#Ad Talking about #selfcare don’t forget about your teeth. With Oral-B iO, it’s now possible to get a professional clean feel at home, every day. #OralBWOW It leaves you with better oral health and 100% healthier gums in weeks.
Oral-B iO is the smart device you need for making sure your teeth get that #selfcare they need. The Oral-B iO allows you to personalize your brushing experience with the Bimodal Smart Pressure Sensors that help identify the right amount of brushing pressure and gives you a brushing guide to ensure 100% coverage through the Oral-B app. It also has a visual timer on the LED display and in the iO app so you brush long enough and in the right places. I personally love the charging travel case which is very handy when travelling!
See my stories to check out the new @oralb iO and get the best electric toothbrush for yourself.