【別再什麼都用 "good" 和 "very" 了】為甚麼學習搭配詞讓他們英文口說和寫作突飛猛進?
前幾天有一位台北和一位新竹的學生,不約而同地嘰哩呱啦跟我興奮地分享了學了英文的搭配詞 (collocation),了解了英文「字跟字間要如何搭配」後,他們如何感覺到英文「神速進步」和「變流暢」。當我在他們眼神中,看到拾回的自信和成就感時,我心理知道,從今開始,他們找到了內在動機,將會一直學習下去。
為什麼搭配詞重要,而且會讓人感覺到進步神速呢?想跟大家分享 4 個學習搭配詞 (collocation) 可以讓幫助我們學習的面向。
1️⃣ 讓我們口說、寫作不要「卡卡」,找字找不到
例如我們今天要說,有些人「受到了一些輕傷」,英文總不能說get some light / slight injuries (錯誤用法), 但又找不到字時,沒辦法就只能那樣用。如果我們有了搭配詞的觀念,我們學習「受傷」時,就會一起學習
sustain / suffer from + injury (V + N) 受傷 (注意名詞單複數)
minor + injury (A+N) 輕傷
2️⃣ 讓我們在口說和寫作時,減少中式英文
搭配詞的學習,讓我們可以「先發制人」地知道learn knowledge (學習知識)、raise ability (提升能力) 都是錯誤的表達方式。我們也不會將快速的發展,講成 fast development (建議用 rapid development)。
3️⃣ 讓我們在口說和寫作時,用字用得最道地、更精確、更多樣。
「精彩的表演」從 great performance 到 dazzling performance.
「(書的) 好評價」從 good review,到 favorable review.
「快速的回覆」從 quick reply 到 prompt reply.
「極大的興趣」從 great interest 到 keen interest。
「大幅度的減少預算」從 greatly reduce budget 到 slash budget
「很清楚」從 very clear 到 unequivocally clear
「全力支持」從 full support 到 unqualified support
4️⃣ 讓我們對於英文學習有「正確的觀念」和「期待」。
仔細想想,「受傷」的「受」,跟 receive 一點關係都沒有。「感冒」英文是 catch a cold 沒有關係,但跟中文的「感」似乎也沒有關係。
簡單來說,如果我們「很依賴中文字面」,那麼對於用英文表達「提出反對」(raise an objection)、「提出建議」(propose a suggestion」、「提出看法」(express one's opinion)、「提出辭呈」(tender one's resignation) 這些中文共享「提出」,但英文用不同字的表達,是會遇到很大的問題的。我們的腦也很難接受 flat (扁平的) 學完後,還要接受還有「沒有活力的」、「(汽水) 沒有氣的」等等的意思。
1️⃣ 英語搭配詞賽車手遊 (全世界唯一)
(Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ALLL.Race
(iOS) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/english-driver/id1452993413
2️⃣ 搭配詞的力量 (名詞篇、形容詞篇
3️⃣ 大家若對完整的搭配詞課程有興趣(全台唯一),也可以內信給我,我可以開免費一個鐘頭的搭配詞公開課給你聽聽喔,讓你更了解課程內容符不符合你的需求喔(再送你文法公開課 😂)
Happy learning!
very keen中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文
(English version below)
日期及時間:12 midnight - 130am, 星期六, 22 July 2017
地點: Cold Storage @ Siglap V
有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。為了表達個人誠意,請勿透過別人代傳簡訊。
Food is the first necessity of the people.
Food can strengthen the body;
Food can heal an ailing body;
Food can transform your fortunes;
Food can.....
Food and nutrition therapy is one path towards well-being, no matter what illness or misfortune befalls you. Master Dai Hu has been using food therapy and healed many of their ailments.
Towards the end of last year, Master Dai Hu held his first supermarket spree, where participants learnt how to improve their own fortunes through consuming the right type of food. Now we have crossed the halfway mark of 2017. If the past 6 months have been have uneventful, let Master Dai Hu give your a boost and encouragement tonight.
Food is a direct source of energy and strength for our body. In addition to nourishing our body, the right kind of food can enhance our health, career and fortunes too.
Tonight is a special night for Master Dai Hu shall bring you to the supermarket for a shopping spree, to prepare yourself well for the next half of the year.
Master Dai Hu visited this specific supermarket twice, before deciding to hold the session here. It is located at a very propsperous area this year. Therefore, beside the rare fortune to join this shopping session free of charge and gain Master Dai Hu's personalised advice, based on your Bazi, on your favourable food ingredients, you will also get to soak in the auspicious energy of the location and up your luck a further few notches. That's killing 2 birds with one stone!
Due to location constraint and consideration for the supermarket's customers, this shopping spree will be conducted at the off-peak hours, when there will be less of a crowd.
Date & time: 12 midnight -130am, Saturday, 22 July 2017
Venue: Cold Storage @ Siglap V
For those keen in attending, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098 to reserve a slot. Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.
Information required will be your Chinese name and birth details, so that Master Dai Hu can customise his recommendations based on your elemental needs.
To keep the session personable, it will be a maximum of 5 people. Master Dai Hu welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment!
Groceries purchases will be at your own expense. There will be no other charges. Please bring your own pen and paper, and most importantly, a sincere and courteous learning attitude!
very keen中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文
【玳瑚師父公告】《以茶會友#15 - 2017年開運豔麗彩妝》
15th Tea Session With Master Dai Hu - Make Up for A Prosperous 2017
(English version below)
日期及時間: 830pm - 1030pm, 星期五, 30 December 2016
地點: Marketplace Cafe, Pan Pacific Hotel, Marina Square
有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。為了表達個人誠意,請勿透過別人代傳簡訊。
During my maiden Chinese Metaphysics Masterclass a couple of months back, I divulged this SECRET: There are hidden codes, from your head to your toes, throughout your entire physical body, that you can activate for that key transformation to your fortunes. As a continuation of this, I am going to hold a tea session this coming Friday, 30th December, to share with you ladies the intricacies of using favourable make-up to get the Year 2017 off to a rousing start, and smooth-sailing for the next 365 days.
From your brows, to eye liners, the blushes, lips, eye shadows, etc, I shall impart to you the favourable make-up, customised to your individual Bazi! These knowledge will be pivotal to your entire life. Ladies, please take note of this very important session!
If you truly wish to be a master of your own destiny and transform yourself into the mystical beautiful Phoenix, I welcome your participation.
I know there are some gentlemen who also take pride in their grooming. If you are one of them, and wish to know more, I welcome your registration.
Date & time: 830pm-1030pm, Friday, 30 December 2016
Venue: Marketplace Cafe, Pan Pacific Hotel, Marina Square
For those keen in attending, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098 to reserve a slot. Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.
Information required will be your Chinese name and birth details, so that Master Dai Hu can customise a prosperous 2017 look for you, based on your elemental needs.
As I wish to keep the session personable, it will be a small group. I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment!
Food and drinks will be at your own expense. There will be no other charges. Please bring your own pen and paper, and most importantly, a sincere and courteous learning attitude!
very keen中文 在 Keen on vs keen to - English Stack Exchange 的推薦與評價
I would use keen on doing when talking about my general likes, and keen to do when talking about a specific instance, so. I am very keen on swimming. ... <看更多>
very keen中文 在 報章英文成語教室- 你知道keen這個字有多少意思嗎 ... - Facebook 的推薦與評價
J was very keen to help.他非常樂意幫忙。 13 勤快。She was a keen gardener. 她是一位勤快的園丁。 14 熱愛。 He's mad keen on planes. 他十分 ... ... <看更多>