這首歌Good 4 U (發音為good for you),
由Olivia Rodrigo演唱,
Good 4 U!
🎤 俐媽英文歌曲—Good 4 U篇:
💔 a couple of Ns 一些⋯
💔 therapist (n.) 心理治療師
💔 brand-new (a.) 全新的
💔 I wish that I could do that. 其中的wish表示「但願」,「我真但願我可以那樣做」,即暗示無法做到。因此wish要接假設語氣(subjunctive mood),而與現在事實相反,要使用過去式,因此這裡用過去式助動詞could。
🔆 EEC孩子,這禮拜我們的課程就是要教hope vs. wish的用法喔😉
💔 lose one’s mind 發狂;失去理智
💔 unaffected (a.) 不被影響的
—> affect (v.) 影響
💔 career (n.) 事業
💔 take off 起飛;成功
💔 swear (v.) 發誓(-swore-sworn)
💔 emotional (a.) 情緒化的
💔 rub salt in the wound 傷口上撒鹽
💔 apathy (n.) 無感
💔 sociopath (n.) 反社會人格的人;不愛交際的人
🆙 字表的最後兩個字,又可以幫俐媽帶出一個常見字根: path
😞 path: feeling 感覺;suffering痛苦;disease 疾病 😞
* apathy (n.) 冷漠無感(a-: no)
* antipathy (n.) 反感(anti-: against)
* empathy (n.) 同理心(em-, en-: in)
* sympathy (n.) 同情心(sym-, syn-: the same)
* telepathy (n.) 心電感應(tele-: faraway)
* pathetic (a.)可悲的
* sociopath (n.) 反社會人格的人;不愛交際的人(soci-: companion, join)
* pathology (n.) 病原學(-ology: study)
* neurology (n.) 神經系疾病(neuro-: nerve)
* psychopathy (n.) 精神錯亂(psycho-: mind)
Good 4 U‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
#oliviarodrigo #good4u
#台大明明is good for you
wish 過去式 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
但你可能不知道他女兒昨天上傳了一段超級英雄般配樂和運鏡氣勢磅礴的 38 秒短片「爸爸歡迎回家!」
第一名🥇 871 個讚
“May His presence go before you and behind you and beside you. All around you & and within you; He is with you, He is with you. In the morning, in the evening, in your coming, and your going, in your weeping, and rejoicing. He is for you, He is for you.” Amen
(The Blessing)
優美的基督教敬拜讚美歌詞,大家可以學習 may 開頭的祈願句型,都接原形動詞。He 和 His 在句中也用大寫表達對「祂」的崇敬。
presence 同在
weeping 哭泣
rejoicing 歡欣
Amen 阿們 表示同意
第二名🥈 805 個讚
You have an amazing dad. I wished that my father was alive to see Trump. He would of loved your dad. He reminds me of him so much. Much love and prayers going to your whole family.
訂正 1 🤏
wish 應該用現在式,而不是過去式,因為應該不是過去一時曾經的願望而已
訂正 2 🤏
would of 應該是因為口語發音相近而打錯字
應該是 would have 文法才對
第三名🥉 501 個讚
That helicopter landing was amazing!
wish 過去式 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答
🌈 EEC小說選讀:The Picture of Dorian Gray(道林•格雷的畫像) chapter 2 (p21~29)
📒 俐媽精選單字:
• embarrassed (a.) 尷尬的
➡️ embarrassment (n.) 尷尬
• at present 目前
• duet (n.) 二重唱(du-: two)
• audience (n.) 觀眾(audi-: listen)
• except for N/Ving 除了⋯之外
• masterpiece (n.) 傑作 = tour de force
• shade (n.) 樹蔭(EEC Unit 2 課文單字✌🏼️)
• be worth N/Ving 值得⋯
• the sick = sick people/ the poor = poor people --> the + adj. = 全體
• romance (n.) 戀愛
➡️ romantic (a.) 浪漫的
• canvas (n.) 帆布(EEC Unit 1 課文單字呦😃😃)
• good-looking (a.) 好看的--> 為adj.-Ving形式的複合形容詞
• I wish it were the other way around. 我真但願是完全反過來。--> wish表「但願」,為假設語氣,故表與現在事實相反應用過去式be動詞were
• jealous (a.) 嫉妒的(be jealous of...)
➡️ jealousy (n.) 嫉妒
• at last 終於
• at least 至少
😉 Chapter 3 is coming soon~