只睇7.1嘅表面或者單一現象,將香港年輕人判斷並報道為暴徒係太盲目,不成熟嘅做法(日文後ろ By Soko)
...Continue ReadingIt is too blind and immature to judge and report the young people in Hong Kong as thugs (After Japanese)
What exactly has pushed them like this? What forced them to commit suicide and become a dead man? What is the root of anger and despair? The source of all evil lies, we should face it, explore and think deeply.
July 1th, the acts that young people in Hong Kong have attacked the legislative assembly are creating various discussions.
Many Hong Kong youth and citizens are dissatisfied with the fact that multiple media in Japan wrote a mob of Hong Kong young people or mob.
What is in the root of Hong Kong Youth's anger?
According to a social worker who was at the site on July 1th, there were 1 young people who were prepared to act on death.
Democratic lawmakers are going to jail, they might be shot by gun, reconsider! I tried to stop, but," already three (suicide) Dead! I don't even know what to say! I'm ready for the assault!"
In the process of temporary occupation from the assault to the legislative assembly, there was an act of writing a slogan to beat the window, break the equipment, and criticize the government on the wall. It may probably not be the act that many democratic people wanted.
There will also be an excuse to suppress the parents of the parents, and there will also be a union that tries to take advantage of the actions of young people, and it will also be an element that will be suspected of the nature of the demonstration that has been moving on to the back of peace. No, the foreign media and international public opinion that will support you can also be away...
There was a destruction of windows, equipment, and the slogan of political criticism to the wall, but for the historical and cultural value, " don't destroy this!" There was also a side of paying money without being protected or drinking at the legislative assembly. Therefore, it does not mean that the vandalism is allowed. I'm going to tell you that there was a side like that too. The subject of vandalism was not a person but a thing consistent with things.
Various discussions are winding up on July 1th. I think I need to take a look at what is the base of Hong Kong's youth, anger, and despair, without being left alone in the video and superficial events.
June 9th 100 million demonstrations will be held. Mr. Lam, the top secretary of Hong Kong, is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the After that, I've been watching three watarai on the media for 10 days and 11 days, but I don't listen to opinion just by claiming the legitimacy of the fugitive ordinance.
In the morning of June 12th, in the tv interview, the ordinance will never withdraw, and the mother, the young man of Hong Kong, to the son," comment that I can't forgive the selfish act of my son," This is how the mother of Hong Kong was angry that the mother of Hong Kong did not deserve to name you, and in Hong Kong, the protest assembly of the unprecedented mothers was held.
When the democratic party announces a statement to rum and the government who continue to ignore the request of opinion, and the democratic party announces the statement, Mr. Lam takes out an example of the determination that has happened in the past years, and he is severely punished. Intimidated the young man.
For a series of response such as the lamb administration, citizens are disappointed, and the government who does not listen to what they say, if this ordinance has been passed to such a government, what is the security of our freedom and safety? It's going to be... fear and worries are getting more and more bloated.
The only way left was to enter the legislative assembly at the time of the second deliberation of the 12th, and to disrupt the deliberation and stop the pass, this day the police squad and the demonstrators collided hard, and the video was also The clearly captured police force was accused of violence, but the government did not follow police violence, and the people's demonstrations were defined as riot, and 32 people were arrested. My name has become a riot sin.
After that, while police assault was severely criticized by the international society, the g20 that was taken by xi jinping was imminent, and the government said that the government will stop the deliberation of the ordinance. In Japan, some media have been featured in the fact that some media have expressed the revocation of the facts, and the voices of the people and the voices of praise have risen, but the citizens of Hong Kong are not suspended = they are not withdraw, and there is a possibility that they will resume in the future. And above all, I understand the fear of the government that has not been able to stay in the middle of a hard posture that has been ignoring opinion for a long time.
