🔸馬來西亞🇲🇾成立專案貸款,鼓勵中小企業推行 #自動化與數位化
Governments around the world are releasing measures to help enterprises get through COVID-19.
Besides bailout loans, governments are also drawing up strategies to encourage #SMEs to upgrade and transform. For example, Malaysia 🇲🇾launches financing facilities to incentivize SMEs to automate processes and digitalize operations; the government of Singapore🇸🇬 provides support for more digital solutions, from basic remote working tools to more advanced systems, as well as raising the subsidy ceiling to spur transformation.
In Taiwan🇹🇼, the government provides various relevant upgrade subsidy projects for SMEs affected by COVID-19.
Work together, get through together🤝
📍馬來西亞國家銀行(Bank Negara Malaysia) https://pse.is/QZFBX
📍新加坡政府 https://pse.is/QGGLT
📍臺灣中小型製造業即時輔導 https://pse.is/R36XN
📍臺灣因應COVID-19創新研發計畫 https://pse.is/PYL6Y
#SupportMeasure #DigitalTransformation
#no_worry #we_got_your_back
we_got_your_back 在 經濟部中小企業處 Facebook 的最佳貼文
面對 COVID-19(武漢肺炎)帶來的衝擊,為協助 #中小企業,
各國政府紛紛祭出許多 #紓困措施,例如在低利快速貸款上,
韓國🇰🇷提供總額約 790億台幣,泰國🇹🇭提供總額約 1,350億台幣,我國🇹🇼除原有的 #防疫千億保 之外,中央銀行更加碼提供 2,000億台幣紓困貸款📣📣
To alleviate the burden of the #COVID-19 pandemic on #SMEs, governments around the world are releasing measures to foster resilience. For example, the South Korean🇰🇷 government provides 79 billion bailout loans, while the Thai🇹🇭 government offers bailout loans of 135 billion.
In Taiwan🇹🇼, the government provides not only 100 billion of a guarantee funding package but also 200 billion bailout loans.
Work together, get through together💪💪💪
📍泰國銀行(Bank of Thailand)