Give Yourself A Chance To Shine
與其內心糾結直到頭腦打結,我永遠選擇踏出第一步試一下。Never try, never know.
If the energies in the Universe can be categorised, they would come in the 5 forms of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth.
All manifestations, be it things or events, in this world falls under these 5 elements, and each and every one of our Bazi is the combination of these 5 elements. The interaction between these elements in our Bazi and those in our circumstances will result in myriad of happenings, good fortunes or otherwise.
My personal experience tells me that even though 2 person may have exactly the same Bazi, but their destinies may turn out different. Reasons being the discrepancy in their facial features, the meanings, tonality, character strokes and essence of their names.
The crux of reading your own destiny lies in uncovering which of the 5 elements is or are mandatory for you. This calls for plenty of practical experience. It is not simply doing simple math of plus, minus, multiply and divide. If this first step is wrong, the whole deck of cards will surely collapse.
After deciphering the correct element, the next step is do guide the client on how to use it to boost their energies in all aspects, from external clothing and living environment to what they eat so as to attract good tidings and ward off misfortunes. Frankly, if the client is uncooperative, the whole of point of Bazi analysis would have been lost.
To know how your future will unfold but behave like a sitting duck? That’s just like buying a movie ticket to watch a preview of your life drama, isnt it?
I had this thought after seeing so many clients: if one’s life is seemingly smooth sailing but one remains unhappy, such zombie-like existence is very painful.
During a typical Bazi analysis session, I would always recommend the client certain colours favourable to him or her to boost the luck. Never underestimate the power of colours. Each colour has its own elemental nature. I have used this successfully several times to help clients succeed at their job interviews, even during this pandemic period.
However as soon as I mentioned the red colour, reactions from my clients tended to be bigger than usual.
Such a bright colour?
My wife said she’s not used to me in this colour!
That’s like Chinese New Year everyday!
The previous master I consulted said so too, but I did not heed the advice.
My answer: if you have been wearing your same old colours for the past many years and getting not much favours from Lady Luck, why not give my suggestion a try?
There are many tones and shades of Red. Nobody is asking you to dress like a big red ang bao (red packet) everyday. Dressing black everyday doesn’t make you Justice Bao either.
Attached are testimonies from Miss A and Mr B after they went red.
Mr B. came to me in September for a follow-up consultation. When I saw him from afar, I was thinking why there wasn’t any sign of change in him. He even sported a sour face.
He told me that after seeing me in March, he had just bought some clothes in colours that were unfavourable to him. He couldn’t bear to throw them away, and his wife didn’t really support him wearing red either. He said his colleagues were all wearing darker colours.
I told him that those clothes he bought had already served him for several months and he could donate them away. That would not constitute wastage. His wife may have good intentions but your destiny is your own business and only you know your sufferings.
We ought to treat our destiny with the spirit of a scientist. If you don’t experiment, you will never know if my methods work. This experiment is a simple one, ask your wife to support you this once.
It’s only changing the colour of your clothes, not asking to change your wife. 😂
Rather than getting oneself in knots, I will always choose to take the first step. Never try, never know.
My life’s journey has been that of ups and downs. Frankly speaking, when the winds begin blowing in your sails, and lift your spirit, those emotions are exhilarating. Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself.
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Elaine Hau,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com 無剪手指甲同手好乾? Product...
under the water意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
白蘿蔔 — 性寒,具順氣寬中、健胃消食、清熱利尿、生津止渴的功效,尤其適合氣滯、血瘀體質人士食用,有行氣功效;而氣虛體弱、虛喘氣短、容易腹瀉、陽虛體質不宜食用,正在服用補氣中藥亦要避免,否則影響藥效。
陳皮 — 性溫,能理氣健脾、燥濕化痰,紓緩寒痰、腹部脹痛、孕婦及宿醉人士的作悶欲吐等,適合有壓力、氣滯、血瘀、痰濕體質人士服用。
五指毛桃 — 性平,有健脾補肺、行氣利濕、舒筋活絡功效,尤其適合氣虛、脾虛人士服用。
金桔 — 性溫,有理氣解鬱、消食化痰的作用,對於有胸悶氣結、心情鬱悶的人最為適合,同時可紓緩因肝氣鬱結而引起食慾不振。脾胃氣虛者不宜多吃。
玫瑰花 — 性溫,有疏肝解鬱、行氣活血作用。因為有活血功效,月經期間不宜飲用。
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Relieve stress with ingredients that improve qi circulation
Soothing the liver, or ‘soh gon’ in Cantonese, means to relieve stress and improve our mood, but what has this got to do with the liver?