And 200 million + 1 demonstrations happen. The screams of Hong Kong people have arrived in the whole world. This is what the rum administration did in the form of an apology conference as a pose, but the citizens were not able to do it, but the lamb administration did not try to listen to the citizens's demands. I did.
On July 1, the demonstrators requested an emergency meeting to the secretary of rum, but it was rejected by Mr. Lam for the reason that he was busy.
In the conflict between citizens and governments by today, the despair of young people in Hong Kong went to I, the one who chose to die (three people), or the people who were prepared to act with the death of the death. (the young man who entered the legislative assembly), what is the root of the evil that is like this, the anger and despair of this kind of anger and despair? On the essential main axis, I think that the government has been stepping on the opinion, not listening to the voice of the young people, without respect, and continuing to trampled until today.
Anger is beyond the limit, despair, and the thoughts of the young people who are going to be in the middle of the day, the thoughts of the young people who are in the middle of the day, without listening to the voice, without seeing what is behind it, the radical footage and single I think it's a very short-cut judgement to see only the events and easily put it on the mob.
What is in the back of their despair and anger, I think they need to look at what they have made them.
I'm not going to defend the destructive act, but the wrath of the young people is in the middle of the day, and there are millions of people who have gathered in peace, and when they are disbanded in peace, what will be! Citizen's opinion and democracy are just the same as the government is trampled by the government, the anger of the young people who are desperate for the adults who do not listen to the story, the feeling that explodes, and the dangers of life, but action I want to be able to understand the courage to wake up, and I want to support the future of their drawing.
There is a survey that the parent-Chinese media [economic ung] and [CLEAR NEWS] went together." while the demonstration was sustainable, the demonstrators destroyed the legislative Congress on the 1th, so i sue this Can you agree with the way?" 214,634 people answer and agree at 8 pm last night %, don't agree but 9 %, no comment Is 10 %.
It is said that the intention of the survey of the parent-Chinese media should have been a government support, and it should have been a good idea to suppress the demonstration, but the intention is edge, and the result of most citizens supporting the demonstrators. It's been embossed.
During the collision on June 12, there was a radical action of throwing bricks in a few demonstrators, but today there was no other human attack, and the demonstration was held in peace. . The vandalism in the row of July 1th was not a person, but it was against the stuff.
As A Supplement, I think that the installation of the independent investigation committee is a fair measure for both of the violence in a series of demonstrations. With a fair third party, you should check it out, democracy is also demanding it to the government. However, the government continues to refuse the installation of the independent investigation committee. For some reason it's obvious, because government and police brutality are exposed to the light of the international society.
I'm going to investigate in the agency called the existing Deputy Council, but the general council is not legally guaranteed to summon the investigation rights and witnesses to the court, and half of the members of the council committee. More than a parent. The Police are going to investigate the police, and we have to set up the independent investigation committee, and we continue to voice the opposite of the investigation at the general council, but we continue to be rejected today. Yes.
Article: @[699908786774332:274:SOKO hé quán sù xíng]Translated
「world youth report」的推薦目錄:
world youth report 在 Firdaus Wong Wai Hung Facebook 的最佳解答
Pelajar Malaysia Hampir Dimurtadkan Di Korea Selatan? [Siri 1]
Artikel pendedahan kali ini agak panjang. Mohon sahabat baca sehingga habis kerana ia sangat penting dan sebarkan.
Mutakhir ini banyak gerakkan agama baru atau kultus (cult) yang kian tersebar di Malaysia. Bukan sahaja gerakkan dari ajaran sesat di dalam Islam sahaja, malah ada yang dari pecahan ajaran Buddha, Kristian, Hindu dan juga pembentukkan agama baru yang kebanyakkan berasal dari luar negara.
Apabila ajaran ini sudah bertapak di Malaysia, sudah pasti misi untuk menyebar luaskan ajaran baru mereka itu berlangsung di Malaysia samada secara sembunyi atau secara terang-terangan. Salah satu gerakkan yang difokuskan untuk dibincangkan adalah Unification Church dari Korea Selatan.
