尿液檢驗試紙(英語:Urine test strip)是一種基本的诊断工具,用於確定分析患者中尿液的病理学變化。 尿液檢驗試紙. 白血球 · 亚硝酸盐 · 尿膽素 ...
urine test strip中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:尿液檢測試紙。英漢詞典提供【urine test strip】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
中文 名稱尿液常規檢查. 英文名稱Urine routine (Chemical strip + Urine sediment) ... 中文名. 稱. 參考值. 報告範圍. Chemical strip.
#4. (僅販售給基礎研究單位) 尿液試紙Urine test strips AUTION Sticks
(僅販售給基礎研究單位) 尿液試紙Urine test strips AUTION Sticks. 產品型號: 廠牌名稱: Arkray ARKRAY's AUTION Sticks 為現今醫學界最先進的尿液試紙. 我要詢價.
#5. 台東基督教醫院檢驗項目查詢系統
檢驗項目, Urine chemistry (Strip) ... Urine occult blood: 正常尿液中可能出現少量RBC,造成尿液潛血陽性反應主要有血尿(hematuria)、血色素 ...
#6. Urine routine 檢驗項目臨床意義 - 臺北榮民總醫院
Chemical strip. 葡萄糖. Glucose. 當血糖濃度高於180 mg/dL 的腎閾值以上,腎小管無法. 再吸收濾液中的葡萄糖,尿中就會出現葡萄糖,稱為「葡. 萄糖尿(Glycosuria)」。高 ...
#7. 尿液試紙法英文,urine strip中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 尿液試紙法 urine strip 【計量學名詞】 尿液非試紙法 urine Non‑strip 【計量學名詞】 尿液懷孕試驗 urine pregnancy test 【計量學名詞】
#8. 尿液試紙Uropaper for Urine Test (Urine Strips) TW17!台灣 ...
尿液試紙Uropaper for Urine Test (Urine Strips)【UN-1040/3】百上企業有限公司(百上企業)
#9. U for urine multistix 對於好多病房而言,驗尿係常規
只要輕輕點一下就夠,唔好浸曬成條test strip入去,否則容易出現(1)中影響結果ge情況。 有人問,如果用尿片ge病人要驗尿,應該點驗。嚴格黎講用尿片驗 ...
萄糖氧化酶(glucose oxidase),將葡萄糖氧化成葡萄糖酸(gluconic acid)與過氧化氫(H2O2)。 ... TECO DIAGNOSTICS. URINE REAGENT STRIPS FOR URINALYSIS ...
#11. Urine Routine; 尿液常規檢查 - 義大醫院
中文 名稱. 尿液常規檢查. 健保代碼. 06013c. 適用檢體別. 尿液. 支付點數. 75. 建議採檢容器. 尿液標準化試管. 檢驗操作方法. 試紙比色法(Test Strip).
#12. 萬- 孚人絨毛膜促性腺激素檢驗試劑(膠體金法)
效能. 人絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)診斷試紙盒是一種使用者能. 簡便進行操作的快速檢驗試劑。本試劑能檢測出早期妊娠. 時出現在尿液中的人絨毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)。
#13. 彰化基督教醫院檢驗項目查詢系統
檢驗項目, Urine chemistry(Strip)(中華路院區專用). 檢驗收費碼, FCCROU, 健保碼(點數) ... (1)Urine glucose (A)升高於葡萄糖代謝異常、腎小管功能低下等。
#14. 偉廸尿液檢驗試紙YD URiSCAN Urine test strips - 藥要看
偉廸尿液檢驗試紙YD URiSCAN Urine test strips / 測定下列一至多項尿液中之參數:紅血球、膽紅素、尿膽素原、酮體、蛋白質、亞硝酸、葡萄糖、酸鹼值、比重、白血球與 ...
#15. Urine test strips: reliability of semi-quantitative findings under ...
Semi-quantitative urinalysis with urine reagent strips (URS) for erythrocyturia (EU), leucocyturia (LU) and proteinuria (PU) was performed in Congolese and ...
#16. Mission® Urine Analysis Reagent Strips - Palliance AB/AS
The Mission ® Urine Analysis Strips (URS) are a very cost- effective screening tool to get insight into the patient's overall health and their metabolic, ...
#17. urine test 中文意思是什麼
The clinical implication of positive urine dipstick test could be hematuria, ... Lh test strip adopts the au-labelled monoclonal antibody technology.
#18. Urinalysis Analyzer and Test Strips - Cardinal Health
With a variety of test strip options and an easy-to-use touchscreen analyzer, Cardinal Health™ Urinalysis Products deliver the confidence of reliable, ...
#19. Urine test strip - YouTube
#20. Urine Test: Dipstick (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
A urine dipstick test is often done as part of an overall urinalysis. ... place a specially treated chemical strip (dipstick) into your child's urine (pee).
#21. Urinalysis - Mayo Clinic
A urinalysis is a test of your urine. It's used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, ...
#22. COMBI SCREEN 11SYS URINE STRIPS - 11 parameters - Gima
Urine strips for visual test or for use with Urilyzer® 100, 100 Pro, Combiscan 100. Features: - high quality water resistant label made with real colour ...
#23. ARKRAY urine test strips series
ARKRAY's urine test strips (AUTION Sticks 10EA, 10PA, AUTION SCREEN and Uriflet 11UA) represent an e.
#24. Felix Nduka - urine test strips /glucose test strips - Glucosecare
Tromed Reagent test strips. BLOOD KETONES PROTEIN GLUCOSE LEUCOCYTES A urine test strip or dipstick is a basic diagnostic instrument used to determine ...
#25. Urine Strips Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock
A urine sample in a plastic container with a urine reagent strip for medical testing set. Hand in white glove holding urine strip positive leukocyte esterase ...
