【國立臺灣大學 109學年度畢業典禮 貴賓致詞】
Commencement Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
巨大集團 羅祥安前執行長
Giant Group Former CEO Anthony Lo
現在的世界,局勢是在東方跟西方的勢力,彼此對抗而動盪不安。而全世界的經濟活動,也因為科技的突破性創新,而受到很大的影響。不盡理想的、不盡公平的全球化,也將逐漸地變成 全球在地化。而COVID-19肆虐全球的結果,使得臺灣跟全世界,大家的生活型態、社會的結構、經濟活動的節奏都被打亂了,而必須要加以全面的整理跟重新的架構。這當然是一個危機,但是更是一個絕好的機會。所以,將你們迎面而來的,是無數的創新的機會,以及冒險卻令人興奮的全新挑戰。
在做事方面,一定要以正面積極的態度,認真努力去工作。 而且不要怕失敗,要勇於接受新的挑戰。因為如果有失敗了,那只是代表說你又更靠近成功一步了。要作中學,學中作,要虛心好奇的終身學習,開拓挑戰、追求卓越。
第三,我學習到 知識不等於智慧。諸位都學有專精,有很多寶貴的知識,但這些知識必須要實際去做才能夠產生經驗,而累積的時候會有不同經驗的反省、學習、跟體會,尤其是從那些失敗的經 驗,才能夠漸漸地凝結成有用的智慧。
我們在經營上也有發展出一個特別的理念,那就是「不求第一,要作惟一」。全世界的人這麼多,但沒有兩個人的指紋是一樣的, 所以每一個人都是獨一無二、都是惟一的。可見當上帝造每一個人的時候,祂都有衪特別的計劃,而且也把成功所需要的能力跟要素,已經放在你的心中,等待你取用。所以每一個人不應該只是模仿別人,或者是按照別人的期望來生活,而應該要找出並且發揮自己的天賦,真正做自己,成為惟一,才能夠活出精采的生命。
可預見的,未來的世界將會成為美、歐、亞三區鼎力的這個新局面。就像三個圓圈,各自都以自己的利益為優先,並且彼此長期的競爭、對抗和抵制,但是同時又不得不相互的維持一些必要的連結。而在每一個圈裡面,它將持續的有很多劇烈的改變,就像一個暴風圈一樣。而這三個暴風圈連結在一起,就形成一個所謂完全風暴PERFECT STORM。
現在是應該到了必須要了解過去、深入現在、策劃未來,這個重要關鍵的時刻。要如何的以宇宙格局的高度、以全球視野的廣度、以及歷史演進的長度,衡外情,量己力,來為臺灣重新的定位,重新畫一個正確的戰略、戰術、戰鬥的黃金三角形。讓臺灣能夠真正發揮自己的長處,能夠打造創新價值的優勢,成為惟一、做Only One!要能夠創造一個更安全、更廣闊、更興盛-全新的藍海。臺灣必須要成為世界的好公民,繼續的為全世界做更多、更好的貢獻!
最後,我想用一位著名科學家的名言來作結尾: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. 人生就像騎自行車,要保持你平衡最好的方法,就是繼續不斷地向前進。
你知道這是誰的名言嗎? 沒錯,就是愛因斯坦!
President Kuan, Executive Vice President Luo, Distinguished guests, family, friends, and most importantly, the graduating class of 2021, good morning!
First of all, congratulations! Today, you are graduating from one of the best universities in the world – National Taiwan University!
Over the last few years, President Kuan led the university forward with his vision of “educational reform” and internationalization”. Together with all the faculty and students, NTU has made significant progress in both ranking and global visibility, making us, alumni, extremely proud.
I think we deserve to give ourselves a round of applause!
You are the graduating class of 2021 and already, you have set a new record for NTU: For the first time, there will not be a traditional graduation ceremony. Let this be a very special memory of your life and a sign of the difference you will make in your future with extraordinary achievements.
The world is now in a volatile state where the East and the West are confronting each other. The world’s economic activities are also greatly affected by the breakthrough and innovations in technology. The less-than-ideal and less-than fair globalization will gradually become global localization. And as a result of COVID-19, Taiwan and the rest of the world’s lifestyle, social structure, and economy have been disrupted, and must be comprehensively reorganized and restructured. This is certainly a crisis, but in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity. So, what lies before you are countless opportunities for innovation, and exciting new challenges.
Because, for the first time, Taiwan is standing with the rest of the world on a new race-track. Therefore, I would like to congratulate you, you are entering a new era full of hope.
I graduated from NTU in 1969. It has been more than 50 years and today, I would like to share some of my life experiences and insights.