Gerakkan keagaman ini diasaskan oleh Sun Myung Moon yang lahir pada 25 Februari 1920. Moon lahir di Provinsi Pyungan Bukedo yang kini termasuk di dalam wilayah Korea Utara. Beliau lahir dalam sebuah keluarga yang menganut kepercayaan Konfusianisme.
Beliau pada asalnya memiliki nama Mun Yong Myeong. Tetapi ketika beliau berumur 10 tahun, keluarganya telah menerima agama Kristian dan menjadi ahli kepada Gereja Presbiterian. Lima tahun setelah itu, dikatakan berlaku satu “peristiwa penting” pada 17 April 1935 dimana Mun Yong Myeong sedang bertapa di Gunung Myodo, lalu datang seorang lelaki yang dikatakan Jesus menjelma di hadapnnya dan memberitahu kepadanya:
"Kamu akan mewarisi seluruh misi aku, sebelum ini aku tidak dapat memenuhi ‘The Three Great Blessings’, jadi kamu mesti memenuhinya bagi pihak aku",
Jesus meminta Mun untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang beliau sendiri belum dapat tunaikan kerana dirinya (Jesus) disalib.[1] Selepas beberapa tempoh Mun membuat pertimbangan dan berdoa kepada Tuhan, Moon nekad untuk menerima dan menjalankan misi tersebut, lalu beliau menukar namanya kepada Sun Myung Moon (lebih dikenali sebagai Moon).
Setelah dari peristiwa itu, Sun Myung Moon juga mendakwa telah beberapa kali secara sedar dia didatangi dan dipandu secara langsung oleh nabi Ibrahim, nabi Musa, Buddha dan juga nabi Muhammad sendiri.[2]
Pada 11 Mei 1954, Sun Myung Moon mula mengasaskan sebuah gereja bernama Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSAUWC) atau mereka sering dikenali sebagai Unification Church.[3] Pada ketika itu mereka berjaya menarik ramai pengikut dari pelajar wanita di Ewha University yang menjadi milik kerajaan Korea dan denominasi Protestan. Setelah itu gerakkan mereka ditentang oleh Presiden Universiti tersebut disebabkan ramai yang terpengaruh dengan ajarannya dan disusuli dengan tekanan dari akhbar di Seoul yang menulis tentang kegiatan mereka.
Pada akhir 1950-an, Gerakkan ini mula menghantar pendakyah (misionari) antarabangsa pertama, seorang dihantar ke negara jiran Jepun pada tahun 1958, manakala dua orang dihantar ke Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 1959. Kedua negara ini merupakan antara negara yang menjadi ramai pengikutnya.
Sun Myung Moon telah mengahwini Hak Ja Han pada tahun 1960, ketika itu Hak Ja Han berusia 17 tahun (Sun Myung Moon 40 tahun) di dalam upacara yang dinamakan ‘Holy Wedding Ceremony’. Ini merupakan perkahwinan yang kedua bagi Sun Myung setelah bercerai dengan isteri yang pertama. Sun Myung Moon dan Hak Ja Han inilah individu yang kini sangat terkenal sebagai gelaran Father Moon dan Mother Moon oleh pengikut mereka, mereka juga digelar sebagai True Parents oleh ahli-ahli Unification Church. Keluarga mereka (bersama anak-anaknya) dikenali sebagai keluarga sejati (True Family).
Hak Ja Han adalah orang yang mendokong kuat ajaran suaminya dan turut menjadi pengaruh untuk menguatkan lagi kerja misionari terutama di dalam sayap wanita. Pada tahun 1975, Unification Church berjaya menghantar pendakyahnya ke 120 negara untuk menapak ajarannya di setiap negara. Pada tahun 1984 Unification Church berjaya menubuhkan The Washington Times yang menjadi akhbar harian yang arus perdana di Amerika Syarikat.[4]
Setelah Unification giat berkembang dan menjadi kontroversi ditentang oleh Gereja Kristian, akhirnya pada 1996, gerakkan mereka menukar nama dari Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity kepada The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU). Dengan membuang unsur kekristianan seperti perkataan Holy Spirit dan World Christianity.
