe #INFINITIC #生酮cafe #無麩質精品cafe #素食 #低碳飲食 #健康飲食 #中環新店 #南豐大廈
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Smart Travel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#tenjinbashisuji #tenjinbashisujishoppingstreet #天神橋筋 #天神橋筋商店街美食 #大阪必吃 #大阪必買 # Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone 今日帶大家嚟到全日本最長的商店街,位於大阪的天神橋筋商店街 To...
uji分店 在 Keresa Wong.L.S Facebook 的最佳解答
Salfee 以(Sal)ad & Cof(fee)名命,
繼尖沙咀開店後, 終於係鰂魚涌開分店喇!!🎉
分店主打外賣, 店內有4個吧檯位for堂食,
8款沙律選擇, 亦可以$68自選3款沙律
爽脆香甜蘋果切粒, 薯仔夠林, 平均沾上少少沙律醬, 再撈咗飛魚子, 主要味道黎自蘋果果甜。
長通粉有d口感, 有dd雞肉碎粒, 不過就唔太食到辣。
吞拿魚肉碎撈入了沙律菜, 配上希臘白色軟乳酪醬+黑醋汁, 味道清新唔寡。
另外揀咗杯【UJI MATCHA】HK$38
🍵抹茶味濃郁, 口感香滑
📍The Salfee Bar The Salfee Bar
#hkfoodie #foodie #hk #hongkong #hkblogger #香港 #香港人 #香港食評 #食評家 #香港美食 #美食推介 #美食分享 #鰂魚涌 #沙律 #salad
uji分店 在 Grassrootseaters • 草根食堂 Facebook 的精選貼文
食過銅鑼灣分店一次,感覺唔錯, 甜品同鹹點都唔錯,知道佢哋出咗一款新嘅疏乎厘甜品,今次就去旺角分店試一試。
Uji Matcha Black Sesame Soufflé Pancake
Grill New Zealand Premier Rib Eye Steak 220g with Mesclun Mix and French Fries
Chocolate Soufflé Pancake with Orange Liqueur
先講個賣相真係麻麻地,唔係好明點解嗰班戟要浸喺橙汁到。班戟底無可避免地浸濕咗,雖然吸收左啲橙汁同橙酒,再加上橙皮,味道的確幾突出🍊,不過感覺真喺怪怪地。 班戟上嘅朱古力🍫味道相對較弱,班戟口感唔差🥞,但整個甜品味道欠缺融和。
HeSheEat (白布街) (旺角)
. @ HeSheEat
uji分店 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答
#tenjinbashisuji #tenjinbashisujishoppingstreet #天神橋筋 #天神橋筋商店街美食 #大阪必吃 #大阪必買 #
Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone
今日帶大家嚟到全日本最長的商店街,位於大阪的天神橋筋商店街 Today I will show u the longest shopping street in Japan, the Tenjinbashisuji shopping street in Osaka
香港的彌敦道全長是3.6公里,這裏1丁目至7丁目的長度是2.6公里, The total length of Nathan Road in HK is 3.6 km, here the length from section 1 to7 is 2.6 km
相等於三分之二的彌敦道那麼長啦, 來這裏吃、買、玩交通相當方便 which is 2/3 long of Nathan Rd, is quite convenient to come eat, buy, and play for transportation
因為由天神1至7町目,橫跨了三個地鐵站 Because there are 3 subway stations are crossed from Tenjin sections 1 to 7
分別是「南森町駅」、「扇町駅 」和「天神橋筋六町目駅」,
有多達800間店鋪,當中包括餐廳、藥妝、衣服、 U to 800 shops including restaurants, cosmeceuticals n clothes,
雜貨、土產、傳統老店、居酒屋等等,應有盡有, Groceries, traditional old shops n izakaya, etc.U name it,
最重要是什麼呢, 這裏的吃買玩是街坊價錢! What most important is the food and drink here is charged very low!
如果你的行程逗留大阪不是那麼久, 我建議你來這條街 If your itinerary is not so long in Osaka, I suggest you come here
一次過可以滿足你三個願望, 以最平的價錢、最集中的時間,去享受旅遊大阪的真樂趣 It satisfies your 3 wishes in one go, n enjoy the true pleasure of traveling to Osaka at the most affordable price and most concentrated time
我在google map, cap了張圖, 看看這裏連住三個地鐵站附近的酒店 I captured a photo for budget hotels nearby
三、四百hkd一晚, 是現在這一刻的價錢 Around 3 to 400hkd per night for the price at this period
大家如果下次去大阪, 不想住心齋橋、梅田那麼嘈吵的地方 For your next visit to Osaka, if u don't want to live in a noisy area like Shinsaibashi or Umeda................
