What would you do if you get lost? I was quite scared of I get lost in the past, but I like the feeling of get lost now. Even like to create that moment for myself when traveling, because I like the unknown of what will happen in the next second.
I was walking aimlessly in Siem Reap, Cambodia one day, then went inside a classroom for no reasons, a monk was teaching a local teenager and a Japanese old man english. I went inside and listen a while then I raise up my hand and ask, "hello, I'm traveling here so I have limited time, could I share something with you guys?" The monk said SURE. What do you think in going to share...?
YES! Vegan lifestyle! This is a great opportunity for me to share! Then I started writing and drawing on the whiteboard, I found that they all knew the food they are eating is from animals but they have no clue about how cruelty people treat those animals before they are being slaughtered.
So I tried my best using the simplest English words and body language to expose the truth behind meat. Now when I think back, I could do it way better but at least I tried.
Still remember the monk told me that he's a vegetarian not eating any meat, then I asked him what's his favourite food, he answered me "FISH" ! I was like WHAT?! Friends, fishes are living beings, they have feelings just like us, not food!
This is how a vegan traveler travels ~
#veganexpression #vegans #vegantraveler #vegantraveling #vegantravellife #whatvegansdoforfun #getlost #veganism #plantbasedeating #plantbaseddiets #animals #loveanimals #siemreap #Cambodia #travel #compassionate #bekind #benice #bevegan #goveganorgohome #love #peace #cruetyfree
vegan siem reap 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的最佳貼文
when I go traveling now, it's not just checking different spots anymore, I would prefer meeting local vegans and join or support some vegan activities whenever I can.
I found a cute vegan restaurant in Siem Reap, Cambodia, I like their simple food, cheap and healthy. One of the staff is a yoga teacher, you can join her one time yoga class in a cheaper price if you go to this restaurant.
The yoga studio is located in an artistic street that has a lot of cafes, one is 100% vegan and there are a few provide vegan options.
I have no idea about doing yoga, this is my second time doing yoga in my life time. The first time was interviewing vegan yoga teachers in Hong Kong, so try my first time. Doing yoga is a little bit hard for me, I can't stretch my body well but I like the slow movement of yoga and I did feel good every time after I finished.
This is how a vegan traveler traveling~
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