Gerakkan mereka ini sebenarnya ditentang hebat oleh Kristian. Malah kebanyakkan buku dan penulisan Kristian dari denominasi Katolik, Protestan, Methodis yang lainnya tidak menganggap Unification Church adalah aliran di dalam Kristian. Ia adalah kultus (cult) agama baru yang tidak ada kena mengena dengan Kristian seperti ditulis di lapor The New York Times bertajuk REV. MOON'S CHURCH HELD NOT CHRISTIAN.[5] Begitu juga di dalam laman media Kristian yang lain seperti The Christian Post dan Christianity Today.[6]
Walaupun begitu, mereka tetap aktif menyebarkan fahamannya di dalam badan-badan kebajikan di atas nama “Peace” sehingga mewujudkan lebih 20 pertubuhan yang sangat aktif di seluruh dunia termasuk aspek politik, sukan, wanita dan pendidikan antaranya:
1) Universal Peace Federation (UPF)
2) Womens’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)
3) Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWP)
4) Inter Religious Federation for World Peace
5) Religious Youth Service (RYS)
6) International Interreligious Federation for World Peace (IIFWP)
7) World Culture and Sports Festival (WCSF)
8 ) World Association of Non Govermental Organizations (WANGO)
10) Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA)
11) Sun Moon University, Korea
12) International Educational Foundation (IEF)
13) Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle (World CARP)
14) Service For Peace (SFP)
15) Youth Federation For World Peace (YFWP)
Selain itu banyak lagi gerakkan-gerakkan mereka yang lain. Gerakkan dan pertubuhan inilah yang menjadi tambatan untuk menyebarkan fahaman Unification Church.
Dalam mewujudkan ajaran baru ini, Father Moon telah menggabungkan inti ajaran Kristian dengan kepercayaan Shamanisme (Korea), Daoisme dan Konfusianisme. Selain itu juga beliau telah membuat penafsiran baru buat Bible yang kebanyakkan bercanggah dengan arus perdana. Hasil olahan itu lalu diadun dan diolah ke dalam kitab sucinya yang berjudul “Divine Principle” yang diterbitkan pada 1957. Setelah itu, Sun Myung Moon menyebut dirinya sebagai mesiah baru. Hasil daripada itu ajarannya mendapat sambutan yang hangat dikalangan masyarakat terutama di Korea Selatan, Jepun, Amerika Syarikat dan United Kingdom.
Dakwaan yang sering disebut, Jesus tidak berjaya menyelesaikan misi yang dimaksudkan adalah Jesus tidak berjaya menyelesaikan ‘tiga keberkatan agung’ (Three Great Blessings) yang diserahkan kepada Sun Myung Moon. Secara ringkasnya Three Great Blessings itu adalah perkahwinan dan juga sistem kekeluargaan.