When I graduated from college, I was filled with ambition. I couldn’t wait to make my mark. I joined one of the largest trading companies in Taiwan, where I quickly realized the only materials I learned in school that came in handy are a little bit of international trade practices and English. Much of what I had learned about business management would only be relevant 10 or 20 years down the road, if I was lucky enough to become a senior executive.
What’s even more ironic is that I graduated with a degree in business, but after working for 2 years, I realize I really don’t like being a businessman, and I don’t like doing business. What I am actually interested in is building an enterprise.
Fortunately, I chose to listen to the faint voice in my heart and decided to enter the bicycle industry. I left my position at the best trading company in Taipei to join a small company with only 38 employees in Dajia to pursue my dream.
At the time, many people thought I must’ve broken my skull and gone crazy, but looking back, I have made a great decision in my life.
The process of starting my own enterprise has been very difficult, but I have learned many valuable lessons. The first thing I learned is that before you can do anything else, you have to learn to be a person of good character.
We must be honest, down to earth, selfless, self-serving, and altruistic for the common good.
Be grateful, respectful and caring at all times. To love the world and to understand that one person’s ability is limited and that is necessary to build interpersonal relationships of mutual trust and support; to be part of a group and to play as a team.
When it comes to work, you must work hard with a positive attitude. And don’t be afraid to fail, be brave enough to accept new challenges. Because every time you fail, it just means you are one step closer to success. Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. We must stay open-minded and curious, aspiring to lifelong learning; to explore challenges and pursue excellence.
Here I would like to give everyone a special graduation gift, which are my two tips for success:
First, always put yourself in the customer’s shoes, regardless of what you’re doing or what kind of job title you hold. Think for them, think about what else you can do to create more value for the customers.
Second, regardless of what you’re doing or what kind of job title you hold, always think about the company from the proprietor’s point of view; what can we do to build a healthier company that’s sustainable.
Even if you are going to forget everything I say later, that’ ok. Just remember to take your graduation gift at heart, because these two tips on “empathy “are sure to bring you unexpected blessings in the future!
Later on, I realized that fame and money are merely byproducts. The real product is you, what kind of person you have become and what have you achieved. When the real product is identified, fame and money will come naturally.
So I encourage you, when you look for a job, don’t be too concerned about the starting salary and benefits. Because as a matter of fact, as a newcomer, it is very difficult to make a big contribution in the first three years, so really the company is paying to give you training instead. So choose a meaningful industry and find a good company where you can improve and grow, that’s what’s important.
Thirdly, I learned that knowledge is not the same as wisdom. All of you have learned a lot and have a lot of valuable knowledge, but this knowledge must be practiced in order to produce experience, and in the process of accumulation, there will be different experiences of reflection, learning and empathy, especially from failure, slowly and surely all these experiences will be condensed into useful wisdom.
My personal development can be divided into three stages. I began as a I-shaped person with some basic skills in business management. Later on, due to my job and curiosity, I gained respected experience in technology development, manufacturing, branding, global marketing, and service and thus gradually becoming a T-shape multidisciplinary professional.
However, when I combined the future mission and direction of the company with my life goals, promoting it enthusiastically and actively, that is when I finally became a X-shape transdisciplinary leader.
Once the company became more stable, I was faced with the challenge of planning the vision, mission, positioning, and long-term strategy for the company. At this stage, I had some new insights.
First, you must be able to draw a “golden triangle”, an equilateral triangle is the most stable shape with strategy on top, tactics in the middle, and operations at the bottom. In other words, the strategy is to do the right thing, the tactics is the using the right methods, and operations is using the right methods to excel on doing the right things while constantly improving them.
To develop long-term strategies, it is necessary to have insight.
I enjoy looking at the globe, yes, the spherical model of Earth that sits on a stand and can be rotated. When you rotate the globe, you can see every place and country on it, its geographical location, its natural ecology, and you can think about its historical evolution and development, so that you can come up with an overall comprehensive concept.
When thinking about long-term strategy, it is not easy to come up with a groundbreaking idea, because “men are often blind in their own cause”
Therefore, when I think about long-term strategy, I imagine myself as if I were looking at a rotating Earth from a man-made satellite. With the height of the universe, the breadth of global vision and the length of historical evolution, you will be able think about it from the perspective of an observer, and then you may have a breakthrough. This is how the strategy and vision of “GIANT for the World” and “glocalization” brand management came about.
Another kind of insight is how to introduce the products and services to create additional value to people. This requires standing at the crossroads of humanity and technology, observing their changes carefully, and then using technological advances to provide the best solutions for the potential needs of humanity in a timely manner. This is how GIANT’s Cycling World continues to introduce innovative values to its products.
