「WISDOM® UNIVERSE LOGISTICS」,宇宙快遞有限公司旗下獨立部隊「TERRAFORMING OUTPOST」— 星際先遣部隊獲派探索任務,接受特殊訓練要求的合格者才得以進行本次勘查作業機會,並進而從事後續更重要的「地球化」程序,為後續移民生活環境做出各種最大化的宜居開發貢獻,同時以地球上主要盛產的棉花作為主要原料選用,用最平實且親膚透氣的綿質素材製作系列單品,完整呈現小組制服的概念風格設計。
An independent unit under WISDOM® UNIVERSE LOGISTICS, TERRAFORMING OUTPOST, has received an exploring mission. Only personnel meeting specific requirements are qualified to join this expedition and carry out the following terraforming procedure, which is critical for building a livable environment for the settlers in the future. Cotton, found in abudance on earth, is our primary material. Using the breathable, skin-friendly, and simple cottom to create this collection, we were able to present a conceptual design of a group uniform.
ABOUT Zihjini / 倪子濟
平面設計師,目前專職於平面與出版設計領域,同時擔任服裝品牌 Wall of Sound 的負責人及設計師,情有獨鍾於次文化、地下、獨立音樂、神秘事件等題材及相關視覺設計。
ABOUT Zihjini
Graphic designer. Currently focusing on graphic designs and publication. Also is the founder and designer of clothing brand Wall of Sound, is fascinated by sub-cultures, underground and independent music, and mysteries, and the visual design of such themes.
Creative Director_Hans Chyi
Photographer_Sih Wei Chen
Model_Shiro 張塏岳
Graphic designer_Zihjini
Brand Manager_Alister Chen
Designer_Hans Chyi
Designer_Yuchi Cheng & Kevin Lee
Text_Andy Chang
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