1. Mempunyai zuriat (sempurna)
2. Berganda (beranak pinak)
3. Mendominasi (Mempunyai kuasa)
Sebab itu di dalam Unification Church sangat terkenal dengan ritual perkahwinan besar besaran (Mass Wedding) yang mana setiap pasangan akan diberkati oleh Father Moon dan Mother Moon. Bagi setiap orang yang menganggotai ahli Unification Church, mereka perlu diberkati jika mereka ingin masuk ke dalam syurga. Melalui majlis perkahwinan keberkatan ini, Father Moon percaya bahawa dia telah mencipta tradisi keluarga syurgawi yang baru (True Family yang dipimpin oleh True Parents) dan ini adalah usaha pemulihan hubungan retak dalam keluarga yang telah timbul sejak dahulu lagi. Sejarah Holy Wedding antara Father Moon dan Mother Moon pada tahun 1960 (True Parents) adalah dikatakan yang pertama dalam sejarah.[7]
Unification Church juga percaya bahawa Father Moon dan Mother Moon adalah jelmaan Adam dan Hawa yang ketiga. Menurut pengikut tegarnya, Dr Yoo Chong Young di dalam bukunya True Parents and World Peace mengatakan yang bermaksud:
“Adam dan Hawa yang pertama (6000 tahun lalu) mereka gagal di dalam misinya disebabkan jatuhnya mereka dari syurga. Begitu juga dengan Jesus yang merupakan Messiah (Sang Penyelamat), yang dikatakan sebagai jelmaan Adam kedua (Holy Spirit adalah Hawa) juga hanya dapat memenuhi misi kerohanian, tetapi misi fizikal tergendala disebabkan penyaliban dirinya (Jesus).”[8]
Manakala untuk akhir zaman (kini) Father Moon sebagai Messiah Kedua (Adam Ketiga) Mother Moon sebagai substantial Holy Spirit (Hawa Ketiga). Mereka mengatakan misi telah tercapai secara rohani dan fizikal, dan mereka telah memenuhi Three Great Blessings. Secara tidak langsung beliau meletakkan diri beliau lebih hebat daripada Jesus yang diimani oleh penganut agama Kristian kerana tidak berjaya menyelesaikan misi True Parents.
Selain itu juga, pengikut Father Moon sangat sinonim menisbahkan Father Moon ini adalah Imam Mahdi yang ditunggu umat Islam, seorang pengikut tegarnya Jennifer Tanabe menulis di dalam artikel dalam laman sesawang mereka yang bertajuk “The Kalki Avatar and the Second Coming of Christ, the True Parents of Humankind”:
“This passage is familiar to all Unificationists, and it is our understanding Sun Myung Moon is the fulfillment not only of the Second Coming of Christ but, together with his wife, Mrs. Hak Ja Han Moon, fulfills the ultimate role of the True Parents of humankind. Thus, we easily recognize the Mahdi in this role of the awaited returning central figure in Islam whom we can see fulfilled in the True Parents.”[9]
Bukan itu sahaja, malah pengikutnya juga memadankan Father Moon dengan bakal ‘ketibaan imam’ di dalam agama lain seperti Maitreya (Buddha), Kalki Avatar (Hindu), Juru Selamat Kedua (Kristian) dan banyak lagi.[10]
Yang lagi dahsyat adalah satu ucapan Sun Myung Moon bertajuk “The Arrival of the Era of the Fourth Adam’s Realm” di Belvedere International Training Center, New York pada tahun 1999 beliau berkata bahawa:
“Jesus cuba mengikuti saya, langkah saya, sepanjang jalan. Dia tinggal di Syurga, kerana dia tidak berkahwin. Tetapi saya mengahwinkannya. Tidakkah kalian mahu bertemu dengan isteri-isteri Buddha, Confucius dan Muhammad? Mereka menghantar surat penghargaan kepada saya dari alam roh. Mereka berjanji bahawa walaupun agama mereka hilang, mereka akan mengikuti saya”[11]
Kata-kata ini meletakkan diri beliau lebih mulia berbanding dengan tokoh-tokoh agama lain. Malah beliau mengaku menjadi ‘wali’ untuk mengahwinkan Jesus. Hal ini merupakan aqidah dan keimanan penganut Unification Church.
Di dalam Unification Church juga memiliki kitab suci utama mereka iaitu tulisan Sun Myung Moon yang dikenali sebagai Divine Principle. Yang mana kitab ini ditulis dengan olahan Bible dan juga sinkretis dengan agama lain seperti Konfusianisme, Daoisme, dan lain-lain.