We have also developed a special philosophy in our business, which is “don’t be the first one, be the only one”. There are so many people in the world, but no two people share the same fingerprints, making each person unique and one of a kind. God created each person with purpose and has gifted us with the abilities and elements needed for success. All of which is in your heart, waiting for you to take them. Therefore, we should not just follow each other’s footstep or live under the expectations of someone else. Instead, we should find and give reigns to our talents, to truly be ourselves, to become the only one and live a brilliant life.
The same applies to businesses, you can’t just go with the flow, we must find what is right and suitable and what is meaningful and contributive to the world, this is what it means to be the only one. When you strive for excellence and strive to be the only one, you will find the right goals and the value of sustainability. If you try to be first in everything, you may pursue many unrealistic goals and either be destroyed by unbearable pressure or resort to doing whatever it takes, and end up on the wrong path.
I have learned two important lessons in my long quest to be the “only one”. When you are determined to do the right thing and you are unyielding and persistent in your struggle, the power of the universe will rise up and help you. In addition, if you do something meaningful and do it well with the power of life, you may change the world.
I urge you to listen to the small voice deep within you and let it guide you to find your talents and understand your destiny.
Do not seek to be the first but to be the only. Be true to yourself and be the only one. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy your life to the fullest!
Many people say that growing up in Taiwan, you must complete three challenges in your lifetime: climb to the top of Jade Mountain, swim across Sun Moon Lake, and ride a bike around the island. I think this is very true. Therefore, I suggest that after graduation, before you go to the military or get a job, you might as well join a bicycle tour around the island and spend nine days to carefully experience and appreciate the beauty of Taiwan. As a graduation gift to yourself, let the tires kiss the beautiful land where you were born and raised.
All the professors and parents must be thinking in regret, “Ah! Too bad! I didn’t ride my bike around the island when I graduated and now I’m already in my 50s and 60s…” But that’s okay! You are actually at the perfect age to start your adventurous life.
Our President of NTU, President Kuan bravely completed his dream bike tour around the island in January this year. Let’s give President Kuan a round of applause!
Some people think that Taiwan is small and has no future. Every year, the World Economic Forum conducts a survey and ranking of the strength of countries around the world. Let’s take a look at Taiwan’s ranking. There are 235 countries in the world and we rank 137th in terms of landmass, 57th in terms of population, 21st in terms of economy, 11th in terms of overall competitiveness, and 4th in terms of innovation. It’s true that Taiwan is not big, but we are strong and we have a promising future.
In the foreseeable future there will become a new situation in which the United States, Europe and Asia will be the three focal regions. Just like three circles, each of which prioritizes its own interests and is in long-term competition, confrontation and resistance, but at the same time has to maintain some necessary links with each other. And in each circle, drastic changes will be endless, just like a storm circle. These three storm circles are linked together to form a so-called PERFECT STORM.
The Economist magazine recently featured Taiwan on its cover, calling it the most dangerous place on earth, but at the same time the most critical place for the technology industry. Personally, I think that Taiwan may be in the most favorable position in the future, right in the middle of the three storm circles, the eye of the typhoon, which is the center point where these three circles are connected. This place seems dangerous, but in fact it is the safest, most favorable, and most critical place.
When the three storm circles are inevitably involved in a long-term competition, confrontation, and boycott - a zero-sum game. Taiwan does not belong to any of these circles, nor does it need to participate in these competitions, confrontations, and boycotts. Instead, situated in this critical position, I should begin to think about what kind of innovative value I can provide to the world.
Taiwan's efforts over the past 50 years have accumulated many rare and valuable strengths in technology development, manufacturing management, financial capital, social resources, and the democratic rule of law system. If the world is our stage, Taiwanese people who are proficient in Chinese and English, who have a deep understanding of Eastern and Western cultures, who are professional, who can cross borders, who are humble but not inferior, and who are confident but not arrogant, may be the best talents in the world.
The future cannot be predicted, but it can be created! 30 years ago, who could have predicted that Taiwan would produce globally renowned TSMC and GIANT?
TSMC is committed to the concept of being the only one, and has built up its strengths with its global foundry strategy, creating a high-quality and efficient supply chain and turning Taiwan into a technology island. With Taiwan as the core, TSMC is leading the worldwide semiconductor market.
GIANT also upholds the concept of "Be the only one" and leads the A-Team to turn Taiwan into the center of the world's premium bikes with the brand strategy of globalization and localization, and actively promotes the new culture of cycling, developing Taiwan into a cycling island and leading the world's cycling market with Taiwan as the core.
Here I also hope that we, NTU, can also lead the world with the concept of being the only one, and become the best cradle for the cultivation of the best talents in the world.