The term ‘soh gon’ actually derived from Chinese Traditional Medicine. According to its theory, liver is the central system that promotes circulation and dispersion, as well as regulates the emotions. It functions like a traffic warden of the body, who is in charge of ensuring the smooth circulation of the Meridians.
Individuals whose liver lose the function to regulate the body will experience emotional stress, headache; tend to sigh, burp or fart; suffer from stomach upset, abnormal stool consistency, and insomnia. If the liver is able to perform its functions well, our emotions will be stable and we will be in better spirit.
When we are stressed or experience unhappy events, we would experience the stagnation of the qi and blood, and this will inhibit the liver from performing its duty. Therefore, when we encounter emotional problems, we should learn to control ourselves and vent our frustrations appropriately. At the same time, consume food that will help improve qi circulation, such as white radish, dried citrus peel, hairy fig root, kumquat and rose flower, as these ingredients can improve the liver’s function to circulate and disperse, thus relieving the problem of stagnation.
White radish – cold in nature; can improve qi circulation, strengthen the stomach and aid digestion, induce diuresis and quench one’s thirst. It is especially suitable for individuals with conditions such as qi stagnation and blood stasis, as it promotes the qi circulation. It is not suitable for individuals with weakness of qi and body, as well as people who experience shortness of breath, prone to having diarrhea, and are deficient of the yang energy. Individuals who are taking Chinese medicine to replenish qi should avoid eating white radish, as it will inhibit the medicinal effect.
Dried citrus peel – warm in nature; can improve qi circulation and strengthen the spleen, dispel dampness and clear phlegm; relieve phlegm caused by cold, bloating, as well the nauseous feeling pregnant women and individuals who get hangovers would experience. It is also suitable for individuals who are under a lot of stress, experience qi stagnation, blood stasis and those with the phlegm-dampness body condition.
Hairy fig root – mild in nature; can strengthen the spleen and nourish the lungs; improve the circulation of qi and dispersion of dampness in the body, stimulate the circulation of the Meridians. It is especially suitable for individuals who experience qi deficiency and with a weak spleen.
Kumquat – warm in nature; can improve qi circulation and relieve stress, aid digestion and clear phlegm, suitable for individuals with chest tightness and with emotional problems. Kumquat can also improve appetite loss, which is caused by the qi stagnation in the liver. Those with qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach should limit the intake of kumquat.
Rose – warm in nature, can soothe the liver and relieve stress, improve the circulation of the qi and blood. Women during the menstrual period should not consume, as it promotes blood circulation.
✔Beauty Tea Recommendation:
Ingredients: Rose, Sweet Osmanthus, Fingered Citron, Fingered Citron Flower
Effects: Promotes qi circulation and relieves stagnation. Suitable for busy lifestyle, frequent sighing, stressfulness and menstrual discomfort
Note:Not suitable for pregnant or menstruating women.
✔Herbal Tea Recommendation:
Dragon Fruit Rose Tea
Ingredients: Water, Dragon Fruit Juice, Rock Sugar, Honey, Rose, Lemon Juice Concentrate, Oolong Tea
Effects: Relieves stress, moistens the bowels to relieve constipation. Suitable for difficulty passing stool, stress, frequent sighs, and dull complexion.
Note: To relieve menstrual discomfort, have this tea 3-7 days before period.
Not suitable for menstruating and pregnant women.
