在英國找景觀設計師的工作,通常收到面試通知大概就成功一大半了 !
🔺 Part 1 - 以公司的角度探討:6個他們面試你的目的
1️⃣ 確認作品集是你本人的作品
2️⃣ 你的個人特質
3️⃣ 對職位的了解度
4️⃣ 你的熱情
對產業與職位的熱情,瘋狂的想要加入公司,擋都檔不住。相對地,面試也是讓自己了解是否能勝任那個職位,以及是否能融入公司環境。如果 面試氣氛愉快,那證明你離成功不遠;相反地,如果面試時受到刁難、或與你預設的樣子不一樣,那別氣餒,因為那公司本來就不適合你!
🔍 Stage 5: Interview
When applying for a landscape architecture job in the UK, receiving an interview notice is usually a sign that your success rate is relatively high!
Some applicants get the job after a combination of one phone call + face-to-face interview while some others get it immediately after one face-to-face interview. Larger landscape companies typically have a longer but simpler interview procedure as compared to other industries: telephone interview ➡️ online test ➡️ professional ability test ➡️ face-to-face interview.
This reveals how important the resume and portfolio is for landscape architects to find a job. Especially the portfolio which showcases your abilities, leaving the final procedure which is an interview!
🔺 Part 1 : View from the company perspective – 4 different interview purposes
1️⃣ Confirming that the portfolio works are from you.
In-depth discussion of your works, to understand how you perceive and conceive projects as a means of confirming if the company’s expectations of you are aligned with what they have in mind, and vice versa.
2️⃣ Your personality & character.
To confirm if you can integrate into the company culture and that you can fit into their current team.
3️⃣ Your understanding of the job position.
✔️ To confirm your grasp of the industry or job position. As well as your understanding of the importance of the role you will play within the company.
✔️Assess if your demonstrated abilities fulfil the requirements of the job position.
✔️Your views on the challenges of the job position and career prospects.
4️⃣ Your passion.
Let the company sense your passion and enthusiasm you have for the industry and job position. It is important to know that interviews are not only for the company to evaluate if you qualify for the position, it is also for you to understand if you have the confidence to handle the job position and if you feel comfortable integrating into the office culture and environment.
Should the atmosphere of the interview turn out pleasant, it a pretty good sign that you are not that far from clinching the job. On the contrary, if the interview turned out to be quite short, tedious, or not as what you expected, don’t be disappointed and discouraged because the company might not be for you!