In the next 50 years, Taiwan will have the greatest opportunity ever! Therefore, Taiwan should get rid of the simple competitive mentality of the past and actively seek the long-term survival of the future, or go even further and ask itself: What can Taiwan contribute to the world? Taiwan should not just "secure Taiwan" in a conservative way, but should be more proactive with global outlook and establish a foothold in the Asia Pacific.
The last 50 years, for Taiwan, has been very difficult and significant. Fortunately, Taiwan pulled through and came out as one of the winners.
Now is the crucial moment to understand the past, delve into the present, and plan for the future. We must take the height of the universe, the breadth of our global vision, and the length of historical evolution, weigh the external situation, and measure our own strengths to reposition Taiwan and draw the golden triangle of strategy, tactics, and operations. Taiwan should be able to give full play to its strengths, create innovative value, and become the only one! Taiwan must become a good citizen of the world and continue to make more and better contributions to the world!
Graduates of 2021, among you are the future leaders of the country, the creators of global enterprises, and the core talents in all walks of life, the future is in your hands.
Finally, I would like to conclude with a quote from a famous scientist: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Do you know who this quote belongs to? That's right, Einstein!
Graduates of 2021, please get ready for your life adventure, get on your bikes and peddle courageously forward to create your own unique and exciting future. Again, congratulations and best wishes to each and every one of you for a healthy, happy, and meaningful life!
Thank you!
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #貴賓致詞 #羅祥安
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Assalammualaikum wbt Semua
Apa khabar?
Semoga anda semua sentiasa di dalam Rahmat & Kasih Sayang Allah swt serta baginda Rasulullah SAW.
Pagi ini saya rasa sedih di atas kehilangan seorang guru yang baik iaitu Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dato’ Ismail Kamus. Dan Allah swt ambil beliau pada hari, malam dan bulan yang penuh barokah. Mengenali beliau ketika hayatnya, saya yakin beliau telah Allah swt pada saat yang menjadi tanda-tanda pemergian ramai orang-orang yang soleh iaitu pada malam jumaat atau hari jumaat.
Arwah ayah saya juga kebetulan meninggal dunia pada waktu maghrib malam jumaat pada 4 November 2010.
Semoga mereka dan semua orang kita sayangi yang telah kembali lebih awal dari kita termasuk kita satu ketika nanti ditempatkan ruh di kalangan orang-orang soleh! Diampuni dosa, dilapangkan liang kubur kita semua serta dilepaskan dari siksaan kubur.
Mohon sama-sama baca Surah Al-Fatihah dihadiahkan buat ruh beliau serta ruh-ruh orang yang terdekat dengan kita.
Al-Fatihah.... Mohon baca seketika sampai habis.
Sesungguhnya waktu kita amat singkat. Dan saat kematian arwah ayah saya pada November 2010 benar-benar menyedarkan saya. Saya berlumba dengan masa dan kematian. Dan saya mesti buat apa yang saya mampu untuk beri manfaat kepada orang lain dengan niat setiap manfaat adalah menjadi pahala buat kedua ibu-bapa saya.
Dan saya memilih untuk berkongsi ilmu dengan membina RichWorks International sebagai sebuah perniagaan specialised dalam membangunkan usahawan-usahawan dari Zero hingga mereka pula mampu beri manfaat kepada ramai orang samada beri peluang pekerjaan kepada ramai orang, beri peluang perniagaan atau bantu selesaikan masalah orang dengan produk atau servis berkualiti yang mereka boleh tawarkan.
Saya amat yakin dengan prinsip dari Hadis Rasulullah SAW ini, Sebaik-baik manusia adalah manusia yang bermanfaat untuk ramai orang lain.
Dan saya pilih untuk jadikan perniagaan sebagai salah satu cara untuk beri manfaat kepada ramai orang lain Insha Allah. Dan bimbing mereka yang mahu beri manfaat melalui membina perniagaan.
Apalah ertinya hidup sekadar hidup dan tidak banyak manfaat?
Takkan Allah swt lahirkan kita hanya untuk hidup biasa-biasa? Sekadar hidup, makan, tidur, kahwin, beranak dan tunggu mati?
Saya sentiasa percaya bahawa Allah swt tidak lahirkan saya dan ramai dari anda hanya untuk sekadar hidup.
Bak kata Prof Hamka,
Jika hidup sekadar hidup, babi dihutan juga hidup.
Jika kerja sekadar kerja, kera dihutan juga kerja.
Apa manfaat yang anda bawa ke dunia ini? Atau sebenarnya kita pilih nak buktikan yang Allah swt “ter” salah lahirkan kita ke dunia? Kita hanya bawa mudarat atau tidak ada manfaat?
Mana mungkin! Allah swt terlalu hebat dan Dia boleh jadikan kita lahir sebagai haiwan lain seperti nyamuk, kucing, unta, biawak but instead, Dia lahirkan kita sebagai manusia. Makhluk Dia yang diberi kemuliaan.
