2016年領養馬鈴薯的時候就知道 台灣愛兔協會
謝謝我的美人蔓時尚 Slow Vashion二話不說立馬答應一起來當義工❤️
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#領養代替購買 #不棄養
#愛兔協會 #愛兔之家 #兔子 #兔兔 #rabbit #義工 #義工招募 #小額捐款 #vegan #veganlife #vegangirls #taiwan
vegangirls 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的最讚貼文
「一項干預是否成功,取決於干預者的內心狀態」。我們無法改變任何人,只能從愛出發,提醒他人他們真實的模樣,啟發他們做出改變,好貼近更真實的自己。至於他們要不要改變,並不是我們的課題。我們的功課在於不帶期望、不帶批判地行動,信任宇宙時時刻刻都在用最完美的方式展開。僅以此紀念我們逾十年的友誼,也期待未來更多的冒險。謝謝Vnicorn - veg fashion願意和我一起踏上這段旅程。❤️
「The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.」 We can’t change anyone, but we can act from a place of love to remind them of who they truly are, and inspire them to make the change to become more like themselves. Whether they’ll change, we don’t know. But that’s not our concern. Our work is to act without expectations or judgement, and trust that the universe is unfolding perfectly, exactly the way it’s meant to. Here’s to a decade of friendship and many more to come. Thank you 草獸派對 Taiwan Vegan Frenzy for being on this path with me. 💗
(Photo from Sidney)
#bff #vegangirls
vegangirls 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 的最佳貼文
「一項干預是否成功,取決於干預者的內心狀態」。我們無法改變任何人,只能從愛出發,提醒他人他們真實的模樣,啟發他們做出改變,好貼近更真實的自己。至於他們要不要改變,並不是我們的課題。我們的功課在於不帶期望、不帶批判地行動,信任宇宙時時刻刻都在用最完美的方式展開。僅以此紀念我們逾十年的友誼,也期待未來更多的冒險。謝謝Vnicorn - veg fashion願意和我一起踏上這段旅程。❤️
「The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.」 We can’t change anyone, but we can act from a place of love to remind them of who they truly are, and inspire them to make the change to become more like themselves. Whether they’ll change, we don’t know. But that’s not our concern. Our work is to act without expectations or judgement, and trust that the universe is unfolding perfectly, exactly the way it’s meant to. Here’s to a decade of friendship and many more to come. Thank you 草獸派對 Taiwan Vegan Frenzy for being on this path with me. 💗
(Photo from Sidney)
#bff #vegangirls