Learned some calisthenics basics from coach Bernard at @hustlefitness.kk yesterday. It was challengingly fun. Lotsa core engagement, arms (weak), look at me doing assisted pull up 🤣 struggle was real. I have no arm strength. I think that pull help release my back strain, easier to breathe for my run today. Hope he will have more classes soon.
I also added how the coach do it and how it was a struggle for me to do it 😅 am a work in progress, everytime. Lets progress together hee 😁
📍 Hustle Fitness KK, Wisma Manikar.
#gym #hustlefitnesskk #wismamanikar #calistenics #workout #armworkout #stretch #tryeverything #learningprocess #kkcity @ Hustle Fitness KK