For what? You ni sebenarnya ciptaan Dia yang “membazir” wasted dan tidak ada manfaat?
Atau sebenarnya you boleh pilih menjadi seseorang yang banyak manfaat kebaikan kepada manusia sekeliling sekurang-kurangnya...
Jika kita tidak mampu menjadi mentari menyinari orang lain di waktu pagi atau lilin membakar diri untuk menerangi orang lain di waktu malam, janganlah pula kita menjadi api yang membinasakan orang lain.
Allah swt beri kita akal. Untuk apa? Untuk buat pilihan dan ilmu adalah penyuluh bagi akal untuk membuat pilihan yang terbaik.
Mudah-mudahan anda menjadi manusia yang bermanfaat kepada diri, keluarga dan orang lain Insha Allah!
Sebaik-baik manusia adalah manusia yang bermanfaat kepada ramai orang. - Hadis
Itulah impian hidup saya. Saya nak jadi manusia yang bermanfaat Insha Allah. Saya bukan sesiapa tapi saya cuba buat apa yang terdaya melalui perkongsian video-video percuma di Youtube, IG, Facebook yang kami kongsikan setiap hari. Dan Syukur kerana ramai yang beri feedback mereka dapat manfaat malah ada yang berjaya berniaga dan buat duit serta merubah kehidupan keluarga dengan amalkan apa yang dikongsikan.
Dan Insha Allah hari ini sampai ahad, ada di kalangan anda yang baru nak berniaga atau telah lama berniaga bakal hadir sesi Virtual Zoominar 3-hari Millionaire Marketing Mastery (MMM). Anda perlu tahu, MMM adalah kelas marketing saya yang terbukti benar-benar telah merubah hidup dan bisnes ramai orang dari zero sampai jutaan ringgit setahun jika bukan sebulan.
Pastikan anda fokus belajar dan berikan komitmen dari mula sampai habis! MMM ini telah melahirkan jutawan sepantas ada yang capai dalam masa 1-3 bulan selepas gila-gila mengaplikasikan apa yang di pelajari!
Semoga dengan asbab anda belajar dan capai tahap kewangan yang lebih baik, anda bukan sahaja dapat ubah hidup dan tahap kewangan diri serta keluarga, malah dapat bantu lebih ramai orang lain Insha Allah dengah zakat dan sedekah serta beri peluang pekerjaan kepada ramai!
Saya ingin melihat pencapaian anda Insha Allah langkah demi langkah Insha Allah sehingga saya dapat mentoring anda secara dekat dekat 1 to 1 soon Insha Allah!
Saya doakan All The Best dan Berkah untuk anda yang membaca ini!
Assalamualaikum wbt everyone
How are you?
May all of you always be in the grace & love of Allah swt and his majesty rasulullah saw.
This morning I feel sad on the loss of a good teacher that is al-Fadhil Ustaz Dato ' Ismail Dictionary. And Allah swt takes him on a day, night and a month full of blessings. Knowing him during his life, I believe he has Allah swt at the moment that is the sign of the passing of many righteous people which is on Friday night or Friday.
My late father also happened to die during maghrib night Friday night on November 4, 2010.
May they and all our loved ones who have returned earlier than us including us once upon a time placed the spirit among the righteous! Forgiven by sin, our grave is opened all and released from the torture of the grave.
Please read the Surah Al-Fatihah to be gifted to his spirit and the spirit of the people who are close to us.
Al-Fatihah.... please read for a while until the end.
Indeed, our time is very short. And the moment of my late father's death in November 2010 really woke me up. I race with time and death. And I must do what I can to benefit others with the intention of every benefit is to be a reward for both my parents.
And I choose to share knowledge by building richworks international as a specialised business in developing entrepreneurs from zero until they are able to benefit many people whether to give a job opportunity to many people, give a business opportunity or help solve people's problems with products or services Quality they can offer.
I am very confident in the principle of the hadith of Rasulullah saw, the best of humans is a human being who is beneficial to many others.
And I choose to make business as one of the ways to benefit many other people insha Allah. And Guide those who want to benefit through building a business.
What does life mean just life and not much benefits?
Won't Allah swt give birth to us just to live a normal life? Just live, eat, sleep, marry, give birth and wait to die?
I always believe that Allah swt doesn't give birth to me and many of you just to be alive.
As Prof Hamka said,
If life is just life, the pig in the forest is also alive.
If work is just a job, the monkey in the forest is also working.
What benefits do you bring to this world? Or actually we choose to prove that Allah swt "Ter" is wrong to give birth to the world? We only bring harm or no benefit?