#26. Combur-Test® strip - Diagnostics Roche
Urine reagent strips are a useful tool for investigating, diagnosing and screening ... in the visual test strips and all of the urinalysis instruments.
#27. Urine test strip - All medical device manufacturers - Videos
SCREEN GENERIC URINE TEST 10 Urinalysis Reagent Strips are made for urinalysis of both qualitative and semi-quantitative, which are in vitro reagent for ...
#28. test strip - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"test strip" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... The presence of serum albumin in urine but the concentration is not able to be ...
#29. Home Test for Urinary Tract Infections | Michigan Medicine
The dipstick test kit contains specially treated plastic strips called dipsticks. You hold them in your urine stream or dip them in a sample of your urine.
#30. Innovative Urinalysis Test Strips with ID bands - Siemens ...
Enables user compliance with IVDD regulations by reporting results only from urinalysis strips that have been validated for use on the CLINITEK Status analyzers ...
#31. Easy@Home ETG Alcohol Urine Test Strips -
Easy@Home 5 Pk Alcohol Ethyl Glucuronide EtG Urine Test Panel Strips, Home Testing kit for Drinking Detox,80 hr Detection time exceeds breathalyzer Saliva ...
#32. Urine Test Strip - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Conventional urine test strips (dipsticks) do not differentiate between the two; ... A number of urine strip tests are available as a first diagnostic step ...
#33. Urine chemistry(Strip)(中華路院區專用) | 健康跟著走
參考資訊; ascorbic acid中文 · ascorbic acid尿液 ... 孕婦用藥 ... , 偉迪尿液檢驗試紙YD URISCAN Urine test strips IVD: 依照產品說明書指示衛署醫器輸字.
#34. Methods for testing urine protein – 腎臟教室The Kidney ...
Dr Ho Chung Ping describes other tests that were used before the urine test strips. The boiling test is dangerous and un-trained people should never do it ...
#35. Urine chemistry(Strip)(中華路院區專用) | urine routine臨床 ...
urine routine臨床意義,大家都在找解答。臨床意義. (1)Urine glucose (A)升高於葡萄糖代謝異常、腎小管功能低下等。正常尿糖應小於0.1 g/dL,因此任何陽性反應都應做 ...
#36. Point-of-Care Archives - Biomerica
Amphetamine Urine Test. Export only; Point-of-Care ... Buprenorphine Urine Test. Export only; Point-of-Care ... COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Strip Test.
#37. Compendium of Biomedical Instrumentation, 3 Volume Set
The main reason for its wide spread popularity is ease of use. Urine test strips simplify laboratory diagnosis through their ease of use, sensitivity, ...
#38. Kinn's The Medical Assistant - E-Book: An Applied Learning ...
EQUIPMENT and SUPPLIES • Quik Test Adulterant Strips (Quik Test USA, Boca Raton, Fla.) • Urine sample (freshly voided; urine should be stored at room ...
#39. Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial ...
... Syphilis Control Solution Set , Blood Gas Analyzer Control Strip , Reagent Suitability Control Strips , Visual Urinalysis Control Urine Chemistry ...
#40. Issues in Veterinary Practices and Specialties: 2011 Edition
(2010 SEP 6) University of Cambridge: Comparison of semiquantitative test strips, urine protein electrophoresis, and an immunoturbidimetric assay for ...
#41. Journal of the American Medical Association
Diabetic urine is dextrathe reagent are allowed to evaporate on the same spot ... strips the examination may be made without further manipuis heated it ...
#42. The Therapeutic Gazette: A Monthly Journal of General, ...
test . It does not discolor the fingers or destroy the clothing in case it be spilled , and after a specimen of urine has been tested by brine for albumin ...
#43. Optometric Weekly - 第 15 卷,第 2 期 - 第 1568 頁 - Google 圖書結果
and The Optometrist & Optician Urinalysis By Dr. C. C. Farr , Marion , Kans . ... The blue paper strips when proper fitting . moistened with urine that is ...
#44. Urine test strips, Medi-Test Nitrite, MACHEREY-NAGEL, MN
Medi-Test urine test strips are acknowledged as screening method in medicine. Important information on health status of patients are obtained in minu…
#45. Toxicological Evaluation of a Probiotic-based Delivery Syste
Urinalysis of all animals was performed during the last week of treatment using Multistix 10 SG strips (Siemens AG, München, Germany) and a ...
#46. MULTI-10 URINE TEST STRIP | potus
Mutli-10 reagent strip is the reliable frontline test for detection of a broad range of conditions, from detecting urinary tract infections (UTI1) to ...
#47. Test Strips - HUMAN Diagnostics Worldwide
Urine test strips with 1–13 parameters · Microalbumin & creatinine on 13-parameter strip ...
#48. Jason√100x 10 Parameter Urine Test Strips for Ketone Gl
Seller contact LINE: 557wen Welcome to consult the seller, thank you for coming Welcome to our store! Strictly select the product quality for you to ensure ...
#49. Urine Test Strips - Urine Diagnostics - Products & Solutions ...
Portfolio Urine Test Strips. Analyticon offers the urine test strips with ascorbic acid protection from one-parameter up to 11-pa.
#50. urine strips 2p/3p/4p/10p
Urine Test Strips provide test for the semi-quantitative determinations of Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, ...
urine test strips中文 在 U for urine multistix 對於好多病房而言,驗尿係常規 的推薦與評價
只要輕輕點一下就夠,唔好浸曬成條test strip入去,否則容易出現(1)中影響結果ge情況。 有人問,如果用尿片ge病人要驗尿,應該點驗。嚴格黎講用尿片驗 ... ... <看更多>