Pecahan Dari Unification Church
Walaupun Father Moon dan Mother Moon dikatakan sebagai Ibubapa sejati atau Ibubapa Syurgawi atau Adam dan Hawa ketiga yang telah berjaya menyelesaikan misi kekeluargaan. Tetapi ternyata di dalam keluarga mereka sendiri juga berlaku konflik sehingga berpecah kepada aliran baru di atas nama Unification Church.
Pada tahun 2008, Sun Myung Moon telah melantik anak bongsu mereka bernama Hyung Jin Moon untuk memimpin gerakkan mereka (Family Federation for World Peace and Unification). Sepanjang beliau mewarisi pimpinan itu, beliau banyak memperkenalkan amalan baru seperti konsep tenaga kerohanian, pergerakkan tangan dan bermacam lagi.[12]
Hyung Jin Moon mula berkonflik secara terbuka dengan ibunya (Hak Ja Han) setelah kematian Sun Myung Moon pada tahun 2012. Ibunya telah menurunkan beliau dari pelbagai jawatan dari tahun 2013 dan akhirnya dipecat dari Presiden Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Ajaran baru yang diperkenalkan oleh Hyung Jin Moon selama di dalam Unification Church itu juga turut dibuang dan dibatalkan (dimansukh) oleh ibunya.
Setelah beliau dipecat, Hyung Jin Moon mulakan gerakkan baru beliau dinamakan Sanctuary Church. Gerakkan Sanctuary Church ini dianggap terkeluar dari Unification Church.[13] Selama di dalam Sanctuary Church mereka secara terang-terangan mengkritik ibunya Hak Ja Han dan mengubah ajaran bapanya untuk mengangkat status dirinya.[14]
Selain itu terdapat juga kes seorang pengikut tegar Father Moon bernama Jung Myung-seok, yang telah keluar dari Unification Church dan membuat agama sendiri yang bernama Providence Church. Jung Myung-seok juga mengaku sebagai mesiah dan juga membuat penafsiran baru terhadap Bible seperti dilakukan oleh Father Moon.
Selain itu juga, konflik kekeluargaan Moon juga berlaku antara anaknya yang bercerai dengan menantu bernama Nansook Hong dan beliau telah menulis sebuah buku yang menceritakan sisi gelap di dalam keluarga Father dan Mother Moon, buku itu berjudul In The Shadow of The Moons.
Unification Church Ke Malaysia
Di Malaysia mereka sudah melebarkan sayap mereka secara serius dan kukuh sejak 1996 dengan penganjuran program yang dilakukan bersama ahli politik dan juga pelajar-pelajar di Malaysia. Dan baru-baru ini mereka melakukan program bersama dengan pelajar Universiti di Malaysia dan memaksa pelajar Melayu Muslim untuk mengangkat sumpah bersama mengisi borang supaya beriman kepada “Heavenly Parent” Father Moon dan Mother Moon dan memenuhi Three Great Blessing..…
Bersambung ke siri 2
Nota akhir:
[1] http://www.reverendsunmyungmoon.org/rev_moon_life.html
[2] http://www.reverendsunmyungmoon.org/rev_moon_teaching.html
[3] Lihat artikel Sarah Lewis, - (2004). Encylopedia of New Religions, A Lion Book, England hlm 71
[4] http://www.reverendsunmyungmoon.org/rev_moon_life.html
[5] The New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/1977/06/26/archives/rev-moons-church-held-not-christian-national-council-report-calls.html
[6] https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2001/augustweb-only/8-6-35.0.html & https://www.christianpost.com/news/cults-in-culture-an-eclipse-of-true-christianity-the-unification-church-part-5-63057/
[7] Lihat artikel Sarah Lewis, - (2004). Encylopedia of New Religions, A Lion Book, England hlm 72-73
[8] Lihat Dr Yoo Chong Young, (-) True Parents and World Peace, cetakkan ketiga, hlm 55-57
[9] https://appliedunificationism.com/2018/02/05/the-kalki-avatar-and-the-second-coming-of-christ-the-true-parents-of-humankind/
[10] http://moonsanmyung.blogspot.com/2010/10/second-avatar-appearance-manifestation.html / https://appliedunificationism.com/2018/02/05/the-kalki-avatar-and-the-second-coming-of-christ-the-true-parents-of-humankind/
[11] http://www.unification.net/news/news19991024.html
[12] https://iunificationist.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/hyung_jin_nim_hands_devotion-1.pdf
[13] https://www.christiannewspost.com/unification-church-does-not-encourage-firearm-use/ & https://appliedunificationism.com/2015/12/14/the-sanctuary-church-schism/
[14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9-4Epj1xwI
R&D Team Multiracial Reverted Muslims
world youth report 在 漂浪島嶼--munch Facebook 的最佳解答
感謝今天台灣所有投票給綠黨的選民,謝謝你們挺好的人選、挺好的政黨,你們是台灣新政治的開拓者,你們就是台灣社會「挺好的」選民!今天是綠黨繼 1996 年後,十八年來首次有候選人當選的關鍵時刻,對開創新政治的意義非凡!