How is it possible! Allah swt is too great and he can make us born as other animals like mosquitoes, cats, camels, lizards but instead, he gave us as humans. His creature that was given glory.
For What? You are actually his "waste" creation and no benefit?
Or actually you can choose to be someone who has many benefits of kindness to humans around at least...
If we are not able to be the sun shining on others in the morning or the candle burn themselves to illuminate others at night, let us not be the fire that destroys others.
Allah swt gives us common sense. For What? To make choices and knowledge is the penyuluh of the mind to make the best choice.
May you be a human being who is beneficial to yourself, family and others insha Allah!
The best of humans is a human being that is beneficial to many people. - the hadith
That's the dream of my life. I want to be a useful human being insha Allah. I'm no one but I'm trying to do what I can through the sharing of free videos on Youtube, ig, Facebook that we share every day. And thankful that many people give their feedback can benefit but there are people who succeed in business and make money and change their family life by practicing what is shared.
And Insha Allah today until Sunday, some of you who are just about to do business or have been doing business for a long time will attend a virtual zoominar 3-Day Millionaire Marketing Mastery (mmm). You need to know, mmm is my marketing class that is proven to have really changed the life and business of many people from zero to millions of ringgit a year if not a month.
Make sure you focus on learning and give commitment from start to finish! Mmm this has given birth to a millionaire as soon as there is a achieve in 1-3 months after crazy apply what is learned!
Hopefully with the reason you learn and achieve a better financial level, you are not only able to change your life and financial level and family, even can help more people in sha Allah give zakat and charity and give a job opportunity to many!
I want to see your achievement insha Allah step by step insha Allah until I can mentoring you close near 1 TO 1 soon insha Allah!
I pray for all the best and blessings for you who read this!
Love love love love love love love love love love love
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กว่าจะมีวันนี้ของร้าน หัวปลาช่องนนทรี /โดย ลงทุนแมน
จากร้านข้าวต้มปลาเล็กๆ เมื่อ 37 ปีก่อน
คงมีน้อยคนที่จะคิดว่าร้านเล็กๆ ในวันนั้น
จะกลายมาเป็นเชนร้านอาหารขนาดใหญ่ ที่มีรายได้หลักร้อยล้านบาท ในวันนี้
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ผู้ก่อตั้งร้านอาหารหัวปลาช่องนนทรี คือ คุณแป๋ว ลิมป์รัตนกาญจน์ ซึ่งชีวิตในวัยเด็กของเธอค่อนข้างยากลำบาก พ่อมีอาชีพขับรถ 3 ล้อ ส่วนแม่นั้นเป็นแม่ค้าหาบของขายในตลาด
แน่นอนว่า นอกจากเวลาเรียนแล้วคุณแป๋วก็ต้องไปช่วยแม่หาบของขายในตลาดเช่นกัน ตั้งแต่อายุ 6 ขวบ ซึ่งคุณแป๋วเล่าว่า ปกติแล้วขายได้เงินวันละประมาณ 10 บาท