🛒CheckCheckCin shops
Sheung Wan|G/F, Kai Fung Building, 4-6 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan
Causeway Bay|Shop No. G14, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
Tai Koo|Shop No. L109, 1/F, Cityplaza, No. 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Tai Koo
Tsim Sha Shui|Shop L216, 2/F, Star Annex, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Yuen Long|Shop A262a, Level 2, Yoho Mall II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long
Tseung Kwan O|Shop No.G91, G/F, Park Central, 9 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O
Welcome to order through Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp:
Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
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#男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #血瘀 #失眠 #頭痛
under the water意思 在 健吾 Facebook 的最讚貼文
燒房焗 The Grill Station 老闆 bowie 識左都五年,係我書的設計師介紹給我認識的。你說他有態度?很有。你要吃他的雞翼,要等45分鐘。總之,你去他的地方,你就要聽他的話。
好了,看得這post,好簡單,你訂野食,記得同bowie 講,#我係因為健吾而入你既 (唔好打錯暗號),你訂一張單,再送兩個老火湯真空包畀大家。
渾水財經Channel 我對朋友夠好啦卦?
支持我,想食好西,聽我八月再將patreon 進化,講多d我覺得大家應該聽既野。可以去呢度:www.patreon.com/eatgoodsite
想買《未敢忘記 2019/20》書尾,請pm。團隊會覆。
多謝大家熱烈嘅支持!!! 📣訂購急凍真空餸包, 請把以下資料 Whatsapp 給我們, 以便安排 : 9452 4949
1️⃣ 欲購清單
2️⃣ 希望提貨日期 / 送貨地址 (如同單消費滿 $600 指定地區可享免費送貨🥳🥳; 偏遠地區附加費 $40; 離島暫未處理到, 唔好意思!! 詳情請睇落去… )
3️⃣ 付款紀錄
4️⃣ 聯絡人姓名及電話號碼
- 中國銀行戶口 The Grill Station 012 611 1 031 982 0
儲存方法 >>
於冷藏格 (-18度) 可存放兩個月, 或雪櫃 (4度) 可存放一星期
翻熱方法 (不用剪開) >>
冷盤 (如醉鮑魚、醉雞翼...) : 原包放在室溫10至15分鐘後即可食用
熱葷 : 以原包直接放進滾水內, 熄火,浸15分鐘
運送安排 🛺..........
星期三 :東九(何文田 紅磡 黃大仙慈雲山 觀塘 藍田 將軍澳 西貢)
星期四:西九(九龍塘 油尖旺 大角咀 深水埗 荔枝角 長沙灣 美孚 )
星期五:新界西(葵青荃 荔景 深井 屯門 天水圍 元朗 錦田)
星期六:新界東(沙田 馬鞍山 大埔 粉嶺 沙頭角 上水 新田)
港島:深水灣 淺水灣 赤柱 大潭 石澳 山頂+$40
九龍:飛鵝山 觀音山+$40
新界:西貢 荃錦公路 龍鼓灘 大棠 錦田 落馬洲 新田 坪輋 大尾篤 西沙 沙頭角+$40
*** 最遲請於送貨前兩天確認訂單, 實際出貨日子待提交訂單後再另行通知
>>>> DRINKS HERE >>> https://www.facebook.com/thegrillstationhk/posts/3287967584558169?notif_id=1596535803953057¬if_t=page_post_reaction
We’re thrilled by your support! All frozen and vacuum-sealed dishes are now available for order via Whatspp at 9452 4949. Send us the following and we’ll take care of the rest!
1️⃣ Your order list
2️⃣ Preferred date for self-pickup / Delivery address*
3️⃣ Payment record
4️⃣ Name of contact person and their number
*Enjoy free delivery to select districts on orders over $600 🥳🥳(for remote districts there’s an extra cost of $40). Currently no delivery to the outlying islands, our apologies! More details at the end of this post.
Please deposit to this account:
Bank of China (Hong Kong)
The Grill Station 012 611 1 031 982 0
Storage >>
Up to two months in the freezer (-18 degrees) OR one week in the fridge (4 degrees)
Food Reheat >>
Cold Dish (e.g. Drunken Abalone, Drunken Chicken Wings..): Thaw under room temperature for 10mins to 15mins.
Hot Dish: Place food pack in a saucepan full of boiling water. Turn off the stove. Wait 15 mins with the lid on.
Delivery Arrangement 🛺..........