綠黨是全世界的環境政黨,我們用在地的行動,連結全球 91 個綠黨共同的進步價值。多年來,即便綠黨屢敗屢戰,卻依然不斷有人前仆後繼的加入,試圖透過參選行動、經營綠黨,來改變台灣既有的政治結構與核心價值。這些夥伴不斷地在面對各種現實與困境、理想和爭取選票的權衡中奮鬥堅持,期許綠黨能在台灣政治中能扮演關鍵少數,成為連結社會運動的參政平台。
2012 年立委選舉,綠黨拿到將近 23 萬張全國政黨票,雖低於 5% 未獲得國會席次,但已成為台灣第五大政黨。我們認為,台灣社會需要一個療癒式的政黨,需要好的政治來修復我們的土地環境、社會正義與民主制度所受的傷。做為一個負責任的世代,我們要將政治、政黨與人民之間復原成正常的關係,才能共同面對台灣的發展。
2013 年開始,我們持續檢討過去綠黨內部的組織問題,以「扎根」作為改革與經營的方向。這次地方縣市選舉,越來越多長期在地方耕耘環境、地方政治議題的人才,或願意投身政治改革的優秀青年加入綠黨,成為了我們的候選人與團隊夥伴,更進一步邀請台灣各領域的社運團體,一起思考台灣的重大問題、發展方向,以及新的政治、好的政黨該如何實踐。
今晚,相信所有期待綠黨茁壯的朋友有開心、也有失望。我們要感謝長期以來不離不棄、持續關注綠黨,並且用各種行動支持綠黨的夥伴。也要再次感謝今年所有站出來公開聲援、表態支持的各界意見領袖與社運團體。無論高牆是否倒下,綠黨都會堅持站在雞蛋這一邊。面對 2016 的挑戰,我們會與進步的社會價值並肩而行,為打開真正的第三勢力奮力向前。
【Green Party Taiwan post-election statement: Celebrating our 2 seat election victory!】
A big thank you to all Taiwanese voters who supported the Green Party, thank you to our good candidates andgood party - you are the trailblazers of Taiwan's new politics, and thank you to Taiwan society's voters! Since Green Party Taiwan's founding in 1996 this is our first time ever to win an elected seat; it is critical moment in the party's 18 year history and an extraordinary moment for the start of a new politics in Taiwan!
Taiwan's 2014 elections, referred to as "nine-in-one" elections for the nine categories of offices contested, saw Green Party Taiwan's two elected offices won by Haoyu Wang (王浩宇) in Taoyuan county (Chungli city) and by Jay Chou (周江杰) in Hsinchu country (Zhudong and Wufeng townships).
The Green Party is a global environmental political party, our actions are local and are connected to Green parties in 91 countries around the world who share the same progressive values. Over the years the Greens have persisted in contesting elections to change Taiwan's political structures and core political values. Our candidates and partners have also persisted, despite facing all variety of challenges in the electoral struggle, in hopes that Green Party Taiwan can play a critical role in Taiwan's politics through its role as a political platform for social activism.