คุณแป๋ว เรียนจนถึงแค่ชั้น ป.2 ก็ต้องออกจากโรงเรียนมาขายของแทนคุณแม่ เนื่องจากคุณแม่ป่วย ซึ่งเงินที่ค้าขายนั้น รวมกับรายได้จากการถีบรถ 3 ล้อของคุณพ่อ ก็เอามาใช้ในการรักษาคุณแม่ของเธอ จนคุณแม่ค่อยๆ หายและกลับมาค้าขายได้อีกครั้ง
เมื่อคุณแป๋วอายุ 16 ปี เธอขอคุณแม่กลับไปเรียนภาคค่ำ เนื่องจากอยากอ่านหนังสือออก และหลังเลิกเรียนก็ยังมาช่วยทำงานหาเงินต่อ
แต่แล้วแม่ของเธอล้มป่วยอีกครั้ง คุณแป๋วต้องหยุดเรียน และทำงานหนักมากขึ้นเพื่อหาเงินมารักษาคุณแม่
จนเมื่อคุณแม่ของเธอเสีย ตอนนั้นครอบครัวยังมีหนี้สินมาก คุณพ่อก็เอารถ 3 ล้อไปจำนอง
ส่วนคุณแป๋วก็ทำงานต่อไปหาเงินมาใช้หนี้ อีกประมาณ 3 ปี เธอจึงสามารถสะสางหนี้สินของครอบครัวหมด
ต่อมาคุณแป๋วได้แต่งงานกับคุณกฤช ซึ่งเปิดร้านทำหน้าต่างและประตูเหล็ก คุณแป๋วจึงออกมาเป็นแม่บ้าน และไม่ได้ค้าขายที่ตลาด
อย่างไรก็ตาม ธุรกิจของคุณกฤชนั้นมีรายได้ไม่แน่นอน แถมต้องให้เครดิตแก่ลูกค้า ทำให้หลายครั้งธุรกิจจึงขาดสภาพคล่อง
ทั้งคู่เลยตัดสินใจมาขายของกิน เนื่องจากจะมีเงินสดมาหมุนเวียนมากกว่า โดยเริ่มจากเปิดร้านข้าวต้มปลาเล็กๆ เป็นเพิงในตอนเย็นเพื่อหารายได้อีกทาง ช่วงแรกร้านของทั้งคู่มีโต๊ะนั่งเพียง 3 โต๊ะเท่านั้น
เวลาผ่านไปร้านข้าวต้มเริ่มขายดี เจ้าของที่ที่ทั้งคู่เช่าอยู่ เลยอยากให้ทั้งคู่ขยายร้านเพิ่ม การขยายร้านนอกจากจะทำให้มีจำนวนลูกค้ามากขึ้น ยังทำให้เมนูอาหารเพิ่มขึ้นตามไปด้วย
หลังจากนั้นเมื่อเวลาผ่านไปกิจการก็ค่อยๆ ขยายสาขา จนกลายเป็น อาณาจักรหัวปลาช่องนนทรี ในปัจจุบัน
ตอนนี้ ร้านหัวปลาช่องนนทรี มีทั้งแบบสแตนด์อโลนจำนวน 6 สาขา โดยอยู่ในกรุงเทพฯ และปริมณฑล 5 สาขาและต่างจังหวัด 1 สาขา รวมทั้งยังมีสาขาในห้าง 3 สาขา ที่เซ็นทรัลเวิลด์ เมกาบางนา และเทอร์มินอล 21 (โคราช)
รายได้ บริษัท หัวปลาช่องนนทรี จำกัด
ปี 2559 รายได้ 122 ล้านบาท
ปี 2560 รายได้ 190 ล้านบาท
ปี 2561 รายได้ 271 ล้านบาท
ในส่วนของชื่อร้านนั้นคุณแป๋วและคุณกฤชเล่าว่า จริงๆ แล้วชื่อร้านมาจากลูกค้า ซึ่งเกิดจากเวลาที่ลูกค้านัดเจอกัน มักจะพูดว่า “ไปเจอกันที่ร้านหัวปลาแถวช่องนนทรี”
ทางคุณแป๋วและคุณกฤช จึงนำมาใช้ตั้งชื่อร้านจนถึงทุกวันนี้นั่นเอง
ขณะที่ปัจจุบัน ร้านอาหารหัวปลาช่องนนทรีบริหารงานโดยผู้บริหารรุ่นที่ 2 คือ คุณวิทยา ลิมป์รัตนกาญจน์ ซึ่งเป็นทายาทของคุณแป๋วและคุณกฤช
จากอดีตที่มีเพียงร้านข้าวต้มปลา ปัจจุบัน ร้านอาหารหัวปลาช่องนนทรีวางตำแหน่งร้านให้มีทั้งอาหารไทย อาหารจีน และอาหารทะเล
นอกจากนี้ ถ้าเราสังเกตร้านหัวปลาช่องนนทรีจะตั้งอยู่ติดถนนใหญ่ที่คนสัญจรไปมาเยอะ ซึ่งเป็นกลยุทธ์การเลือกที่ตั้งร้านที่ผู้บริหารให้ความสำคัญมาตลอด ทั้งนี้ ก็เพื่อดึงดูดให้ลูกค้าเข้าร้านและยังเป็นการประชาสัมพันธ์แบรนด์ของธุรกิจให้คนจดจำไปด้วย
คนที่จะประสบความสำเร็จได้ บางทีก็ไม่จำเป็นต้องมีต้นทุนชีวิตที่ดีเสมอไป
กรณีของคุณแป๋วก็เช่นกันที่ต้องช่วยแม่ค้าขายตั้งแต่อายุ 6 ขวบ เพื่อช่วยหารายได้ให้ครอบครัว รวมทั้งออกจากโรงเรียนช่วงที่คุณแม่ป่วยเพื่อมาค้าขายแทนคุณแม่
จนสุดท้ายเมื่อมีโอกาสมาเปิดร้านอาหาร แม้ว่าจะเริ่มจากร้านเล็กๆ เป็นเพิง ไม่ได้ใหญ่โตหรูหรา เหมือนร้านอาหารอื่น แต่ด้วยความตั้งใจของคุณแป๋วที่ตั้งใจทำมันออกมาให้ดีที่สุด ร้านหัวปลาช่องนนทรี จึงประสบความสำเร็จได้อย่างที่เห็นทุกวันนี้
ถ้าวันนี้เราอยากเริ่มกิจการอะไรสักอย่าง แล้วไม่มั่นใจว่าจะเริ่มจากศูนย์ได้หรือไม่
ลองดูตัวอย่างนี้ที่ค่อยๆ เริ่มทำในที่สุดก็สำเร็จ
แต่ถ้าเราคิดว่าทำไม่ได้ ตั้งแต่ยังไม่เริ่มทำ
ก็จำไว้ว่า มันจะไม่มีวันนั้นเกิดขึ้น..