這裏都可以是一個幾好的選擇, 比較貼地、接近大阪人的平民生活 U can enjoy the civilian lifestyle of Osaka locals
由於這條街太長, 所以我今日會介紹這裏的2丁目同埋3丁目 Since this street is too long, I will introduce only sections 2 chome and 3 today
長度相等於你從金鐘頭行到去灣仔中間的距離啦 The length is equal to the distance from Admiralty to mid Wanchai
我會重點推介一些值得吃買玩這個段落的地方, I will focus on recommending some places worth eating, buying n playing ..
這裏還可以有免費wi-fi上網, 速度都不錯㗎, They have free speedy wi-fi Internet access
邊行邊打卡給你啲friend啦, 快啲跟我一齊行啦, Are u ready? U can selfie n share with friends along. Are u ready?
嚟到2丁目, 你一定不可以錯過這間人龍排隊小店 When u come to section 2, u shouldn't miss this long queue store
它就是鼎鼎大名的 『中村屋』可樂餅啦, It is the famous croquette,
剛剛炸好的可樂餅, 金黃酥脆,外酥內軟,炸得香氣撲鼻, The freshly fried croquette, golden crispy on the outside and soft on the inside n fragrant,
被稱為是全大阪最好食的可樂餅! Known as the best croquette in Osaka!
日本一個好權威的飲食網頁Tabelog攞到3.51分 It scored 3.53 in an authoritative food webpage in Japan called Tabelog
通常如果攞到3.4分已經是好好食, 所以你可想而知啦 Usually it's already delicious if you hit 3.4 points, so you can imagine
為何Tabelog的可信性是好高呢, Why is Tabelog's credibility so high?
因為Tabelog的收入不來源於餐廳的廣告,Because Tabelog's income does not come from restaurant advertisements,
而是來源於給用戶的增值服務。 It comes from value-added services to users.
這裏的烏龍麵出名滑溜又Q彈,吃的時候一定要加一些炸小魚乾 The udon here are famous for being smooth n chewy.
炸小魚乾可以讓烏龍麵多了一種風味, Deep-fried dried fish can add a flavor to the udon
看看這幾位姐姐, 可以尋回學生時代迷過的偶像呀 What are they searching? Maybe searching for their idols in their childhood
CD只賣200yen(14hkd)一隻, 可能有啲是絕版呢 The CD only sells 200yen (14hkd), maybe some are out-of-print
這裏有好幾間理髮店喎, 我建議男士可以嚟試下 There are several barber shops here, I suggest bros to try
大家知道否為何全世界的理髮店門前都有一條三色柱呢 Do u know why there is a tri-color column in front of barber shops all over the world?
在1789年, 法國爆發大革命, 有一位革命的領袖被人追捕 In 1789, the French Revolution broke out and a revolutionary leader was pursued
走了入一間理髮店, 店裏面的員工成功地為這一位領袖擺脫了他的敵人 He hid into a barber shop, the employees in the shop successfully got rid of his enemy for this leader
在法國大革命勝利之後, 為了表揚這位理髮店工人的貢獻和支持 After the victory of the French Revolution, in order to praise this barber shop worker for his contribution and support
這位領袖就在理髮店門前放一個玻璃圓筒 The leader put a glass column in front of the barber shop
裏面裝上象徵著法國國旗的紅白藍三色柱, 不停轉動 It is filled with red, white and blue in column that symbolize the French flag and keeps turning
其後世界各地的理髮店都紛紛裝上這個三色柱 Since then, barber shops around the world have installed this three-color column
作為招攬客人的裝飾, 一直沿用至今 As a decoration to attract customers, it has been used until today
來這裏鋸扒餐都是800幾yen, Tabalog3.28分都過得去啦 The steak meal here is 800 yen, Tabalog 3.28 is rated
行一行這間妝藥店先, Akaran.........
....到3丁目一定要是這一間鳴門鯛燒本舖鯛魚燒連鎖店 This taiyaki sea bream cake chain shop is a must to come.
外面的皮用頂級小麥製作,口感偏脆, The outer layer is made of top-grade wheat, super crispy
皮薄而香噴噴,內餡有北海道十胜紅豆、宇治金時番薯、 The out layer is thin and fragrant, filled with Hokkaido Tokachi red beans, Uji Jinshi sweet potatoes,
亦有紅豆和蕃薯嘅雪糕夾餅,在日本好多分店,而且相當出名。 There are also red bean and sweet potato ice cream sandwiches, which are well-known in Japan w/many branches.
我的youtube頻道大阪自由行的播放清單 Pls visit the playlist of my youtube channel for osaka travel
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幫我分享訂閱和like,我們下一條片再傾過,拜拜 CLS n with that said until next time, 88.