Want to learn more about the AI cohort at AppWorks Accelerator? Come to our Open House for AI Founders: Computer Vision in Action event next Friday! One of our speakers will be Lotus Chen, President of oToBrite. Get tickets below.
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Introducing: Lotus Chen
陳學群為 oToBrite Electronics 車用輔助系統公司的總經理。曾任 ASUS 的 CTO,領導 Zen UI 及雲端軟體開發等團隊。他曾在軟體產品規劃、開發、技術行銷、業務開發及銷售等領域擁有超過 35 年的經驗。他在 DEC 電腦、Apple II、MSDOS、微軟 Windows、嵌入式系統設計、掌上電腦、Windows 手機、Android 作業系統移轉至大數據、雲端運算及 AI 人工智慧的過程,擁有豐富的經驗。
Lotus 在 2000 年時創辦友笙資訊 (IA Style, Inc),兼任董事長及總經理,公司在 2003 年時被 HTC 收購後,他在 2004~2013 年擔任 HTC 的副總經理,領導將近 2000 人的軟體工程師團隊,開發全套軟體工具 (full software stack),並開發了 HTC Sense 這個最客製化的 Android 使用者介面。
Lotus 於 1989 年時創辦了友立資訊 (Ulead Systems),帶領團隊於 90 年代初期在 Windows 系統下開發出第一個真實色彩照片的處理軟體 PhotoStyler,並開發早期網路圖片工具,像是 Smart JPEG Saver 跟 GIF Animator。他和 Google 一起合作開發了首支 Android 手機,包含了 HTC Dream 跟 Sapphire。他也是軟體規劃的架構師 (Architect),為 ASUS 手機、平板電腦、智慧型手錶和物聯網產品提供使用者經驗。
他在 ADAS 有開發多媒體創作工具、電話、網路、大數據分析、雲端計算及 AI 人工計畫等多元的經驗,除此之外,也是 VisualOn, Inc 顧問委員會的成員之一。畢業自交通大學資訊工程碩士。
Lotus serves as President of oToBrite Electronics – an ADAS company. He served as the Chief Technology Officer of ASUS Computer, he leads the ZenUI mobile and cloud software development efforts. Mr. Chen has over 35 years' of experience in software product planning, development, technical marketing, business development and sales. He has wide experience in the software transition phases from DEC computers, Apple II, MSDOS, MS Windows, Internet, Embedded system design, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, Android, and the move toward Big Data, Cloud computing and AI.
He founded the IA Style, Inc. in 2000 and also served as its Chairman and President. IA Style was acquired by HTC in late 2003. He also served as a Vice President of HTC Corporation from April, 2004 to Feb., 2013, where he lead a team close to 2,000 software engineers to develop the full software stack from BSP, framework, and the holistic HTC Sense - the first fully customized Android user experience, power HTC phone. He founded Ulead Systems in 1989, lead the team to develop the first true color photo imaging processing software PhotoStyler under Windows platform in early 90'. He lead the team and the efforts to develop the early day of Internet imaging tools including Smart JPEG Saver and GIF Animator. He worked with Google to develop the first few Android phones include the HTC Dream and Sapphire. He is an Architect of the software initiatives to deliver the user experience for ASUS mobile phone, tablet, smart watch, and IoT products.
He has extensive experience in developing multimedia authoring tools, telephony, Internet, Big Data analytics, Cloud computing and AI for ADAS. He serves as the Chairman of Ulead Systems, Inc. He serves as a Member of Advisory Board of VisualOn, Inc. Mr. Chen holds Master in Computer Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.
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