Unboxing StewMac Amp Kit '62 BRIT-PLEX 45W (Original British Circuit)
Intro 00:00
Stew Mac Tweed Champ Kit Amp 00:18
Opening Unboxing the Box ONE 01:30
Found the book 02:33
More items are... 03:10
Tossing the Box ONE 03:45
Open first Item. What amp is this? 03:56
Open 2nd item 05:0
Open 3rd item (Small box One) 06:00
Open 4th item (Small box Two) 08:15
What is this? 09:30
Unboxing the Box TWO10:08
Tossing this thing 10:55
What is this? The item came out! 11:06
Tossing the 2nd BOX! 11:15
I love this amp head! 11:25
Parts Box One 12:20
Parts Box Two 13:00
The Guide Book for this amp building 13:30
Hear the new StewMac '62 Brit-Plex amp kit - a hand wired JTM-45 Plexi style head in a kit!
@stewmac_guitar #stewmac #unboxingvideo #unboxing #guitaramp #ampkit #britplex #guitarwisdom #tomofujita #stewmac62britplexampkit