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Until I have today of Hua Pla Chong Nonsi shop / by Investing Man.
From a small fish boiled rice restaurant 37 years ago.
Not many people would think that small shop that day.
Become a big restaurant chain with hundreds of millions of baht today.
Successful path of Hua Pla, Chanonsi shop.
Been through some things
Invest man will tell you about it.
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
Deep in deep content
The latest podcast feature is available.
The founder of Hua Pla Chong Nonsi restaurant is Khun Pew Limpratkanchanaburi. Her childhood was quite difficult. Dad had a 3 wheel drive career. The mother was a seller finding items to sell in. The marketplace.
Of course, in addition to studying time, Khun Paew also has to help mom find stuff to sell in the market since she was 6 years old. Which Khun Pew said that she usually sells around 10 Baht per day.
Khun Paew has studied until just grade class. 2 I have to go out of school to sell stuff for mother because mother is sick. The money that she sells with the income of the 3 wheeler kicks. Dad uses it to treat her mother until she is slowly recovering and comes back to sell again.
When Khun Pam is 16 years old, she asks her mother to go back to school in the evening because she wants to read books and after school, she helps work and earn money.
But then her mother fell sick again. Khun Paew needs to stop studying and work harder to earn money to heal her mother.
Until when her mother died, the family still has a lot of debt. Dad took the 3 wheeler mortgage.
As for Khun Paew, keep working. Earning money to pay back debt for about 3 years. So she can clean the family's debt.
Later, Khun Paew married Mr. Krit who opened a window and metal door shop. Khun Paew came out to be a housewife and didn't sell at the market.
However, Mr. Krit's business has uncertain income. It has to give credit to customers. Many times, businesses lack liquidity.
Both of them decided to sell things because there would be more cash circulation. Starting from opening a small fish shop to shed in the evening for income. In the first time, both of them have only 3 tables.
Time has passed. Boiled rice restaurant is selling well. The owner of which both are renting. We want both of them to expand the store. In addition to making more customers, we also make the food menu add more.
After that, over time, the business gradually expanded the branch to become the kingdom of Hua Pla Chong Nonsi.
Now Hua Pla Chong Nonsi shop has 6 standalone branches in Bangkok and perimeter. 5 branches and 1 provinces. There are 3 branches in CentralWorld. Led Mega Bangna and Terminal 21 (Korat)
Income of Hua Pla Chong Nonsi company limited.
Year 2559 Income 122 million baht.
Year 2560 Income 190 million baht.
Year 2561 Income 271 million baht.
In the section of the shop name, Khun Paew and Khun Krit said that the shop name is from customers who are born from the time customers meet each other. They often say ′′ Let's meet at Hua Pla restaurant near Chong Nonsi ′′
When things are like this
Khun Paew and Khun Krit have been using the shop name until now.
While at present, Hua Pla Chong Nonsi restaurant is administered by the 2th generation executives. Mr. Witthaya Limpratan Kanchanaburi who is the descendant of Khun Paew and Khun Krit.
From the past, there are only fish boiled rice. Now, Hua Pla Chong Nonsi restaurant has positioned both Thai food, Chinese food and seafood.
In addition, if you notice, Hua Pla Chong Nonsi will be located on the main road where many people walk. It is a strategy to select the store where the executives have been focused. It's to attract customers to the shop and publicize the brand of businesses to remember.
This story gives us one thought.
People who can succeed sometimes don't always have to cost a good life.
In case of Khun Paew, we have to help the seller sell from 6 years old to help earn income for the family and leave school when mother is sick to sell for mother.
Finally, when you have a chance to open a restaurant, even if you start from a small shop to be a shed. It's not as big as other restaurants. But with your intention, Khun Paew, you will make it the best. Hua Pla Chong Nonsi can be successful. I see these days.
If today we want to start something and not sure if we can start from zero.
Check out this trailer that gradually started to finally succeed.
But if we think we can't do it since we haven't started.
Well remember it will never happen..
Blockdit. Analytical article source.
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The latest podcast feature is available.
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working class zero 在 Betty Liew Youtube 的最讚貼文
Don't know how to swim? Need personal trainer to teach you?
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