In Taiwan's 2012 legislative elections, the Green party won nearly 230,000 national party votes; although just below the 5% threshold for a congressional seat, Green Party Taiwan became Taiwan's fifth largest political party. Green Party Taiwan is convinced that Taiwan society needs a healing political party and good politics to mend the wounds in our land environment, social justice and democratic system. As a responsable generation we want a politics that can restore a normal relationship between political parties and people so that we can work together on Taiwan's development.
In early 2013 we continued to review and improve the party's operations and rooted ourselves in the direction of reform and good management. In preparation for the 2014 local elections we focused on increasing our long-term work in the local environment, leadership in local political issues, and Green Party membership among outstanding youth willing to join us for achieving political reform. For our candidates and partners we invited civil society organisations from across Taiwan's sectors to think together about Taiwan's major social issues, the developmental direction of new politics, and the practices of a good political party.
Green Party Taiwan's candidates are ordinary people leading regular lives working in their hometown. They are not from political families nor members of the political and business elite, they received very little funding for their work on progressing various social issues for their constituencies. To raise campaign funds candidates held small fundraisers that connected civil society groups to develop policy; they are full of courage and passion for their hometowns, every day they stood at street corners delivering speeches, riding campaign tricycles around the city, or spending years developing online communities to replace the conventional sea of costly large billboards and flags in the streets.
We are motivated to support our candidates to stand up because we want to show that the Taiwanese choose candidates with value-based concepts and that Taiwan society is willing to reject extravagance, shouting and vote buying in our elections. We want to show that Taiwan's politics can contain diverse values and a parliamentary debate free of corruption.
This year's local council election results show that breaking the big parties' dominance in resources, media attention and the existing structure of family influence, is still very difficult. We invite Taiwanese voters to reflect together on how we can build greater ability for social change and how to breakthrough rigid political factions and financial consortiums. Following wave after wave of large-scale social movements, how can we inspire people to return to all parts of Taiwan to break the two party monopoly and bring progressive ideas into local councils?
Green Party Taiwan will produce an election report as soon as possible and support the elected members Haoyu Wang (王浩宇) and Jay Chou (周江杰) to organise their parliamentary teams. Green Party Taiwan will double up our rigorous attitude, learning, and as an international political party innovate politics at the municipal level by implementing the concepts in the Global Greens Charter. We respect the commitments we made during the elections to voters and civil society, and maintain our convention on political representatives to be committed to public transparency in our records and reports. In the next four years, Green Party representatives will serve as civil society's window into Taoyuan and Hsinchu councils and maintain responsibility to all citizens.
For the constituencies where we have fallen short, we will humbly review and strive to meet your needs better in the future. Despite the Green Party's insufficient financial and human resources for providing a better support to candidates, Green Party candidates have still shown a tremendous enthusiasm and conviction for giving their candidacy a shot. We are grateful to our voters for continuing to believe in us and giving the Green Party this opportunity. We also urge all sectors of society to enourage these candidates, campaign teams and volunteers, as we believe they will continue to take root and to work with enthusiasm and motivation for opening up a new politics.
Tonight, we believe all our friends who have looked forward to a thriving Green Party are both happy and disappointed for the candidates who did not win a seat in government. We want to thank our partners who have for a long time not given up and continued to care and support in many ways for Green Party Taiwan. We want to thank again all the leaders and civil society groups from all sectors who have stood up publicly to express their solidarity with the Green Party. Regardless of whether the walls have fallen, Green Party Taiwan will persevere to stand up and face the 2016 electoral challenge, we will work with progressive social values to open up a real third force to move society forward.
Elections are not a war, politics is not winning or losing, after tomorrow please start participating in Green Party Taiwan and continue to watch us closely.
- See more at: http://www.greenparty.org.tw/news/20141130/216…