本來一直想說要不要打這篇,因為怕父母擔心😓 但是還是紀錄下來好了...(媽!沒什麼事不要擔心!)
那天下午我們三個人在回公寓的路上,突然感覺有東西潑到我的背上跟腿上,我直接抬頭往上看以為是小鳥大便在我身上。結果背後就出現一個婦女好像剛經過然後也被噴到,就很好心拿衛生紙出來要幫我擦。因為我整個背部跟褲子都有被濺到咖啡色液體 (我們三個都有但是我最慘😵)
本來也以為這樣而已,直到她叫我拿衛生紙幫她擦頭髮 (好像是說她也滴到了)我這樣兩手不就空了,結果我居然聽到拉鍊聲音,低頭往下看居然包包已被拉開!還好我包包只有一個水壺擋住整個包包入口,所以沒怎樣。而York居然被兩個男人纏住,他們也拿出一捲衛生紙要 "幫" 他。還好York身上什麼也沒帶,然後他跟我朋友一直盯著那個女人幫我擦拭,我們趕快溜。
後來越想越覺得有蹊蹺、以前聽說有潑東西這個把戲但是沒有想到會讓我以為是樹上的鳥大便 (?)回家後趕快把衣服洗一洗,因為那個汁超臭。我朋友智利出生就都沒碰過這種事 😓
Ps. 請不要說這個根本沒什麼… 我知道在南美洲會發生的事情更糟,那天遇到的只是無大礙,但是還是想要分享一下遭遇,畢竟是第一次。
Few days ago when the 3 of us were 5 minutes from our apartment on a Wednesday afternoon. Suddenly coming out of no where we got splashes of something on our back and legs, my instant reaction was to look up since I thought a bird pooped from the tree above.
Next minute this lady showed up who seemed to be splashed by the same thing got tissues out from her bag and started wiping my back and my hair! At that moment I wasn't sure if she was just being nice or what. She even told gave me a piece of tissue to wipe her hair when I couldn't see anything. Of course when I did that my hands were off my bag.
Then I heard a familiar sound and looked down, the zip of my bag was opened! Luckily my water bottle blocked the whole entry to the bag and we quickly left the scene (during this time two random men attended York who seemed to be street vendors on the side but they had a huge roll of tissue on their hands which I found it strange also).
When we got home, we had a pungent smell on our clothes and black ink which luckily we washed away. The more we thought about it, the more foolish we felt.
I guess I have heard about this trick else where but never happened to me and Vivi who was born here never had this type of incidence either. Guess I just want to share this experience since it was the first "bad" experienced happened to us, hopefully everything else will be ok from now on.
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