Mon & Tue : Hong Kong Island
Wed : Kowloon East (Ho Man Tin, Hung Hom, Tsz Wan Shan, Kwun Tong, Lam Tin, Tseung Kwan, O Sai Kung)
Thu : Kowloon West (Kowloon Tong, Yau Tsim Mong, Tai Kok Tsui, Sham Shui Po, Lai Chi Kok, Cheung Sha Wan, Mei Foo)
Fri : New Territories West (Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Lai King, Sham Tseng, Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, Kam Tin)
Sat : New Territories East (Shatin, Ma On Shan, Tai Po, Fanling, Sha Tau Kok, Sheung Shui, San Tin)
Extra $40 for these areas❗️
Hong Kong Island: Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay, Stanley, Tai Tam, Shek O, Peak +$40
Kowloon: Fei Ngo Mountain, Guanyin Mountain +$40
New Territories: Sai Kung Road, Twilight Lung Kwu Tan, Tai Tong, Kam Tin, Lok Ma Chau, San Tin, Ping Che, Tai Mei Tuk, Sai Sha, Sha Tau Kok +$40
*** Please order 2 days in advance of the delivery date. Estimated delivery date is to be confirmed upon the completion of order and payment. Once again, we thank you for your support 🙏
under the water意思 在 Elaine Hau Youtube 的精選貼文
Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com
Products Mentioned:
Lancome - BI-FACIL Double-Action Eye Makeup Remover
Koh Gen Do - Aqua Foundation (OC-1)
Urban Decay - All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray
Skinn - Olive & Enzyme Makeup Wipes
Tangle Teezer
Philips - Soniccare ProResults
Real Technique - Powder Brush
Elf - Blush Brush
Real Technique - Setting Brush
Real Technique - Expert Face Brush
Elf - Complexion Brush
Elf - Mineral Powder Brush
Lancome - Eyeshadow Palette
YSL - 'Tuxedo' Couture Variation Ten-Color Expert Eye Palette
Hourglass - Ambient Lighting Blush Palette
Too Faced - Primed & Poreless Priming Powder
Cle de Peau - 'Face Enhancer' Luminizing Powder (Pastel)
Too Faced - Soleil Matte Bronzer (medium to deep)
Sulwhasoo - Essential Lipcare (Apricot)
Urban Decay - Eyeshadow Primer Potion - Anti-Aging
Cargo - Water Resistant Blush (Los Cabos)
Chanel - Eyelash Curler
La Prairie - Skin Caviar Luxe Cream
La Prairie - Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream
Jesse's Girl Cosmetics - Liquid Eyeliner Waterproof (Black)
Bye Bye Under Eye Anti-Aging Concealer (Neutral Medium)
Christian Louboutin - Rouge Louboutin Silky Satin Lip Color (Rouge Louboutin)
Christian Louboutin - Velvet Matte Lip Color (Bengali)
Dior - 'Addict Lip Glow' Color Reviver Balm
Murad - Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture
Benefit - Roller Lash Curling & Lifting Mascara
Chanel - Stylo Eyeshadow (147 Caroube)
Temptu - Lipstick (Rose Velveteen)
It Cosmetics - Brow Power Universal Eyebrow Pencil
Jouer - Jouer Kitten Liner (Black)
Lancome - Advanced GÉNIFIQUE Youth Activating Serum
Kracie - 3D mask
SexyLook - Masks
DHC - Revitalizing Moisture Strips
Alterna Haircare - Bamboo Smooth Anti-Frizz Shampoo
Alterna Haircare - Bamboo Smooth Anti-Frizz Conditioner
La Prairie - Cellular Refining Lotion
Macadamia - Healing Oil Spray
Moroccan oil - Treatment Light
**This video is not sponsored. I purchased the items with my own money.
Thank you for watching!!
記得 follow 我 instagram @littleelainehau
Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @littleelainehau
Snapchat: littleelainehau
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/elaine.elaine.hau
IG Shop: http://instagram.com/jaine_beauty
Elaine Hau

under the water意思 在 Andre Iguodala should take the last shot, not Steph Curry 的推薦與評價
Max Kellerman says Andre Iguodala should take the last shot in a game over Steph Curry, but Stephen A. Smith is not putting up with Max's ... ... <看更多>